Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin introduced a mid-day meal scheme for primary classes of more than 1500 government schools at a cost of INR 33.56 crore.
Tamil Nadu government led by Chief Minister MK Stalin has rolled out the statewide mid-day meal scheme ‘Chief Minister's Breakfast Scheme’ for government school students from classes 1 to 5.
“Dear students, we will provide breakfast and lunch. So you don’t worry about anything. You study and study more. Don’t drop out of education for any reason. I will not let that happen. You should study and make our society more intelligent. You must advance in all fields of study. Our Tamil community will progress only if you progress”, said Stalin, as reported by Hindustan Times.
The scheme will be implemented in more than 1,500 government-run schools across the state from Monday to Friday at a cost of INR 33.56 crore.
Under the mid-day meal scheme, the students will be served different varieties of upma, kichadi, pongal, and on Fridays, rava kesari or semiya kesari will be provided. The scheme was part of the five major announcements made by the chief minister after the ruling DMK government’s one year in office on May 7 this year.
“We have set up a system where the children will first eat and only then will go to the classrooms,” Stalin said.
Stalin launched the scheme on the birth anniversary of CN Annadurai, founder of the DMK and the party’s first chief minister. He said he was taking forward the ideals of his predecessors and Dravidian stalwarts that poverty and caste shouldn’t stop a child from receiving an education.
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