The petitioner moved to court after noticing that she was awarded 18 marks on CBSE Class 10 internal exam despite scoring a perfect 20 in the exam. Read further to know what the Delhi High Court has stated in its order.
CBSE Board Exam 2024: Schools not allowed to make any change in internal assessment marks of any students after uploading it once, asserted the Delhi High Court. The order came against a plea filed by a students seeking a correction in her CBSE Class 10 internal assessment marks on the Board’s portal. The HC clearly said that asking the Board to make corrections after schools commit error while uploading marks would create “utter chaos”.
Latest Update: CBSE Practical Exam 2024 Marks once uploaded can't be Changed, Board Warns Schools
Calling the Court “powerless”, Justice C Hari Shankar said that the circulars released by the Board regarding upload of internal assessment marks clearly and categorically not allows any such change in the internal assessment marks as once uploaded, they have to be treated as final for preparing the results. "Once a school uploads the internal assessment marks of a student on the website of the CBSE, it cannot seek any correction in that regard, even if there was an error while uploading the marks," the court said in a recent order.
"This is one of those unfortunate cases in which the court regrets that it has to rule from the head and not from the heart," it added.
The petitioner, a student in a CBSE-affiliated school in Oman, filed a plea in the court after noticing that in spite of securing a perfect 20 out of 20 in a paper in the internal assessment, her final Class-10 results, as announced by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), showed that she was awarded only 18 marks.
The petitioner contended that there was no dispute about the fact that she was awarded 20 marks and she should not be made to suffer on account of the school's mistake. The court said the restriction on subsequent corrections is in public interest and the schools are advised to be careful while uploading the marks. "The proscription, in my considered opinion, is eminently in public interest.
"The CBSE would also not be in a position to blindly accept such requests, and would, if this practice were to be allowed, have to conduct independent verifications in each such case to ascertain the actual marks which the candidate had been awarded.... It would be debatable as to whether the CBSE would ever, in that case, be in a position to announce the final results of all students," he added. The court observed that circulars issued by the CBSE were not under challenge in the matter and therefore, there was no "sustainable grievance" in the petition.
CBSE Practical Exam 2024 SOPs
The Board commenced CBSE Class 10, 12 practical exam 2024 from January 1. In the practical exam instruction notification, the Board clearly stated, “The marks in the practical examinations must be awarded only from the correct maximum marks in the practical component of the subject as mentioned in the circular of bifurcation of marks issued vide circular number CBSE/Coord/ Marks distribution /E-5822412023 dated 30.10.2023”
It further added, “The students should appear in the practical examinations as per schedule as no second chance to appear in the practical exams will be provided by the Board.”
“The marks in respect of all Practical Examinations/Project/Internal Assessments shall be uploaded every day i.e on the date of assessment. While uploading the marks, the school, the internal examiner and the external examiner should ensure that correct marks are uploaded. Check maximum marks assigned to practical/project/internal assessment and then award and upload the marks. No change in marks is allowed after finalisation and completion of process, so proper attention of both the examiners is required to ensure correctness of uploaded marks,” the notice further stated.
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