Gandikota Business School (GBS, Hyderabad)
Gandikota Business School (GBS, Hyderabad) Logo

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA/BBM) 

  • Private Institute
  • Estd. 2002

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA/BBM)
Gandikota Business School (GBS, Hyderabad) 


3 years

Course Level

UG Degree

Mode of Course

Full Time

Type of University


Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA/BBM)
Gandikota Business School (GBS, Hyderabad) 

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Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA/BBM)
Gandikota Business School (GBS, Hyderabad) 
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CBSE 12thUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
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  • N/A
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Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA/BBM)
Gandikota Business School (GBS, Hyderabad) 
Students Ratings & Reviews

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Prashanth Dabiru Verified Icon
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA/BBM) - Batch of 2019
Offered by Gandikota Business School (GBS, Hyderabad)
3Placements3Infrastructure3Faculty3Crowd & Campus Life3Value for Money
Overall, it is a good college, but it lacks on the sustainability of the faculty members.
Placements: Our college provides campus placements depending on the demand of the students. It is better to take care of your placement than depending on your college. Students have to demand the appropriate placement drive to provide placements. Pool campus placements were also available for students.
Infrastructure: Our college does not provide Wi-Fi facility and labs. The library is also not available. I do not stay at the hostel, so I have no idea about it. Medical facilities were available. Students had to take care of sports here. Our college has a simple building with 3 floors and 10 classrooms.
Faculty: Teachers in our college were always helpful. They were qualified and knowledgeable, except a few. Their teaching quality is good, and it depends on the student's interest. The course curriculum is relevant. The course curriculum makes students industry- ready, but it depends on one's personal interest.
Other: I have chosen this course because I wanted to do something new and not engineering. The best thing about the course is it shows how the world is revolving and how the market is changing accordingly.
Reviewed on 24 Apr 2020Read More
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Shekar PrabhaVerified Icon
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA/BBM) - Batch of 2018
Offered by Gandikota Business School (GBS, Hyderabad)
1Placements1Infrastructure1Faculty1Crowd & Campus Life1Value for Money
Overall the college is below average.
Placements: Actually, I discontinued after first year. Most of the students change tier college after the completion of first year. Internships are provided but at against very low cost. Industrial visits are there. Coming to placements very poor only one or two gets placed among the whole batch.
Infrastructure: No proper campus is there it's like a institute We don't have any Wi-Fi facilities, classrooms are up-to the mark, we don't have any library, there will be a freshers party. The quality of faculty is very poor does't have proper classes. Washrooms are very congested. College does't have any hostel. Hostels will be there nearby.
Faculty: As it is affiliated to nagarjuna university, the course curriculum is not that difficult. But management and BS has complicated the subjects. most of the students have the backlog. The faculty experience is very poor. the way of teaching is not good. And schedule is not proper. classes are not on time.
Other: No scholarships are provided by the college. Freshers party will be there which will be conducted at resorts.
Reviewed on 5 Mar 2018Read More
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Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA/BBM)
Gandikota Business School (GBS, Hyderabad) 

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Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA/BBM)
Gandikota Business School (GBS, Hyderabad) 
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