Rama Devi Women's University
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Ramadevi University Admission 2024: Updates, Eligibility & Selection

  • Public/Government University
  • Estd. 2015
Dark Clock Icon Last updated on 1 Nov '24

Ramadevi University Admissions
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Rama Devi Women's University Admission Process 2024

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Commonly asked questions
On Admissions

Q:   Are admissions at Ramadevi University entrance-based or merit-based?


Admissions at Ramadevi University are entrance-based.

Women who wish to attend Rama Devi Women's University for higher education can register for the courses they wish to take on the university's official website. Admissions to undergraduate programs will be handled through the CPET Exam; candidates for postgraduate programs must pass exams such as the ICHR, NET, GATE, and SLET.

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Q:   Is there any way of applying offline for the Ramadevi University application form?


No, the Ramadevi University application form cannot be submitted offline.

Simply follow these instructions to apply to different courses. 

Visit the official website and register yourself by filling out the necessary personal data.

For undergraduates, the registration validation fee is INR 300; for postgraduates, it is INR 500.

Once the payment has been successfully made, the applicant must finish the application in order to be admitted.

 It is necessary to upload documents like the signature, mark sheets, identification documentation, payment receipts, and photos.

The application must be submitted as the last step in the procedure. This can be printed off, and candidates can bring it to the remaining counseling sessions.

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Q:   Can students join Ramadevi University directly without any entrance exam?


No, students cannot join Ramadevi University directly without any entrance exam.For UG courses, admissions will be made through the CPET Exam; for PG courses, candidates must pass exams like ICHR, NET, GATE, and SLET.

Just follow some steps to apply for various courses 

Go to the official website and register yourself by providing the requested basic information.

To validate your registration, you must pay INR 300 for undergrads and INR 500 for postgraduates.

The applicant must complete the application for admission after the payment has been successfully made.

 Documents such as the signature, mark sheets, ID proofs, payment receipts, and photographs must be uploaded.

The final step in the process is submitting the application. Candidates may print this off and bring it with them for the remaining counseling sessions.

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Q:   Does Ramadevi University accept OJEE score?


No, Ramadevi University doesn't accept OJEE scores. 

On the university's official website, women who want to pursue higher education at Rama Devi Women's University can register for the courses they want to take. For UG courses, admissions will be made through the CPET Exam; for PG courses, candidates must pass exams like ICHR, NET, GATE, and SLET.

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Ramadevi University
B.Sc. Admissions 2025

45 courses 3 years
Accordion Icon V3
5.5K - 69.1K

iconEligibility Criteria

  • Accepting Exams: CBSE 12th, Odisha CHSE
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Ramadevi University
Students Ratings & Reviews

