GATE 2018 Topper Interview Achint Chaudhary AIR 22 Computer Science and Engineering

GATE 2018 Topper Interview Achint Chaudhary AIR 22 Computer Science and Engineering

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Updated on Apr 1, 2018 00:44 IST

Achint Chaudhury

“Proper planning and timely training can help you achieve anything is life” is the funda Achint Chaudhary, who secured an AIR 22 is GATE 2018’s Computer Science and Engineering branch believes in. In his first attempt at GATE, Achint scored 73.67 marks & 929 GATE score. The topper is currently pursuing his final year of BTech (CSE branch) from Hindustan College of Science & Technology, Mathura.

In an interview with Shiksha, Achint Chaudhary shares his success story, prep tips with future GATE aspirants and more. Read the full interview below.

Q. Congratulations. So, how do feel securing AIR 22 in GATE? Were you expecting to be one of the toppers?


It is a great moment now & the feeling is noncomparable. I am enjoying my time with my friends & juniors. Yes, I was expecting to be in top 30s or 50s.

Q. Is this your first attempt?


Yes, it is my 1st attempt.

Q. Did you take coaching classes? If yes, from where and how did it help?


My entire preparation is the result of self-study, no coaching material was used.

Q. Is it necessary to take coaching classes or is self-study enough?


Self-study for such a PG level competition exam is more than enough, if you are clear with your concepts, OR have time to cope up with entire syllabus.

Q. How long have you been preparing for the exam? Share your prep strategy?


I started preparing for GATE after end of my 2nd year, so preparation was of around 18 months, which is neither continuous nor much rigorous.

I have prepared for GATE by going through standard reference books for each subject and by making short notes & applying the concepts immediately after learning them to previous years question to check what I have actually learned. On average around 4~6 hours of learning part & 3~4 hours of problem solving part.

As time is very crucial resource while preparing for any competitive examination, not only for GATE, one has to be very careful about utilising it.

As a student I feel we are not very good at following strict time schedules, so be dynamic, have a 5 to 10 minute slot for scheduling your time on constraints which can change in everyone’s life almost daily.

There is no specific strategy, just few key points for:

  1. If you cannot study just one subject whole day, then continue with 2 to 4 subjects depending upon your capability. When you get more out of any of them for a day, switch to other to utilise time in studies instead of doing time pass.
  2. Immediately test your learned knowledge on topic wise GATE previous questions, which will show what you have missed out & learned unnecessarily (i.e., theory or very deep aspects of subjects).
  3. Make a habit of practising with virtual calculator (apps are there on Play Store).
  4. Get used to NAT (Numerical Answer Type) questions, which are being added more in place of Objective questions, which will leave you in a condition of NO GUESS, as answer is not written as options in front of you.
  5. Try to maintain a healthy level of stress, which will help you learn faster. Have your aim very clear every time, but don’t get depressed too.
  6. Learn in Silence, Practise in Disturbance (if both are in your environment), else silent surroundings are best friend of study.

Q. What was your strengths and weaknesses in the prep phase?


This is the question I was most prepared for.

Based on my personal experience in GATE, I am good in DS, Automata & Algorithms but completed my Computer networks, DBMS & Computer architecture in last 3 months. But I stayed confident on everything on exam day, hence I have done almost all questions on CN & DBMS correct, but did silly mistakes of 3 questions each from DS, Automata & Algorithms (hell of 6.33 marks!!)

Actually, it is a problem, that most of people do categorize there subjects into these 2 categories which can create problem in two scenarios

  1. Tough/Lengthy question was asked from your strong subjects
  2. Weak/Short question was asked from your weak subjects

Type 1 will consume more time & prone to error due to nature of question, same was with Type 2 but error arises due to lack of your confidence

So, if you have prepared timely for all subjects (or even bit weak in few), don’t let that thought be in your mind. Stay confident on everything.

Q. According to you, which section should students attempt first in the exam?


If you are confident on every topic, as explained in above answer. FCFS (First Come First Serve) is best strategy to solve question paper according to me. Because we don’t waste time looking for our favourite questions in shuffled 65 questions.

Obviously, what seems to be time consuming or tricking can be left & done in second pass over questions.

