SLIET SET Syllabus 2025: Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology mentions the SLIET SET 2025 syllabus in the official notification. Applicants can refer to the SLIET SET syllabus to check subjects and topics which have to be studied for the entrance examination. Candidates are advised to keep the SLIET SET syllabus PDF throughout their preparation with them. Going through the SLIET SET syllabus helps candidates to prepare an effective strategy to ace the exam with a good score. Along with the syllabus, candidates can refer to the SLIET SET exam pattern to understand the scheme of the exam. Applicants can also go through SLITE SET preparation tips 2025. SLIET SET 2025 exam will be conducted in offline pen and paper mode. For more details about SLIET SET syllabus 2025, candidates can refer to the article provided below.
Latest Updates: SLIET SET 2025 application form released at; Exam on May 3
Commonly asked questions
Q: What is the level of the syllabus of SLIET SET?
The level of the syllabus of SLIET SET can be considered to be moderate to tough. The topics covered in the syllabus are similar to those of graduation and class 12th board exams, but the difficulty level is higher compared to these exams. It is important to note that the exam authorities have prescribed the syllabus, and it is advisable to focus on the topics mentioned in the syllabus to avoid any unnecessary stress or preparation. However, candidates can also refer to previous years' question papers to analyze which topics are of utmost importance and make necessary adjustments to their preparation strategy.
Q: What is SLIET SET exam date 2025?
Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology will soon release the SLIET SET 2025 exam date on the official website. Applicants looking for admissions can check SLIET SET exam date at SLIET SET 2025 exam will be conducted in offline pen and paper mode. Applicants appearing in the exam have to carry their SLIET SET admit card 2025 along with one valid photo ID proof to the exam centre.
Q: Shall I prepare any other topics apart from those mentioned in the SLIET SET syllabus?
We advise you to not stress too much and focus on the prescribed syllabus provided by the exam authorities.The SLIET SET syllabus has been shared by the exam authorities, and it covers all the necessary topics that you need to focus on. However, if you want to prepare for the exam beyond the prescribed syllabus, you can refer to the previous years' question papers to analyse which topics are of utmost importance and which can be left out. This can give you an idea of the types of questions that are frequently asked and help you prioritise your preparation.
Q: Are the SLIET SET topics similar to that of the graduation and class 12th?
Yes, the topics for the competitive exams are similar to those of graduation and Class 12th. The exams test your understanding of the subjects you studied in school, including English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics. Additionally, the exams may also cover current affairs and general knowledge, which you can prepare for by reading newspapers, watching news channels, and studying basic concepts in history, geography, and culture.
- SLIET SET Syllabus 2025
- SLIET SET Exam Pattern 2025
SLIET SET Syllabus 2025
Candidates can check the syllabus of SLIET SET 2025 from the table given below.
SLIET SET 2025 Syllabus - General Knowledge, Mental Aptitude and English
Sections |
General Science |
Current events of National and International importance |
History of India |
Indian Politics and Economy |
Indian National Movement |
General Mental ability |
Idioms/Phrases |
Usage of Tenses |
Change the form of Narration |
Fill in the blanks with suitable words |
SLIET SET 2025 Syllabus - Mathematics
SLIET SET 2025 Syllabus - Chemistry
SLIET SET 2025 Syllabus - Physics
Motion: Introduction to Motion, Types of Motion (Translational, Rotational, Oscillatory), Scalars and Vectors, Graphical Analysis of Motion, Projectile, Circular Motion, Newton's Laws of Motion, Forces and Free Body Diagrams, Frictional Forces, Tension and Normal Forces, Energy and Power, Potential Energy and Conservation of Mechanical Energy, Momentum and Collisions, Angular Displacement, Moment of Inertia, Torque and Rotational Dynamics.
Oscillation and Wave: Definition of Oscillation, Types of Oscillatory Motion (Simple Harmonic Motion, Damped Oscillations, Forced Oscillations), Period, Frequency, Amplitude and Phase, Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM), Equations of Motion for SHM, Energy in SHM (Kinetic and Potential), Damped and Forced Oscillations, Critical Damping, Underdamping, and Overdamping, Resonance, Applications of Forced Oscillations
Waves: Basics and Properties of Waves, Types of Waves (Mechanical, Electromagnetic), Characteristics of Waves (Amplitude, Wavelength, Frequency), Wave Equation, Transverse and Longitudinal Waves, Wave Speed and Phase Velocity, Superposition Principle, Interference and Beats.
