Indian Institute of Psychology and Research
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B.A. (Psychology, Commerce, Marketing) 

  • Estd. 2004

B.A. (Psychology, Commerce, Marketing)
Indian Institute of Psychology and Research 


3 years

Course Level

UG Degree

Mode of Course

Full Time

Total Tuition Fees

1.20 Lakh

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B.A. (Psychology, Commerce, Marketing)
Indian Institute of Psychology and Research 

Fee componentsAmount (3 years)
1.20 Lakh
1.20 Lakh
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These are based on information available on various sources. Latest values may differ.

B.A. (Psychology, Commerce, Marketing)
Indian Institute of Psychology and Research 
Entry Requirements

Karnataka 2nd PUCUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
CBSE 12thUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
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B.A. (Psychology, Commerce, Marketing)
Indian Institute of Psychology and Research 
Students Ratings & Reviews

Verified Icon2 Verified ReviewsInfo Icon
Placement Review IconPlacements2.5
Infrastructure Review IconInfrastructure2
Faculty Review IconFaculty & Course5
Crowd Review IconCampus Life3.5
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B.A. (Psychology, Commerce, Marketing) - Batch of 2024
Offered by Indian Institute of Psychology and Research
4Placements3Infrastructure5Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
The college at the heart of the city!
Placements: The placements here are great and they have an 80-85% success rate when it comes to placements. The college focuses on the psychology subject more; the placements here are likewise. I personally would give it a 4. I would say it's a wise place for anyone who is looking for good placements.
Infrastructure: The infrastructure of the college is great, but it has just one block which includes the counselling room and the library, and another block that includes an auditorium that can accommodate a maximum of 500 students at a time. They have a basketball court and a volleyball court with a small ground and a canteen (cafe model) within the premises.
Faculty: The faculty here is really great; they have amazing company with the students. The lecturers are always approachable and are always kind and good to ask for help regarding anything. Since it's a psychology-based college, the lecturers have a positive mindset towards students.
Other: Even though the crowd is very small compared to other colleges in Bangalore, I personally feel we can get connected to everyone very easily, and there isn't quite a thing that can skewer our college ambience or vibe. The campus life is very great, and we can honestly tell you will miss a lot later.
Reviewed on 20 Jul 2024Read More
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B.A. (Psychology, Commerce, Marketing) - Batch of 2021
Offered by Indian Institute of Psychology and Research
1Placements1Infrastructure5Faculty2Crowd & Campus Life3Value for Money
Teaching quality is amazing.
Placements: There are around 50 students in our course. There are no on-campus placements for undergraduate courses, and companies also don't visit here. The college did not provide us with any internship, so we have to search for it on our own. There was no compulsion for it. In our course in future, we can do the job of a psychologist, or get into the marketing department.
Infrastructure: Infrastructure is not that great, and it is just a building of 5 floors. The building has Wi-Fi, and the top floor has a library with laptops. Classrooms are spacious. This college does not have any hostel, so you have to arrange it on your own. For sports, there are basketball and throwball.
Faculty: Teachers are amazing and very understanding, and they help a lot with studies, doubts and everything. Teaching quality is great, and they explain in detail and make it easy to comprehend. There are 3 hours of psychology practicals every week. The course curriculum is very specific and easy to understand.
Other: I have chosen this course because I like psychology and commerce. I think the course is perfect, and the topics we study and everything is relatable.
Reviewed on 13 Dec 2020Read More
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B.A. (Psychology, Commerce, Marketing)
Indian Institute of Psychology and Research 

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Answered 6 years ago

Following is the link for the eligibility criteria for UG and PG program in psychology. Just go through it and apply for the best.


Nikhil Devadiga

Contributor-Level 8

B.A. (Psychology, Commerce, Marketing)
Indian Institute of Psychology and Research 
Contact Information


St. Anthony's Friary #85,
Near Madiwala Check Post

Bangalore ( Karnataka)

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