Verified Icon35 Verified ReviewsInfo Icon
Placement Review IconPlacements3.6
Infrastructure Review IconInfrastructure4.1
Faculty Review IconFaculty & Course4.4
Crowd Review IconCampus Life4.1
Money Review IconValue for Money4.3
What students say about Rama Devi Women's University
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Many companies visit this college for placements, Even me too took part in the placement programmes.
Based on 11 Reviews
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Our college does not provide an internship for students, However, computer students get some internships.
Based on 10 Reviews
AnonymousVerified Icon
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Biotechnology - Batch of 2026
4Placements5Infrastructure5Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
Really good infrastructure and a better place for girls students.
Placements: RDWU offers a lot of courses. It also encourages seminars and workshops to train students for their internships and on campus. Top companies hire students from RD and offer them master courses. It also holds career counseling programs to shape the potential of its students.
Infrastructure: RD has the best hostels for women, with full security and food. It also consists of a canteen that serves hygienic food at minimal cost. It encourages various sports and encourages women in every field. It has developed smart classrooms and Wi-Fi all over the college.
Faculty: The faculty is absolutely sufficient in their work and offers high-quality training in laboratories. The semester levels are medium. It makes students very efficient. It follows the general passing percentage as laid out under the rules of the state educational ministry.
Other: The events and fest that RD organize are really realistic. I had a great experience at those events. Friendly surrounding.
Reviewed on 16 Oct 2023Read More
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AnonymousVerified Icon
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Zoology - Batch of 2025
3Placements4Infrastructure4Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
Good Infrastructure and study environment.
Placements: The placements are generally provided to final year students by various companies like wipro and Infosys etc. Salary package may not be high but decent enough according to the qualification of the student, the marks obtained by the student in the interview phase.
Infrastructure: Infrastructure is quite good, the college campus and premises are Wi-Fi enabled. Smart classrooms are also there, labs are of good quality with proper equipments. Library open from all students Hostel infrastructure is good but food quality need to be improved.
Faculty: Teachers are well qualified and experienced. Proper guidance will be given in subject related matters. Course curriculum is according to the CBCS pattern of Odisha board Semester examinations are of moderate difficult can be easily qualified if given some effort.
Reviewed on 10 Sep 2023Read More
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Samikshya Srimayee Verified Icon
B.Com. (Hons.) - Batch of 2026
3Placements4Infrastructure3Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
Rama Devi Women’s University’s review.
Placements: As it is a government college, the placements and job opportunities are not available on-campus. Criteria for getting placed would include being well educated, experienced and having a set of skills. As I'm in my first year, I really have no idea if companies have visited before or in between because we don't get informed about that. My plan after graduation is to prepare for MBA.
Infrastructure: The campus is literally big. The infrastructure is attractive. It looks very good. Many books are available in the library and you can study there from 10 am till 5 pm. I don't think they prioritize sports and curriculum that much. As I'm not in NCC or NSS, I don't really take part in extra curricular activities.I don't live in the college hostel so I have no idea about the food quality but I know it's affordable and cheap.
Faculty: I chose this course because I am interested in business and finance. The qualifications of the faculty are really good. They're well educated and well mannered. Their behavior towards the students is friendly as well. There's no difficulty in the exams, at least students don't have to face anything.
Other: I chose this course because I am interested in business and finance. The qualifications of the faculty are really good. They're well educated and well mannered. Their behavior towards the students is friendly as well.
Reviewed on 14 Sep 2024Read More
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AnonymousVerified Icon
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Computer Science - Batch of 2025
3Placements2Infrastructure3Faculty3Crowd & Campus Life3Value for Money
I am satisfied with some faculty members.
Placements: 10 percent of students were placed in my course. The highest package is 4 Lacs, average is 2.5 Lacs and the lowest is 1.7 Lacs. TCS, infosys, techMahindra are the top recruiting companies of my course. 25 percent students got internship from my course in TCS and infosys.
Infrastructure: Wi-Fi is connected to our classroom and labs. Labs are good but there is so much hot environment in summer as there is no AC or cooler. Classroom facility is very bad. Department library is small in size and it has not sufficient books for students. Hostel in campus where I stay has no facilities. Quality of food is very bad.
Faculty: Teachers are helpful, qualified but some of them are not knowledgeable. Faculty of some subjects of my course are Ph.D. students and they can't take class most of the time. Course curriculum is relevant. Semesters are strictly conducted. Marking of exam paper is bad.
Reviewed on 10 Sep 2023Read More
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AnonymousVerified Icon
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Biotechnology - Batch of 2020
1Placements4Infrastructure4Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
Our college has good infrastructure.
Placements: Our college doesn't provide placements and internships. Companies don't visit our college to recruit students.
Infrastructure: Our college provides good facilities. They provide medical, games, and sports facilities. Our college is Wi-Fi enabled. The food served in the mess is not good. It should be improved.
Faculty: Our teachers are helpful. They guide students for the future. They are well-qualified and knowledgeable in their domains. This course does not make the students industry-ready. Exams are held semester-wise and mid-semester-wise.
Reviewed on 4 Sep 2023Read More
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Tapaswani Nayak Verified Icon
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Home Science - Batch of 2021
5Placements5Infrastructure5Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
I would highly recommend students to take admission to this college.
Placements: Almost 80% of students got internships in this course. Top recruiting companies were IIMs and big hospitals.
Infrastructure: The infrastructure was good. There was a huge library in this college. The food quality was good. Our campus had excellent environment. It was Wi-Fi enabled. NCC camps were also organised in this college. Medical checkup was also conducted every Friday. Games were conducted and certificates were also provided to students for a better future.
Faculty: Teachers were highly qualified and supportive. The teaching quality was excellent. Semester exams were moderate. Practical classes were conducted as per schedule.
Other: Events were conducted in this college. Scholarships were provided to merit students. Study tour was conducted for practical subjects. Every course had different departments and teachers.
Reviewed on 14 Aug 2023Read More
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Ramadevi University

Student Forum

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Answered 8 months ago

The admission process at Rama Devi Women’s University for the MBA programme includes filling the application form available on the website, paying the application fee, and appearing in the common PG entrance test which is the Common PG Entrance Test . The application form has to be submitted before



lakshmi srilekha boda

Beginner-Level 3

Answered 5 days ago

50% on the graduation exam or 55% on the BE/B.Tech in Science and math. Important Points: Candidates must possess an Odisha permanent resident certificate. The candidate's age shouldn't exceed 33.
In Bhubaneswar, Odisha Rama Devi Women's University was founded in 1964. Among the first womens colleges



Ravi Babu

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 3 months ago

{Source: B.Sc. students & alumni}

Here's a summary of the feedback from current students and alumni:


* Facilities: The university has good infrastructure, including smart classrooms, well-equipped labs, and a Wi-Fi-enabled campus.
* Friendly Surroundings: The surroundings are peaceful, and the ev



Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Answered 3 months ago

{Source: B.Com students & alumni}

Is BCom at Rama Devi Women's University a Good Choice?

Here's a summary of the key points:

Teaching and Faculty

* Teachers are kind, cooperative, and helpful
* Majority of faculty members hold higher degrees (M.Com, M.Phil, PhD, or MBA)
* Teaching style is interactive a



Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Answered 4 months ago

{Source: B.Sc. students & alumni}

Placement Cell Assistance

Unfortunately, based on the student reviews, it appears that Ramadevi University's placement cell does not exist or is not functional for B.Sc. students. There are no mentions of the placement cell providing assistance to students in securin



Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Content authored by:

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Bhumika Khandelwal

Updated on Nov 1, 2024

Ramadevi University
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Ramadevi University Campus Building(1)Administrative Building
Ramadevi University Campus Building(2)Campus
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Ramadevi University
Contact Information


Rama Devi Women's University
P.O, Bhoinagar

Bhubaneswar ( Orissa)

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