Properties of Matter: Mechanical Properties of Solids: Stress and Strain, Elasticity and Plasticity, Hooke's Law, Young's Modulus and Shear Modulus; Fluid Mechanics: Properties of Fluids (Density, Pressure), Pascal's Law, Archimedes' Principle, Bernoulli's Principle; Thermal Properties of Matter: Temperature and Heat, Specific Heat Capacity, Thermal Expansion, Heat Transfer Mechanisms (Conduction, Convection, Radiation)
Semiconductor Physics: Introduction to Semiconductor Physics, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors, Energy Bands in Solids, Silicon and Germanium as Semiconductor Materials, Doping and Impurities, p-n Junction Formation, Diode Characteristics and Working, Biasing of Diodes (Forward and Reverse Bias), Diode Applications: Rectification, Zener Diodes.
SLIET SET 2025 Syllabus: Engineering Group
Operating System: Introduction to various operating systems, single user, multiuser, batch processing, time sharing, real time, multiprogramming and multiprocessing systems, distributed computing, resources management, memory management.
System Software: Introduction, system software, application software, compilers, assemblers, loaders, linkers.
Application Development: Algorithms and flowcharts, program writing, debugging and execution, compilation, interpretation, programming using C language, Object Oriented Programming concepts.
Information Technology (IT): Internet and its applications, web browser, e-mail, e-marketing & e-payment.
Data management and organization: Introduction to databases, architecture and structure of DBMS, data models.
Introduction to data structure: arrays, linked list, stacks and queues.
Computer Networks: Applications, introduction to OSI and TCP/IP, networking topologies/technologies.
Latest Technologies: Latest processor and memory configurations and related technologies.
Software Engineering: Software development life cycle, software metrics, coding and testing.
Computer System Architecture: Number system, boolean algebra, K-map, instruction formats, addressing modes, 1/0 interfacing, control unit organization, pipelining, cache and main memory, modes of data transfer.
Cloud Computing: Introduction to cloud computing, edge computing, fog computing and IOT.
Electronic Devices: Conductors, semiconductors, insulators, extrinsic & intrinsic semiconductors. PN junction diode- its V-I characteristics, rectifiers, filters. BJT-various transistor configurations, their input/output characteristics, FET, MOSFET their construction & characteristics.
Communication: Need & types of modulation (AM, FM, PM), radio receivers-TRF & super-heterodyne, pulse modulation PAM, PCM, PWM, PPM.
Logic gates: Definition, symbols & truth table of NOR, OR, AND, NAND, EX-OR gates, various flip flops (SR, JK, T, D), registers &
Operational Amplifier: Introduction, IC 741 pin configuration, inverting & non inverting amplifiers, op amp as an inverter, scale changer, adder, sub-tractor, differentiator, integrator.
Electric Circuits: Voltage, current, resistance, power and energy, ohm law, series and parallel circuits, network theorems (thevenins, superposition, norton, maximum power transfer theorem, reciprocity and tellegen's theorems), alternating current and voltage, RL, RC and RLC circuits, RLC resonant circuits, power factor and power measurement.
Electromagnetic & Magnetic circuits: Overview of electrical and magnetic circuit, analogy between electrical and magnetic circuits, principle of operation and working of AC & DC machines and transformers.
Measurement and Instrumentation: Errors in the measurement system, galvanometer, PMMC and moving iron instruments, DC potentiometers, Multimeter, LED/LCD/Segment Displays, CRO, Wheatstone bridge, Maxwell's Bridge, De-Sauty's Bridge, Owen's Bridge, Kelvin's Double Bridge, Hay's Bridge.
Sensors and Signal Conditioning: Basic components of instrumentation system, sensors and transducers, resistive, capacitive and inductive and piezoelectric transducers, A/D and D/A converters, filtering and impedance matching, telemetry.
