Late Dadasaheb Patil College of Agriculture
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Late Dadasaheb Patil College of Agriculture Fees 2024

Late Dadasaheb Patil College of Agriculture
Fees Overview

CourseTotal tuition fees
B.Sc.  (1 Courses)
₹ 3.04 L
Info Icon The fees is for the entire duration of the respective courses.

Late Dadasaheb Patil College of Agriculture
B.Sc. fee details 2025

Fee componentsAmount (for 4 years)
₹ 3.04 L
₹ 53.5 K
₹ 2 K
₹ 3.6 L
Info Icon

These are estimated fees information. Actual values may differ.

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Late Dadasaheb Patil College of Agriculture

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Answered a year ago

Late Dadasaheb Patil College of Agriculture has below criteria for taking admissions to it's various courses:
M.Sc.Candidates completed B.Sc. (Agri.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture/ B.Sc. (Hort.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Horticulture/ B.Sc. (Forestry)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry/ B.Sc. (Agri. BioTech.)/ B.Tech. (Biotechnology)/B.B.M. (Agri.)/ B.Sc. (A.B.M.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Agri. Business Management/ B.B.A. (Agri.)/ B.Tech. (Agril. Engg.)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) HomeScience/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Community Science*/ B.Sc. (Animal Husbandry)/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Sericulture or equivalent degree of 4 years duration from any recognised agriculture related University are eligible to apply. Candidates from B.Tech. (Agri. Engg.) are eligible for admission in "Agril. Meteorology" subject ; B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science/ B.Sc. (Hons.) Community Science are eligible for admission in "Agricultural Extension and Communication" subject; and B.Sc. (Animal Husbandry) are eligible for admission in "Animal Husbandry" subject ; only with CET-Subject: Agriculture. Candidates graduated from Other State must have degree from ICAR accredited Agriculture University.


Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Answered a year ago

Late Dadasaheb Patil College of Agriculture offers a PG Degree course in Science. The course is available in Full Time mode. Late Dadasaheb Patil College of Agriculture has specializations such as M.Sc. specializations in Agriculture.


Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Answered a year ago

Courses offered by Late Dadasaheb Patil College of Agriculture are M.Sc. These courses are in the stream of Science. Late Dadasaheb Patil College of Agriculture offers specializations such as M.Sc. specializations in Agriculture.


Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Late Dadasaheb Patil College of Agriculture
Contact Information


Late Dadasaheb Patil College of Agriculture, Dahegaon, Tal.Vaijapur
Aurangabad ( Maharashtra)