Jaypee LEET Exam has been scrapped and now the admissions to the 2nd year of the 4 year undergraduate engineering programmes through the lateral entry scheme happen through JEE Main scores. Click to check the JEE Main exam syllabus here!!
Check the syllabus for Jaypee 2018 written examination.
Section A- Common For All
Electromagnetics: Laplace’s Equation, Piosson’s Equation. Maxwell’s Equation, Electromagnetic waves, Poynting Vector, Reflection and Refraction of EM waves from dielectric surface, total internal reflection.
Optics: Interference, diffraction and polarization.
Special Theory of Relativity: Lorentz Transformation, Length contraction, Time dilation, Mass Energy relation.
Laser: Statistical distribution, Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission, Ruby Laser and HE-NE Laser.
Calculus:Limit, Continuity, Differentiabilityand Integrability of function of real and complex variable, Taylor’s theorem, Ordinary differential equations, multiple integrals with applications.
Vector Analysis: Differentiation of Vectors, Gradient, Divergence and Curl. Line sirface Integrals, Gauss Divergence theorem.
Matrices: Algebra of matrices, Inverse of a matrix, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
Section B: Only for Electronics and Communication Engineering and Computer Science Engineering
Computer, Programming and Basic Data Structure:
Introduction to computers, Structured programming in C, Data types, Control flow, Selection, Looping, Array, String, Pointer, Function, Structure, Union, Iteration, File I/O, Linked list.
Number System and representation, Fixed and Floating point numbers, Binary arithmetic, Character representation, Recursion and its removal, Stack, Queue, BST.
Basic Electric and Electronic Circuits:
Analysis of simple DC and AC Circuits, Resonance Thevenin and Norton theorems.
Transformers and Electrical Machines. Basic Semiconductor Devices. Transistors, Amplifiers, Feedback amplifiers and oscillators. OP-Amps and Circuits. Boolean algebra Logic gates and circuits, Flip-flops. Shift registers and counters.
Section C: Common to Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Mechanics:
Statistics of Particles and Rigid bodies: Fundamental laws of mechanics, Principle of transmissibility, System of forces. Centroid and Moment of Inertia.
Basic Structural Analysis: Plane truss and Frames, Methods of joints and Methods of section. Beams, Friction, Kinematics and Kinetics of Particles and Rigid bodies. Work, Energy and Power.
Impulse and momentum: Linear and Angular Momentum.
Work Shop Practices:
Introduction: Manufacturing Processes and Its Classification.
Carpentry shop: Timber, wood working tools: wood working machinery, joints and joinery.
Fitting shop: Study and use of measuring instruments, Different types of files, fitting operations: chipping filling, drilling and tapping.
Foundry: Pattern Making, Moulding: Composition of green, Dry and Loam sand, Methods used to prepare simple green and bench and pit mould dry sand bench mould using single pieces and split patterns.
Welding study and use of tools used for brazing, soldering, gas and arc welding. Dafter precautions.
Engineering Graphics:
Scales. Conic sections and special curves. First and third angle projection, projection of points and lines, projection of planes and solids. Section of solids. Development of surfaces. Isometric projections. Computer aided drafting (CAD).
Engineering Chemistry:
Molecular orbital theory and its applications in diatomic molecules. Polymers, its classification and their applications. Stereochemistry with special reference to optical isomerism. Hardness of water. Fuels. Plaster of Paris. Lubricant. Corrosion; causes and prevention.
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Jaypee LEET Exam