New Shores International College
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Bachelors of Business Management 

  • Estd. 2009

Bachelors of Business Management
New Shores International College 


3 years

Course Level

UG Degree

Mode of Course

Full Time

Total Tuition Fees

3.75 Lakh

Seat breakup


Bachelors of Business Management
New Shores International College 

Fee componentsAmount (3 years)
3.75 Lakh
3.75 Lakh
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These are based on information available on various sources. Latest values may differ.

Bachelors of Business Management
New Shores International College 
Entry Requirements

Karnataka 2nd PUCUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
CBSE 12thUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
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Read BBA reviews from New Shores International College
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Bachelors of Business Management - Batch of 2020
Offered by New Shores International College
1Placements2Infrastructure3Faculty1Crowd & Campus Life2Value for Money
Our college is an average college.
Placements: Our college does not provide placement opportunities and will not help students to get placed after graduation. Our management focuses more on getting three years of graduation.
Infrastructure: Our college does not provide hostel facilities. Infrastructure is average with few classrooms for every batch. Classrooms are a bit small and congested. There is no library facility. We have a computer lab but with minimum facilities.
Faculty: Our college is affiliated with BU, so the examinations and the course curriculum are the same as BU University. Teachers switch around a lot, so students don't have that continuous flow with the same teacher.
Other: There is no campus life because it is not a huge campus with many students to make it an exciting environment. People are a bit harsh but few amazing people make students come to college.
Reviewed on 7 Jul 2022Read More
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Bachelors of Business Management - Batch of 2018
Offered by New Shores International College
4Placements4Infrastructure5Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
Good place to complete your degree.
Placements: The placement of students are less and year by year the students are increasing and many other courses also came into the campus, many companies also visited our campus the highest and the lowest salary offered are around 30-50 thousand and it is a commerce college out 100 more than 60 students were placed in the campus and college also provides an internship while study in the college itself. Many students did their internship at the time of vacations there is domestic and international internship where students can choose and do their internship. There is a placement cell it is so important and very useful for the future and it helps a lot and even u get experience on internship.
Infrastructure: As the college is still in construction and they have a good atmosphere and a good infrastructure as it is located in the place where there are less traffic and less sound we get a good atmosphere to study. There is no canteen available and there are no hostel rooms the college opens at 9:00 and will be working till 5:00.
Faculty: Faculty have a good experience and they are very helpful and qualified. They maintain a good relationship with students and are very helpful. The teaching method is same as the other colleges and they finish the portions on time. They undertake B.Com BBA B.A. and BCA courses are available the college exams are conducted by Bangalore University board.
Other: Fest takes place for 1 week many extra curricular activities also takes place Participation in events with other colleges as well as inside college conducted.
Reviewed on 25 Mar 2018Read More
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Bachelors of Business Management
New Shores International College 

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Answered 6 years ago

Hi Lakshmi, No such information has been mentioned on the official website of the college. I would advise you to contact the college directly for the guidance.


Lavanya Puri

Contributor-Level 10

Bachelors of Business Management
New Shores International College 
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