Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar
Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar Logo

B.E. in Production Engineering 

  • Public/Government Institute
  • Estd. 2004

B.E. in Production Engineering
Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar 


4 years

Course Level

UG Degree

Mode of Course

Full Time

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B.E. in Production Engineering
Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar 

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B.E. in Production Engineering
Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar 
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  • 45%
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  • N/A
JEE MainUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
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B.E. in Production Engineering
Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar 

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B.E. in Production Engineering
Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar 
Students Ratings & Reviews

Verified Icon3 Verified ReviewsInfo Icon
Placement Review IconPlacements2.7
Infrastructure Review IconInfrastructure4
Faculty Review IconFaculty & Course4.3
Crowd Review IconCampus Life3.3
Money Review IconValue for Money4
Bharach Aspak Sharifbhai Verified Icon
B.E. in Production Engineering - Batch of 2022
Offered by Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar
4Placements5Infrastructure5Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
It is one of the best colleges in Bhavnagar.
Placements: Good placements are available. If you have good skills, you can get placed. In Government Engineering College, the placement team manages placement exams, interviews, etc., to maintain a good placement process. The packages are low to average. This year, internships and industrial visits are organised. Overall, the placements are average.
Infrastructure: The infrastructure of GEC, Bhavnagar, can be rated 5 out of 5. It has good classrooms, good greenery, free Wi-Fi, and well-maintained technical and computer labs. The hostel is near to college, with good rooms having fans and other facilities. Bathrooms are available. The playground is good, and the security is good.
Faculty: The faculty members are good and friendly. They help us all the time. The curriculum is designed by Gujarat Technology University, which is the number one university in Gujarat. It is a 4-year course. Mid-semester exams, viva, end-semester exams are conducted. The course is industry- oriented.
Other: The college organises a tech fest every year. It is easy to get a scholarship every year.
Reviewed on 23 Aug 2021Read More
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Vivek SolankiVerified Icon
B.E. in Production Engineering - Batch of 2015
Offered by Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar
1Placements3Infrastructure3Faculty1Crowd & Campus Life2Value for Money
I am satisfied with the college and faculty, but utterly disappointed with placements.
Placements: Only 2 companies have visited the campus for placements, and they have selected a few candidates only. So, you should not think of getting placements from this college. The college is really poor for placements. Sometimes, there won't be any placements at all even for the deserving candidates.
Infrastructure: The infrastructure of the college was average. The campus has separate buildings for different courses. It doesn't have an amenity hall, gym and other facilities which a college providing a good infrastructure should have. So, do not expect much from the college in terms of infrastructure.
Faculty: Most of the teachers in our college were good. Teaching methods used were good. They lacked in providing practical knowledge. There was no industry exposure provided by the college. We had to visit industries on our own. The course curriculum was helpful.
Reviewed on 8 Mar 2019Read More
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Parth HirparaVerified Icon
B.E. in Production Engineering - Batch of 2020
Offered by Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar
3Placements4Infrastructure5Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
The future is great at GEC BVN.
Placements: Placements in production engineering are totally based on skill and practical knowledge of students. Students must have practical knowledge. Many companies are ready to hire production engineers because the industry needs production, which is obtained by hiring production engineers. The only required things are skill and practical knowledge.
Infrastructure: Our college has a separate building for every department. Computer, IT, and EC engineering branches are in one building, while civil and production branches in another. Mechanical engineering has its own building. Admin building is at the beginning on campus while there are also students store, library building, and amenity building.
Faculty: All staff members of our college are qualified and knowledgeable. Some of the professors are pursuing PhDs, and some have completed PhDs in their subjects. All the teachers are friendly with students. Our placement cell is very active. All teachers believe in practical knowledge; hence we go for industrial visits many times where we learn a lot of good practical knowledge.
Reviewed on 24 Feb 2019Read More
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Fenil Sanghavi Verified Icon
B.E. in Production Engineering - Batch of 2018
Offered by Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar
3Placements5Infrastructure5Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
Person who Feels Less to spend & more to take is what u will love in the college.
Placements: Placement Cell is in process. Soon we will see a good number of placement in the college. After the Establishment, we can soon see huge admissions to the college. Else teaching is very fine compared to other self-financed colleges. So would recommend joining.
Infrastructure: Faculty members are highly qualified & trained. They have very good skill & training experience which becomes the backbone of the students in further career. This college is trying to provide much to the students to become successful in their field & life.
Faculty: The course curriculum needs to be upgraded due to a huge innovative environment. The courses are a bit of the old generation, but soon a new course chart is been expected which will lead to a very good place to study with high growth potential in the field.
Other: Aashlesha Techfest. One of the best in GTU. Many tech -nom Tech events are been organised in which students & faculty all take part & enjoy the creativity in the Tech fest. And encourage for further innovation.
Reviewed on 11 Jun 2020Read More
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Pratik JoshiVerified Icon
B.E. in Production Engineering - Batch of 2018
Offered by Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar
4Placements5Infrastructure5Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
An absolutely fantastic college.
Placements: Placements were good in my college. All the professors tried their best to contact the industrial companies, i.e. IT, commercial, etc. During 2014-18, only 6 companies were arranged for the recruitment.
Infrastructure: The college has a very modern and huge infrastructure. There were huge 7 buildings with separate departments. All the departments are connected with Wi-Fi, each department has lab and a practice session. The college has a big library with minimum 1000 students at a time. One building is there for a canteen.
Faculty: The college has experienced and the kindest faculty. There were enough faculty members in the college. Regular lectures are arranged and taken by the faculty. All the faculty members are very helpful and relation between the students and faculty members is friendly.
Reviewed on 4 Mar 2019Read More
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B.E. in Production Engineering
Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar 

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Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar 
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