Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design And Technology
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B.Des. in Industrial Arts and Design Practices 

  • Private Institute
  • Estd. 1996

B.Des. in Industrial Arts and Design Practices
Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design And Technology 


4 years

Course Level

UG Degree

Mode of Course

Full Time

Total Tuition Fees

5.61 Lakh

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B.Des. in Industrial Arts and Design Practices
Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design And Technology 

Fee componentsAmount (4 years)
5.61 Lakh
1.00 Lakh
6.61 Lakh
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These are based on information available on various sources. Latest values may differ.

B.Des. in Industrial Arts and Design Practices
Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design And Technology 

ParticularsStatistics (2023)
Median SalaryINR 8.90 Lakh
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B.Des. in Industrial Arts and Design Practices
Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design And Technology 
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Requirements for 12th gradeUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
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  • N/A
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  • N/A
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B.Des. in Industrial Arts and Design Practices
Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design And Technology 
Students Ratings & Reviews

Verified Icon2 Verified ReviewsInfo Icon
Placement Review IconPlacements3
Infrastructure Review IconInfrastructure4
Faculty Review IconFaculty & Course4.5
Crowd Review IconCampus Life4.5
Money Review IconValue for Money4.5
Tanvi RankaVerified Icon
B.Des. in Industrial Arts and Design Practices - Batch of 2017
Offered by Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design And Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education
3Placements4Infrastructure5Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
Review of Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology.
Placements: Srishti Institute doesn't provide placements, but it does teach you to be independent and provide ample opportunities to bag one on your own. Most of the people I know from Srishti are working at good places with a good job profile. Although we do get in touch with companies, who come to our college to hire via mails, anyone interested in a particular company can apply and take it from there.
Infrastructure: It doesn't have one single enclosed campus. It's spread across Yelahanka. We have about 5 campuses. Traveling from one campus to another for courses have been fun and exciting, it somehow helped us integrate into the local society well because we stepped out.
Faculty: The free curriculum and courses at our college helped me to explore various aspects of design. Working with people from various fields helps in developing overall design skills, and you're not limited by the mind or skills to work in a different zone. During our four years at Srishti Institute, because of the free-flowing structure, I was able to explore graphics, animation, textile along with product design. It helps you to switch from one field to another, helping to grow as a designer.
Reviewed on 6 May 2018Read More
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AnonymousVerified Icon
B.Des. in Industrial Arts and Design Practices - Batch of 2024
Offered by Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design And Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education
3Placements4Infrastructure4Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
It was a rollercoaster ride.
Placements: Our college doesn't provide placements and pushes students to find their opportunity areas. Many students got amazing offers and fulfilling experience opportunities in big companies like Bosch to a lot of startups like Vaidyuthi. They go into different sectors of branding, coding, developing, making, and designing.
Infrastructure: We have a lot of labs, especially for product designers with different machinery and equipment to learn and experience different skill sets. They also have other kinds of labs for shooting, printing, modeling, etc. We also have Wi-Fi available throughout the campus to access and a library with relevant books for the courses. We have a lot of different kinds of canteens accessible to all spread throughout the campus in walking distance.
Faculty: The faculty members are very open to interacting and answering your questions, even those who are not part of your class. They don't hesitate to share material and knowledge and provide constructive criticisms. The student has the freedom to build their curriculum based on their major and minor to their liking, which is helpful in building their portfolio for the industry. The exams are based on their major and test their basic skill levels as well as their creative and logical reasoning for designing.
Reviewed on 5 Feb 2024Read More
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B.Des. in Industrial Arts and Design Practices
Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design And Technology 

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B.Des. in Industrial Arts and Design Practices
Srishti Manipal Institute of Art, Design And Technology 
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MAHE Bengaluru Campus, Govindapura
Bangalore ( Karnataka)


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