"Personal data such as name, Aadhaar number, photo and phone number of students who registered at the Kannur University between 2018 to 2022 were leaked. The issue was reported after the details of over 3,000 students surfaced on a forum of hackers," the report stated.
More than 3,000 students' personal details have been leaked as per the private cyber security agency. All these students are currently studying in Kannur University. As per reports, the details were leaked due to a glitch in the University's official website.
"Personal data such as name, Aadhaar number, photo and phone number of students who registered at the Kannur University between 2018 to 2022 were leaked. The issue was reported after the details of over 3,000 students surfaced on a forum of hackers," the report stated.
Kannur University has also filed a complaint with the cyber cell and the city police commissioner in this regard. In order to ensure no further data is leaked, the university has also removed the data of 2018-2022 registered students from the official website.
In other news, the Kerala High Court recently allowed a petition against the proposed appointment of the wife of Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan's private secretary as a Malayalam associate professor in Kannur University. Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan directed vice-chancellors of nine universities in the state to tender resignation in October.
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"The pen is mightier than the sword". Anupama totally believes in this and respects what she conveys through it. She is a vivid writer, who loves to write about education, lifestyle, and governance. She is a hardcor... Read Full Bio