Rajasthan Minister for Higher Education Bhanwar Singh Bhati has said that soon the direction will be given for 25% reservation of seats for the Rajasthan domicile students in admission to NLU, Jodhpur.
On Wednesday, Rajasthan Minister for Higher Education Bhanwar Singh Bhati assured the Assembly that the direction will be given for 25% reservation for domicile students in admission to NLU (National Law University), Jodhpur.
Seats will be reserved in both undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) courses. The Vice-Chancellor of NLU, Jodhpur, Poonam Pradhan Saxena has agreed to this by sending a letter to the state government on September 13 itself, as reported by granthshala.
Bhati said that a letter has been received from the Vice-Chancellor of NLU Jodhpur, based on the letter, it will be directed that the reservation system will be implemented.
The independent MLA Sanyam Lodha had also said earlier that NLU Jodhpur is on the 5th ranking and the state quota is applicable in four higher-ranked NLUs. Bhati had said on this that the required amendments to the 25% quota in NLU, Jodhpur for domicile students need to be done through the university. From the next session, it has been agreed to provide reservation of 25% seats to the Rajasthan's students and NLU, Jodhpur has also confirmed to the state government that it is committed to providing the 25% state quota.
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