NICC International College of Design and Technology
NICC International College of Design and Technology Logo

Discontinued(Nov 20240-PG Twinning Program: Communication Design (International PG Diploma in Communication Design + MBA in Retail Management) 

  • Estd. 2005

Discontinued(Nov 20240-PG Twinning Program: Communication Design (International PG Diploma in Communication Design + MBA in Retail Management)
NICC International College of Design and Technology 


2 years

Course Level

PG Diploma

Mode of Course

Full Time

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Discontinued(Nov 20240-PG Twinning Program: Communication Design (International PG Diploma in Communication Design + MBA in Retail Management)
NICC International College of Design and Technology 

  • NICC and its professional Diplomas are ELIA-Linked Internationally and approved by Directorate of Collegiate Education, Govt. of Karnataka
  • Areas:
    - Information Design
    - Branding and Advertising
    - Web
    - App
    - Print
    - UI/UX

Discontinued(Nov 20240-PG Twinning Program: Communication Design (International PG Diploma in Communication Design + MBA in Retail Management)
NICC International College of Design and Technology 

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Discontinued(Nov 20240-PG Twinning Program: Communication Design (International PG Diploma in Communication Design + MBA in Retail Management)
NICC International College of Design and Technology 
Entry Requirements

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  • N/A
NICC Entrance ExamUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A

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Discontinued(Nov 20240-PG Twinning Program: Communication Design (International PG Diploma in Communication Design + MBA in Retail Management)
NICC International College of Design and Technology 

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Discontinued(Nov 20240-PG Twinning Program: Communication Design (International PG Diploma in Communication Design + MBA in Retail Management)
NICC International College of Design and Technology 
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Discontinued(Nov 20240-PG Twinning Program: Communication Design (International PG Diploma in Communication Design + MBA in Retail Management)
NICC International College of Design and Technology 
Contact Information


30 and 31, 5th Cross,
Hennur Gardens,
(Near Hennur Bande)

Bangalore ( Karnataka)

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