Amrita School of of Arts, Humanities and Commerce, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham - Amritapuri Campus
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Amrita School of of Arts, Humanities and Commerce, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham - Amritapuri Campus

Amrita School of of Arts, Humanities and Commerce, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham - Amritapuri Campus Highlights 2024

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Amrita School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce
Placements 2024

CourseMedian Salary
4.8 LPA
4.83 - 7.13 LPA
7.13 LPA
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Amrita School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce
College comparison

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Compare Amrita School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce with other similar colleges

CollegeMedian SalaryTotal Tuition FeesRanking

Amrita School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce

₹ 4.8 LPA₹ 2.25 L -/-

Sacred Heart College - SHC

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₹ 3.5 LPA₹ 2.15 L#78 India Today, 2023

Marian College

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₹ 3 LPA₹ 54 K#80 Outlook, 2024

Christ College Irinjalakuda

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₹ 2.5 LPA₹ 8.71 K -/-
-/--/- -/-

MG University

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₹ 0.96 LPA-/- -/-
The values are of the latest years available with Shiksha. For more details, check detailed comparison
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Amrita School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce
Courses and Fees 2024

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CoursesTuition FeesEligibility
BBA(1 course)
2.3 L
10+2 : 50 %
M.A.(2 courses)
1.1 L - 3.8 L
10+2 : 50 %
Graduation : 55 %
B.A.(1 course)
3.8 L
10+2 : 50 %
B.Com(1 course)
2.7 L
10+2 : 50 %
M.Com(1 course)
1.1 L
Graduation : 50 %

Amrita School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce
Scholarships 2024

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University provides Student Financial Aid and Scholarships:

Scholarship Criteria:

This will always play an important role in scholarship decisions. Top students in any of the schools will be eligible for scholarship consideration although the exact scholarship amount and numbers may depend on the academic school or department. Students will need to provide proof of academic and scholarly accomplishments to be eligible for the scholarship. The percentile of students receiving the scholarship will depend upon the school and area of specialization.

Socially Backward Communities:
The University is committed to affirmative action for such backward groups as, OBC, SC/ST, and other such groups approved by the Government of India. A certain percentage of such groups will always receive scholarships each year.

Special Disadvantaged Groups:
These groups include women, those with disabilities, etc. These groups will not be treated with any discrimination and will be afforded an equal opportunity to scholarship opportunities.

Scholarship Schemes:
University has put in place several scholarship schemes including tuition/fee waiver (partial or full), stipends to cover living expenses and/or health benefits expenses, etc. The amounts depend on the scheme, the academic program, location, etc

Scholarship Application Process:
The students should contact the departmental office and submit an application in the appropriate form. The department will provide the list of scholarship schemes available. The student is responsible for submitting all suitable documentation based on the scheme. Such documentation includes proof of merit, recommendation letters for merit scholarships, Government approved proofs for members of Backward communities and any other necessary documentation for special disadvantaged groups.

For more details visit: https://


Amrita School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce

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Content authored by:

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Saumya Srivastava

Updated on Apr 25, 2024

Amrita School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce
Take a look at Campus

Amrita School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce Labs(1)Lab
Amrita School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce Labs(2)Lab
Amrita School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce Labs(3)Computer Lab
Amrita School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce Others(1)
Amrita School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce Others(2)

Amrita School of Arts, Humanities and Commerce
Contact Information


Amrita School of Arts, Humanities & Commerce
Amritapuri, Clappana P.O

Kollam ( Kerala)

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