The decision was announced amid heavy rainfall and flood warnings across Mumbai, Thane, Palghar, Raigad, Ratnagiri, and Sindhudurg districts. The local authorities have taken the decision in light of the India Meteorological Department (IMD) warnings of heavy to very heavy rainfall.
Maharashtra Schools Closed: Amid the ongoing heavy rainfall, the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) and the State Disaster Management Authority have announced holiday for schools in Mumbai and several districts for today. The BMC has declared a holiday for all primary, secondary, and higher secondary schools, from nursery to Class 12 in the Mumbai metropolis. The local administration has taken this step to ensure the safety of students, teachers, and staff members.
The decision was announced amid heavy rainfall and flood warnings across Mumbai, Thane, Palghar, Raigad, Ratnagiri, and Sindhudurg districts. The local authorities have taken the decision in light of the India Meteorological Department (IMD) warnings of heavy to very heavy rainfall.
As an orange alert has been issued by the IMD for Raigad district, Yogesh Mhase, the collector of Raigad District, announced the closure of all schools and colleges in the district. A social media post says, “Raigad District Collector Yogesh Mhase announces that all schools and colleges in the district will remain closed tomorrow in the wake of heavy rain here. IMD has issued an Orange alert for Raigad."
Another social media said, “Maharashtra | The State Disaster Management Authority declares a holiday for schools in Mumbai, Thane, Palghar, Raigad, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts on July 20 due to heavy to very heavy rain predictions."
The authorities are closely monitoring the situation and have urged residents in the affected areas to take necessary precautions to ensure their safety. Considering the warning, IMD alerts, and heavy rain predictions, people are advised to stay indoors to avoid going to flooded or waterlogged areas.
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