M.Sc. in Mathematics
M.Sc. in Mathematics at Osmania University PG College, Narsapur Overview
Duration | 2 years |
Course Level | PG Degree |
Mode of Course | Full Time |
Total Tuition Fees | ₹42,580 |
Seat breakup | 40 |
M.Sc. in Mathematics at Osmania University PG College, Narsapur Fees
Fee components | Amount (2 years) |
Tuition fee is calculated on the basis of 1st year. Actual amount may vary.
The fees might include components other than tuition fees.
Mentioned fees is as per Telangana State Council of Higher Educat Tuition fee is calculated on the basis of 1st year. Actual amount may vary.
The fees might include components other than tuition fees.
Mentioned fees is as per Telangana State Council of Higher Education, CPGET. | ₹ 42,580 |
₹ 42,580 |
These are based on information available on various sources. Latest values may differ.
M.Sc. in Mathematics at Osmania University PG College, Narsapur Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How many seats are available at Osmania University PG College, Narsapur for all courses combined?
Q: How can I get into Osmania University PG College, Narsapur for UG/PG courses? Am I eligible for admission?
Courses | Eligibility |
MBA/PGDM | Candidate must have passed Bachelor Degree (BA / B.Com/ B.Sc/ BBA / BBM / BCA / BE / B.Tech / B. Pharmacy / Any 3 or 4 year Degree except Oriental Languages). Examinations of minimum three years duration with at least 50% marks (45% marks in case of reserved categories) in the qualifying examinations. Final year appearing students may also apply on provisional basis. The minimum age of the candidates should be 19 years as on the date of notification (Candidates whose date of Birth up to 30th MARCH, 2003). No maximum age limit. |
M.Sc. | Candidates must have completed B.Sc. Degree with Chemistry subject as an optional with above mentioned marks from any recognised University/Institute . Candidate must have studied Chemistry at least four papers of 100 marks each. OR Candidates who have completed B.Sc. Degree with Chemistry subject as an optional and must have studied a minimum of 30 credits in Chemistry. A pass in the Qualifying Examination is sufficient for SC/ST candidates. The candidates passing the examination compartmentally and securing required percentage of marks or equivalent CGPA are also eligible. |
Q: Which major specializations are available at Osmania University PG College, Narsapur?
M.Sc. in Mathematics at Osmania University PG College, Narsapur Entry Requirements
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Answered 2 months ago
As of now, particulars of the cutoff for M.Sc. (Mathematics)-2024 at Osmania University PG College, Narsapur are not published online. But generally, performance in the entrance exam takes precedence by which the subsequent counseling and seat allotment process is conducted. Some key subjects in the
Contributor-Level 9
I want to know about the latest cutoff information for the M.Sc. in Mathematics at Osmania University PG College, Narsapur.