Azim Premji University
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Azim Premji University
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Azim Premji University
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Azim Premji University
Students Ratings & Reviews

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B.A.(Hons.) in History - Batch of 2027
4Placements5Infrastructure5Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
The best college in Bhopal.
Placements: The minimum placement is about 30,000 and it depends on your GPA and your experience in your work. If you have some experience in particular things like sports, you will get an internship in sports. Also, this university works with many NGOs for awareness. You can get an internship in one of them.
Infrastructure: The hostel is small but good. There are 6 beds in one room with 2 sections everywhere there is Wi-Fi also. The campus is new, so the library is also small, and there are sufficient classes for both UG and PG students. Slightly, the playground is not there, but we can manage .
Faculty: All facilities are very good if we call them by mam or sir. They say don't call me mam or sir, call by name. And also, the course you are taking is well structured. If beginners want to study, they can study easily. You have to submit your exams through the online portal. There is a grading system, so you need at least 40% for a pass and an E grade for a pass.
Other: The course I have taken is History, and it mostly talks about sources. If something happened in the past, what sources do we have that can prove how it happened? Also, I got a full scholarship, including a food scholarship. This scholarship is based on my family’s income .
Reviewed on 15 Nov 2024Read More
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Azim Premji University
Contact Information


Kanhasaiya, Bhopal Vidisha Bypass Road,
Bhopal ( Madhya Pradesh)

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