Transcend Degree College
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Transcend Degree College

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Transcend Degree College
Students Ratings & Reviews

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Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) - Batch of 2023
3Placements4Infrastructure4Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
Overall, a good enough college to build your foundation in business.
Placements: This college has partnered with an external placement agency, which gave us a very insightful 15-day training in the corporate world. The basic package promised is INR 4 lakh per annum, which is from companies like Drive, Privileged Care, etc. This agency has now also moved operations to the campus itself.
Infrastructure: Although the campus has been expanding over the years, it houses facilities such as a basketball court, turf field, swimming pool, fitness studio, etc. It now also has a building allotted for hostel facilities and a functional canteen. There are also separate libraries for the school and the college.
Faculty: Curriculum-wise, it's affiliated with Bangalore University, which keeps changing its syllabus every year. However, the knowledge provided by this college in terms of going beyond textbooks surely makes it fun and a more realistic learning experience. Even the teachers here are mostly CAs and professionally qualified. The B.Com. from BU isn't that challenging, so even the exams here are pretty decently leveled in terms of difficulty.
Reviewed on 2 Sep 2023Read More
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Transcend Degree College

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Answered 7 months ago

Hello Akash!

I contacted the college, the information regarding the fee is confidential to the student getting admission to the college only. However, the college is affiliated with Bangalore University. The fee range for a B.Com course at the university ranges from INR 14,000 to 6,50,000. So, seeing



Himanshi Tirkha

Contributor-Level 10

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Saumya Srivastava

Updated on Apr 10, 2023

Transcend Degree College
Contact Information


No. 86-A, YV Annaiah Road, Yelachenahalli, Kanakapura Main Road
Bangalore ( Karnataka)

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