In an exclusive interview, Tamil Nadu SSLC Topper Priyadarshini. P shared her TN SSLC result 2023 preparation strategy, routine, career goals, tips for aspirants and more.
Tamil Nadu SSLC Topper Priyadarshini. P secured 488 marks out of 500 in Tamil Nadu 10th Exams 2023. With an aim to pursue a career in the Medical field, Pridarshini told that her father is a daily wage earner and her mother works as a housemaid. In an exclusive interview, she shared her TN SSLC result 2023 preparation strategy, routine, career goals, tips for aspirants and more.
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The Directorate of Government Examination (DGE) TN released the TN 10th Result 2023 today, May 19, 2023, on the official website, i.e. Check out some interesting excerpts from the interview below:
TN 10th Topper Marksheet
Q: Congratulations on your result! How was your reaction after seeing the results? Did you score what you expected?
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A: Thank you so much! I did not expect this result. I am really happy for the success. My aim was to score only 450, whatever else I got came as a surprise to me. My teachers and My parents motivated me a lot. I am elated with this success.
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Q: Please tell us something about your family background.
A: My family lives in a Small town in Chennai, My father is a Daily wager and my mother goes for house maid works in nearby homes and I have two little sisters also studying in the same school, Since both of my parents are working, I was put up in a situation to take care of them after in every evening where I can’t concentrate on my studies, and Thanks to the School for arranging Extra Classes that helped me a lot in showering today’s Success. I utilized all the precious time in the school for my preparation and it helped.
Q: Please tell about the stream that you are targeting
A: I am targeting the medical stream. Biology and Mathematics are going to be my subjects.
Q: What was your strategy to score above 95%?
A: I practiced varied types of question papers, and read in depth. I used internet to browse and gain information that is more detailed. Revision is the key. I also made notes that helped in revising at the last minute.
Q: Did you take any online or offline coaching?
A: No, I did not take any coaching. Classroom teaching was enough. Along with that, I also concentrated on self-study
Q: Who encouraged you the most in this journey?
A: My Mother is my biggest inspiration. She made sure that I get time to study. She always encouraged me to study and score well. It is her who made me feel to be educated and become financially independent!
Q: What was your routine during TN 10th board exam preparation?
A: To prepare for board exams, I used to wake up early and study with a fresh mind. This helped me to study well in calm environment. I also made a routine and followed it religiously. Extra classes at school also helped me resolve queries and prepare well.
Q: What are your future plans? Which career path are you aiming?
A: I want to become a Professor in a reputed college.
Q: What is your favorite subject?
A: All subjects are favorite. There is no special preference.
Q: Are you planning to begin preparing for any entrance exam?
A: Currently No.
Q: What is your dream college/institute?
A: Any reputed Government College would do. I just want to gain knowledge and make a career for myself.
Q: What are your future goals?
A: To strive hard to reach my passion!
Q: Please share some tips for students prepping up to appear in Tamil Nadu SSLC Exams 2024
A: Marks are just a number, only your Hard work will give you better results. Prepare a list of your sim and goals and work hard toward achieving them. Believe in yourself and trust the process.
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One can check the Tamil Nadu SSLC 10th result by visiting the "" website.Government will release the 10th results in this website. One has to visit site and enter registration number and date of birth then result is displayed to us. Once result is shown to us we can take the printou
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