Shanan Dhaka from Rohtak, Haryana has been ranked first among all girls in NDA 2 2021 exam. The 19-year-old has secured overall 10th position in the merit list of NDA 2021. This is the first time that National Defence Academy will admit women candidates.
Rohtak’s Shanan Dhaka Tops NDA 2 2021 Exam among Girls
Shanan Dhaka from Rohtak, Haryana has been ranked first among all girls in NDA 2 2021 exam. The 19-year old has secured overall 10th position in the merit list of NDA 2021. This is the first time that National Defence Academy will admit women candidates.
Hailing from the Sundana Village of Rohtak district, Shanan Dhaka (19), has topped the NDA 2 2021 exam among all girls. It will be the first time that the National Defence Academy will admit women cadets in the academy. Shanan stood 10th in the overall rankings in NDA 2021, the result of which was declared on June 14.
Shanan Dhaka, who currently lives in Punjab’s Zirakpur, has studied in the Army Public Schools at Roorkee, Jaipur and Chandimandir (Panchkula). She had also enrolled on an undergraduate course at Lady Shri Ram College for Women in Delhi last year when she learnt an opportunity at NDA.
While giving interviews to the leading dailies, Dhaka said that she took inspiration to join the armed forces from her grandfather, Chanderbhan Dhaka, who was a Subedar, and her father, Vijay Kumar Dhaka, who retired as a Naib Subedar from the Army Service Corps. Her elder sister
Dhaka’s Preparation Strategy for NDA
Talking about her NDA preparations to the media, Dhaka said that she studied five hours a day for 40 days and solved previous years’ NDA question papers. For the SSB interview preparation, she said that it is a personality-based test and there is a need to reflect the natural personality. One cannot pretend there. To maintain physical standard, she used to jog and do other exercises.
Girls in National Defence Academy
NDA 2021 exam was conducted on November 14 last year. Women candidates were allowed to appear for the exam after the Supreme Court’s direction to the Centre in September. NDA will admit 19 girls, 10 for the Army, Six for the Air Force and Three for the Navy. The academy will train girl cadets for three years in a gender-neutral manner. Of the 5,75,856 total applicants, 1,77,654 were women.
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