Applied Mechanics, Strength of Material and Machine Design: Concept of mechanics and applied mechanics, laws of forces, moments, friction and laws of motion. Stress & strain, concept of load, tensile, compressive, shear stress, torsion, Bending Moments and strains. Columns, Springs, Beams, stress concentration, types of loading, theories of failure, factor of safety, endurance limit, efficiency of riveted and welded joints, keys and its types, stress in shafts, design of shafts (solid and hollow).
Fluid Mechanics: Concept of fluid, fluid mechanics and hydraulics, properties of fluid (viscosity, specific weight, specific volume, specific gravity) with their units. Pascal's law, concept of atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure, absolute pressure, vacuum and differential pressure, Buoyancy, Centre of Buoyancy, Metacentre, Metacentre Height and Application.
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics: Laws of Thermodynamics, Thermodynamic properties, General Thermodynamic relationship, Application for open/closed systems and reversible/irreversible processes, Raoult's Law, Chemical Reaction Equilibria.
Chemical Reaction Engineering: Molecularity and order of reaction, reaction Kinetics, different types of ideal reactors and their performance equations,
Heat and mass Transfer: Different modes of heat transfer with governing relationships, Fourier's law, Steady state heat transfer through plain and composite slab, cylindrical and spherical surfaces, Natural and forced convection, Radiation heat transfer, Heat transfer equipment and their industrial applications, Fick's law of diffusion, Mass transfer operations and their applications, Critical moisture content, absorption, equipment for separation and industrial application.
Unit Operations: Calculation of energy required in grinding by Ritinger's law and Bond's law, Bernoulli's theorem and different regimes, elementary knowledge of pumps and fluid behavior, Mixing index, Rate of mixing, agitation, constant rate filtration, consent pressure filtration, filter cake compressibility, Centrifuge equipment like cream separator and clarifiers used in dairy industry, Crystallization.
Process Instrumentation: Instruments for temperature, pressure, liquid level, flow and pH measurement.
Food Chemistry and Microbiology: Classification, Physical and chemical properties of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, type of pigments, vitamins and minerals, morphology, methods of reproduction and type of bacteria and fungi, microbiology of various food products.
Food Process Technology: Milling of cereals and pulses, oil extraction methods, standardization, homogenization and pasteurization of liquid milk, meat and poultry processing, production of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, technology of manufacturing of fruits and vegetables product, different preservation techniques in food.
Food Analysis and Quality Control: Quality attributes, food adulteration and its detection, physico-chemical and mechanical properties of food, sensory evaluation, HACCP, food safety and standards Act.
Commonly asked questions
Q: Where should I check for SLIET SET syllabus?
If you're looking for the SLIET SET syllabus, you can check the official website of SLIET or the exam authorities. The syllabus is usually made available on the website and can be downloaded as a PDF file. Additionally, you can also check the exam brochure or the information bulletin that is usually released by the exam authorities. The syllabus is usually listed under the "Syllabus" or "Exam Pattern" section of the website or brochure. It is important to note that the syllabus may vary for different branches or programs, so make sure to check the syllabus for your specific branch or programme.
Q: Can I leave out some of the topics from the SLIET SET syllabus?
In such cases, candidates can have a look and refer to the previous years’ question papers to analyse which topics are of utmost importance and which can be left out.It's important to note that the syllabus provided by the exam authorities is the official guide for the exam, and it's important to cover all the topics mentioned in the syllabus to ensure a good score. However, if you still want to leave out some topics, analyzing previous years' question papers can help you prioritise which topics to focus on.
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SLIET SET Exam Pattern 2025
Candidates can check the detailed SLIET SET exam pattern 2025 from the table given below:
Particulars | Details |
Exam Mode | Pen-and-Paper-based Examination |
Duration | 2 Hours and 30 Minutes |
Medium | English |
Nature of Questions | Multiple Choice Questions |
Sections | English General Knowledge Mental Aptitude Mathematics Physics Chemistry |
Total Number of Questions | 150 Questions |
Total Marks | 150 Marks |
Marking Scheme | One mark will be allotted for every correct answer. 25% negative marking will be done for wrong answers. |
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