A one-time grant of Rs 10 lakh per department, recurring grant of Rs 3 lakh per department per year for a period of three years is given to the colleges under the scheme. Colleges also receive grants for purchasing equipment, for monitoring and mentoring, and under contingency head.
Star College Scheme 2021-22: The Department of Biotechnology, under the Ministry of Science and Technology extended the deadline for submission of applications for the Star College Scheme 2021-22. Colleges offering Science education at the undergraduate level can apply for the scheme up to June 15. According to the reports, the scheme aims at improving practical training in Science courses such as Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Microbiology, Physics, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics, Mathematics, Electronics, Computer Science, etc. It is a pan India scheme that “envisages a Star College in every district of the country”.
A one-time grant of Rs 10 lakh per department, recurring grant of Rs 3 lakh per department per year for a period of three years is given to the colleges under the scheme. Colleges also receive grants for purchasing equipment, for monitoring and mentoring, and under contingency head.
More than a total of 200 undergraduate colleges across the country have received benefits from the department, under this scheme. “Apart from financial support, colleges benefit tremendously from guidance received in Advisory Committee Meetings, mentoring, Task Force Meetings and learning from peers in other colleges,” an official statement said.
“Applications can be submitted through the Epromis Portal and duly signed and stamped hardcopy versions of the proposal must be submitted to the department,” the statement adds. Regional requirements, women's colleges, autonomous colleges, etc. will be considered during the process of selection, the DBT said.
“Applications will be screened by a task force and site visits, if required, will be undertaken to arrive at a final decision,” it added.
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