SPPU students demand online exams; Justice For Pune University Students storms Twitter

SPPU students demand online exams; Justice For Pune University Students storms Twitter

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Anum Ansari
Assistant Manager – Content
New Delhi, Updated on Apr 23, 2022 11:19 IST

Demanding online exams in SPPU, students are saying that SPPU has conducted classes online for a larger part of the semesters, then exams must also be held online.

SPPU Students Demand Online Exams

#JusticeForPuneUniversityStudents: Savitribai Phule Pune University, SPPU Online exams are the latest demands coming from students of Pune University affiliated colleges. With Nagpur University’s decision to conduct online exams, SPPU students are now trending #JusticeForPuneUniversityStudents on Twitter demanding examinations via online mode.

SPPU students storm Twitter with #JusticeForPuneUniversityStudents

To make their demands heard by higher authorities, SPPU students are using the hashtag #JusticeForPuneUniversityStudents. Arguing on Twitter, Pune University students are saying that online classes are a big reason for asking for online exams.

Online Classes, Offline Exams illogical: SPPU Students

Demanding online exams in SPPU, students are saying that SPPU has conducted classes online for a larger part of the semesters, then exams must also be held online. Stating that transition to offline classes is rather new after a long gap, students don't want Pune University to be hasty in their decision of having offline exams.

A tweet demanding online exams in SPPU states, "If the maximum teachings and syllabus is covered online then exams must be conducted online. Winter exams are conducted in Feb and March how is it even possible to conduct 2-semester exams within a span of 3 months? #JusticeForPuneUniversityStudents @samant_uday #sppu"

Another Twitter user wrote, "If Nagpur & many other universities can conduct exams Online, then why is DU compelling students to appear offline. They deserve equal treatment. Why different mode of exam for different universities in same country? Give justice! #JusticeForPuneUniversityStudents.”

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Many SPPU students have also urged Maharashtra Minister of Higher and Technical Education Uday Samant to demand online exams. Students have asked the minister to intervene in this so that SPPU can hold online exams for students. As of now, no official statement has been released by SPPU regarding the conduct of exams.

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Anum Ansari
Assistant Manager – Content

"Writing is not about accurate grammar, it's about the honest thoughts you put in it". Having a versatile writing style, Anum loves to express her views and opinion on different topics such as education, entertainme... Read Full Bio