Q. Share some important topics for future GATE aspirants


Focus more on mathematics & sections from subjects having more weightage based upon averaging from last 10 years questions. Also make sure you prepare well for subjects having high deviation (i.e, Computer Organisation).

Q. What is the importance of mock tests and previous year question papers?


Mock tests provide you with then feeling of what you are going to face on exam day & time management. But according to make for practise purpose previous papers of 25 years are more than enough.

Q. What was your study plan like? Suggest important books and topics too?


My study plan was very flexible & relaxed as I was preparing from long time, I am not very sincere towards regular studies. I have mentioned important books in answer to next question. There is not rigid set of important topics to be covered for GATE, while practising previous questions, you’ll find some topics that are frequently asked & you are not good at those. So, for you those topics will become important, what you are able to remember & solve easily must not be taken too much care during revision.

Some important books:

  • ·          Basics of Maths (mainly Calculus) from NCERT books of class 11th & 12th
  • Aptitude by “R.S.Agarwal”
  • Handbook of CS/IT & GATE Previous Years solved papers by MADE-EASY
  • Linear Algebra (& its applications) by “Gilbert Strang”
  • Probability (First Course) by “Sheldon Ross”
  • Discrete Mathematics by “Kenneth Rosen”
  • Digital Design by “Morris Mano”
  • Operating Systems by “Galvin”
  • Automata Theory by “Ullman & Motwani”
  • Data Structures & Algorithms by “Cormen”(popular as CLRS also)
  • Database Management Systems by “Navathe”
  • Computer architecture by “Morris Mano” & “Hennessy & Patterson”
  • Compiler Design by “ALSU” (popular as Dragon Book)
  • Computer Networks by “A.Tenenbaum” OR “Kurose & Ross”

Q. What is the difference between your UG exams and GATE 2018?


University exams are much theoretical, based almost on “more you write, more you get”. This makes those students unable to crack GATE well, who are used to of UG exams.

GATE on other side is very conceptual, even NAT (Numerical answer type) are now added more.

Q. What do you plan to do next?


From very start of my preparation, I have aimed to crack direct admission into IISc, Bangalore for MTech in CSA Department, which seems like a dream come true now.

I have applied to PSUs like BARC, IOCL & ONGC. After my call letter for interview, I will attend all interviews, but just for experience purpose, which could be helpful for me & others in future.

Q. When did you decide to take GATE? And why GATE?


I come from a Tier-3 college and you cannot expect a very good placement there. Also, I am very clear that my appetite for knowledge is much strong, which can be utilised in more better way if I continue my education upto doctorate level & then serving my nation on various aspects.

GATE is the only key to pursue higher education after UG level of engineering degree, also if I want to get a better placement from any PSU, I was in need to clear it.

Q. Any tips for students taking the exam next year?


Actually, I have mentioned almost everything above, but at last there are 2 things that may keep you up.

  1. People spoke about leaving distractions like social networking, but I think they are part of relaxing mind, but up to a proper limit. Always make your goal very clear in each moment after you started preparing.
  2. Be honest to yourself & almighty, results will be good than what you expect then.

Q. Tell us something about yourself, your hobbies and your family.


My hobbies are listening to music, singing & reading books other than course too (motivational & spiritual)

My past is of a nuclear family, but unfortunately both my parents passed from cancer. My mother passed away when I started my 2nd semester & father in mid of 5th semester. Both of these were one of the biggest shocks of my lifes.

During this phase of life my friends & juniors provided a continuous support.

I have managed to hold myself onto my track in order to fulfil the dreams of my parents. Right now, I have one younger brother, who is preparing for JEE.

IIT Guwahati declared GATE 2018 results on April 16, a day before the scheduled date. The score cards of GATE 2018 are now available for download from March 20 to May 31. The exam was held on February 03 - 04 & February 10 - 11, 2018. Check GATE 2018 important dates here.

GATE 2018 final answer keys were released recently.  Along with results, GATE 2018 cut-offs too have been announced.

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This is a collection of news and articles on various topics ranging from course selection to college selection tips, exam preparation strategy to course comparison and more. The topics are from various streams inclu... Read Full Bio