Shankara Group of Institution - Shankara Institute of Technology
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Master of Computer Applications (MCA) 

  • Private Institute
  • Estd. 2001

Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Shankara Group of Institution - Shankara Institute of Technology 


2 years

Course Level

PG Degree

Mode of Course

Full Time

Total Tuition Fees

1.06 Lakh

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Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Shankara Group of Institution - Shankara Institute of Technology 

Fee componentsAmount (2 years)
1.06 Lakh
1.13 Lakh
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Kritika SinhaVerified Icon
Master of Computer Applications (MCA) - Batch of 2019
Offered by Shankara Group of Institution - Shankara Institute of Technology
1Placements2Infrastructure2Faculty1Crowd & Campus Life1Value for Money
The worst college because of rude behaviour by college.
Placements: There is no placement cell provided by this institute This institute don't placed their students for internship. This college is so cheap they can't refund my money they lied with their students. Every seniors told me we don't get placement internship and all. No one fulfill their dreams here.
Infrastructure: Facilities is only a name in this college only campus is good but facilities like modern classrooms are not available. Canteen is always closed. Medical facilities are not available, quality of food in the hostel are the worst, the food is tasteless, drinking water is yellow in colour.
Faculty: Facilities are quite good, teaching quality is not so good poor attendance of students. Only 5-6 students in each classroom, I was shocked when I saw only 4 students were in my class. I think no students groomed in this college specially they are the students of management.
Other: I choose MBA because I had done BBA so I want a master's degree which is professional course. 1st students crowd is necessary in this college because if the crowd is in every class room then there is competition. Every students learnt from each other. Events and fests are organised.
Reviewed on 31 Aug 2019Read More
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Master of Computer Applications (MCA) - Batch of 2018
Offered by Shankara Group of Institution - Shankara Institute of Technology
5Placements5Infrastructure5Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
Good placements. Don't worry about if you have a decent CGPA.
Placements: The placements in our branch are comparatively less. The average annual pay is less. The students are getting placed but with the very low less packages. More opportunities are proved to computer Science engineering students. Almost 100% placements are proved. Lots of companies like microsoft, wipro. Genpact, infosys etc. Come to the campus.
Infrastructure: We have poor wi-fi facilities. Labs are fine. The college has big infrastructure. It is a big campus of 500 acres. Coach for all sports and games is available. Lots of opportunities are proved in games. Hostel rooms are good. The boys hostel block in very good and AC rooms in our hostel. We have a lot of fun in hostel food is good.
Faculty: The teachers are qualified and knowledgeable. The way of teaching is good but their way of treating students is the worst. The show superior power on the students as they can't do anything. If any mess happens with the faculty, they fail us in all subjects even if it is not our mistake.
Other: Famine about events and fests in college. There will be some or the other event going on in the college every day. Lots of extracurricular activities are encouraged.
Reviewed on 28 Apr 2018Read More
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Lalit SutharVerified Icon
Master of Computer Applications (MCA) - Batch of 2020
Offered by Shankara Group of Institution - Shankara Institute of Technology
4Placements5Infrastructure4Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
Satisfied because of faculty good placement really good infrastructure etc.
Placements: Our college provide number placement. Atleast 70% of students get placement. Lots of big companies visited our college. Employment of roles are offered to the students. The lowest salary is 15000 the average salary is 20000 and the highest is 30000.
Infrastructure: Our college lab classrooms library is well designed and facilities is very good. The canteen is also well designed and provide healthy foods. The rooms in our college is also mind blowing there are not any problem in the rooms related to infrastructure.
Faculty: Our college teacher is well qualified and experienced. They helps student for any kind of problem face by us. Teacher are very friendly and familier so they can teach us in a very easy language. And we didn't face any kind of problems in our college.
Reviewed on 11 Mar 2018Read More
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Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Shankara Group of Institution - Shankara Institute of Technology 

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Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Shankara Group of Institution - Shankara Institute of Technology 
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Master of Computer Applications (MCA)
Shankara Group of Institution - Shankara Institute of Technology 
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SP-44, RIICO Industrial Area, Kukas
Jaipur ( Rajasthan)

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