Jaypee LEET is the Lateral Entry Scheme through which the candidates can seek admissions to the second year of undergraduate engineering programmes offered by Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology, Guna. Only a few seats are offered for admission under the lateral entry scheme for the following Engineering Departments.
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics and Communication Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
The important dates for Jaypee LEET 2019 application process are yet to be announced.
Jaypee LEET Exam has been scrapped and now the admissions to the 2nd year of the 4 year undergraduate engineering programmes through the lateral entry scheme happen through JEE Main scores. Click to check the details for JEE Main exam here!!
Jaypee LEET Exam has been scrapped and now the admissions to the 2nd year of the 4 year undergraduate engineering programmes through the lateral entry scheme happen through JEE Main scores. Click to check the details for JEE Main exam here!!
The candidates seeking admission to the 2nd year of the 4 year BE/BTech programmes offered at Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology under the Lateral entry scheme will have to meet the minimum eligibility criteria in order to get admitted.
The minimum eligibility criteria states:
- The candidates should have passed first year of BE/BTech programmes from a recoganised institution with a minimum of 60% marks. Or
- A pass in the 3 years of Diploma prohramme after + 2 in the related engineering stream. The candidates should score a minimum of 60% marks in the qualifying examination conducted by a recoganised university. Or
- A pass in 3 years BSc with Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics/Computer science/Electronics for the relevant branches of engineering with a minimum score of 60% marks in the qualifying examination.
- The candidates will have to produce the certificate as on or before September 30th in order to regularize the admissions.
- Admissions under the Lateral Entry Scheme will be given in the branches from which the candidates have already passed their qualifying programmes.
Eligibility as per Age Limit
The candidates who falls on or after October 1, 1995 will be considered eligible for admissions under the lateral entry scheme. The Date of Birth mentioned should be the exact same as on your documents. Failing which, your candidature might be subjected to cancellation.
Jaypee LEET Exam has been scrapped and now the admissions to the 2nd year of the 4 year undergraduate engineering programmes through the lateral entry scheme happen through JEE Main scores. Click to check the details for JEE Main exam here!!
The process for admission under the lateral entry scheme for admission to the 2nd second year of the 4 year BE/BTech programmes includes the following:
Step 1: Fill Application Form
At this stage, the candidates will have to fill the application forms for admissions to the 2nd year of the 4 year BE/BTech programmes offered by Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology under the lateral entry scheme. The forms are available online of the official website and the candidates can also obtain the application form and prospectus, in person from the university.
Step 2: Appear for Jaypee LEET 2018 Counselling
- Students need to appear for Jaypee LEET 2018 counselling as per the schedule released by the university.
- Aspirants are advised to reach the alloted centre at least an hour before commencement of the exam.
Step 3: Class Commencement
The university will commence with the new academic session soon after the Jaypee LEET 2018 merit list is released by the conducting authority.
Jaypee LEET Exam