M.Tech in Information Technology colleges in Jhunjhunu
In India, Information Technology is offered by 1 colleges in Jhunjhunu. Among the total number of colleges offering Information Technology, division of colleges by ownership is private owned: 1.
Location wise
Information Technology colleges in Jhunjhunu are spread across the state. Tabulated below is the list of top cities housing the colleges:
Information Technology in Jhunjhunu is offered in diversified specialisations such as Computer Science Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Power Engineering etc. Refer to the table below highlighting the top specialisations offered along with the number of colleges:
In India, Information Technology is offered by 1 colleges in Jhunjhunu. Among the total number of colleges offering Information Technology, division of colleges by ownership is private owned: 1.
Location wise
Information Technology colleges in Jhunjhunu are spread across the state. Tabulated below is the list of top cities housing the colleges:
Information Technology in Jhunjhunu is offered in diversified specialisations such as Computer Science Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Power Engineering etc. Refer to the table below highlighting the top specialisations offered along with the number of colleges: