New Delhi, Updated on Sep 11, 2018 11:28 IST

The NDA NA II 2018 examination has now concluded successfully. The exam was conducted by Union Public Service commission for recruitment of candidates into the India Army, Navy and Airforce.  

As many as 13,000 candidates appeared in the National Defense Academy (NDA) examination organised by the UPSC at 36 centres across Chandigarh. The UT was the only centre for candidates hailing from Punjab and Haryana.

The written examination was conducted in two slots. While paper-I comprised a total of 120 mathematics question, paper-II had 150 general science and arithmetic questions, including 50 questions from the English language.

Some of the NDA NA II 2018 exam aspirants shared their reaction with Shiksha. According to them, the paper-I for mathematics was nearly extensive this time. Many of them could only attempt 75 to 50 questions. On the other hand, paper-II was moderately easy as compared to paper I. Candidates were confident enough to score more than 400 marks in the written examination.

An aspirant from Sainik School shared that the arithmetic and general science paper went fairly well. However, mathematics paper was lengthy and tricky. The English and social science paper was somewhat knotty. Overall, the candidate was confident enough to score 350 marks in the written examination.

As per media reports, a change was observed in NDA NA II 2018 question paper. The question papers for Physics, Geography and Social science were in similar pattern with multiple fundamental questions asked in UPSC exams.

A number of questions were reportedly repeated. 21 out of 53 repeated question in general science, 12 straight forward questions in Geography and a moderate English language paper made NDA - II 2018 examination moderately easy to crack as compared to previous years’. This eventually is an advantage for candidates hailing form science background having an edge over non-science candidates.  

Stay tuned to Shiksha for latest updates on NDA NA II 2018 examination. Also take a look at NDA NA II 2018 important dates calendar.

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This is a collection of news and articles on various topics ranging from course selection to college selection tips, exam preparation strategy to course comparison and more. The topics are from various streams inclu... Read Full Bio




ishfaq Ahmad

5 years ago

Cut off kya ho ga.nda ka

Reply to ishfaq Ahmad



5 years ago

What is the mark of one correct answer


Sandeep Singh

5 years ago

Sir inform me when NDA/NA form come At no. -9468191908

Reply to Sandeep Singh

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