Compare BAOU Certificate in Naturopathy (CIN) Vs Jhanvi Ayurveda and Yoga Sansthan

Compare BAOU Certificate in Naturopathy (CIN) and Jhanvi Ayurveda and Yoga Sansthan Certificate in Naturopathy course on the basis of their Fees, Placements, Cut Off, Reviews, Seats, Courses and other details. Explore Shiksha for detailed comparison on all course parameters and Download free information on Certificate Admission details, Placement report, Eligibility criteria etc.
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University (BAOU)Certificate in Naturopathy (CIN)
Jhanvi Ayurveda and Yoga SansthanCertificate in Naturopathy
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Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University (BAOU)AhmedabadCertificate in Naturopathy (CIN)
Jhanvi Ayurveda and Yoga SansthanHaridwarCertificate in Naturopathy
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Institute Information
Total Courses (90)
28 Courses
Total Courses (11)
5 Courses
Course Details
6 months
Part Time, Distance/Correspondence
6 months
Part Time, Distance/Correspondence
Course Fees
INR 4,200
(for 6 months)
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INR 2,850
(for 6 months)
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Accreditation and Approval
Infrastructure & Facilities
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      Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University (BAOU)Certificate in Naturopathy (CIN)
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      Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University (BAOU)Certificate in Naturopathy (CIN)
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      Jhanvi Ayurveda and Yoga SansthanCertificate in Naturopathy
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      Jhanvi Ayurveda and Yoga SansthanCertificate in Naturopathy
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