During the Question Hour at Lok Sabha, Narayanaswamy said that under these two schemes, scholarships are provided to SC students having parental income less than INR 2 lakh or 2.5 lakh per annum.
The Central government introduced two schemes for students belonging to the Schedule Caste category. The Union Minister of State announced these scholarships for Social Justice and Empowerment, A Narayanaswamy said in Lok Sabha on Tuesday, March 22, 2022. Two major scholarships will be provided to SC students – The pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme and Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme (PMS-SC).
Informing about the family income criteria for the two schemes, Narayanaswamy stated in the Question Hour at Lok Sabha today that under these two schemes, scholarships are provided to SC students having parental income less than INR 2 lakh or 2.5 lakh per annum.
Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC Students
Under the Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme, SC students studying in Class 9 and 10 get scholarships. Students whose annual parental income is less than INR 2 lakhs per annum or does not exceed INR 2.5 lakhs per annum are eligible to avail of this scheme. The aim of this scheme is to prevent students from dropping out of school after Grade 8 and help them complete their education in Classes 9 and 10.
Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC Students
The Centrally sponsored Post Matric Scholarship scheme aims at providing financial assistance to SC students studying at post matriculation, Classes 11 and 12. The scheme’s objective is to help students complete their education. SC Students whose family income is less than INR 2.5 Lakhs per annum are eligible to apply for the scheme.
The Union Minister of Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MOSJE) also added that the Post Matric scheme provides compulsory non-refundable fees, including the tuition fee of the course and academic allowance to students studying at the post-matric stage, that is Class 11 and onwards.
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