RRB NTPC, Group D 2020 exams to be held from Dec 15, says Railway Board Chairman

RRB NTPC, Group D 2020 exams to be held from Dec 15, says Railway Board Chairman

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Anangsha Patra
Deputy Manager – Editorial
New Delhi, Updated on Sep 5, 2020 19:38 IST

RRB NTPC and RRB Group D exams will be conducted from December 15 onwards. The complete schedule of the exam will be announced soon.


Saturday has said that RRB NTPC and RRB Group D exams will be conducted from December 15 onwards. “Indian Railways had notified three types of vacancies. These were 35,208 for NTPC (Non Technical popular categories like guards, office clerks, commercial clerks etc), 1663 for Isolated & Ministerial categories (Steno & Teaches etc) and 103769 for Level 1 vacancies (track maintainers, pointsman etc). In all RRBs had notified a total of 1.40 lakh such vacancies for NTPC categories, Level-1 Posts and isolated and miscellaneous categories.” VK Yadav said.

He further added, “Against the above vacancies, RRBs had received more than 2.40 crore applications. The Computer Based Test (CBT) for above vacancies had to be deferred due to Covid-19 pandemic and resultant lockdown which was imposed throughout the country. Railway now proposes to commence 1st stage online computer based tests from December 15, 2020 and necessary action has been initiated in this regard.” Also Read: RRB Group D exam dates and RRB NTPC exam dates.

He further added, “Scrutiny of the applications for RRB NTPC and RRB Group D had been completed but the process of further examination had got delayed due to Covid related restrictions. RRBs of Railways is committed to hold the CBT for all the notified vacancies and have been actively assessing the ground situation imposed due to pandemic. Now that experience of conduct examination for the JEE for IITs and NEET is there, it was felt that Railways too can start the process which had to be stopped due to Covid pandemic.”

“SOPs for conduct of examination of this magnitude is being framed. Norms of social distancing and other protocols prescribed by the various Central and State authorities need to be followed which are essential in the interest of safety of candidates,” the chairman further added.

Piyush Goyal’s Tweet on the announcement of exam dates

Piyush Goyal's Tweet

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About the Author
Anangsha Patra
Deputy Manager – Editorial

A mass communication and journalism post-graduate, Anangsha has worked as a reporter and sub-editor and enjoys working in the education domain.




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