Operations colleges in India
In India, Operations is offered by 1078 colleges in India. Out of all these colleges providing Operations, split of colleges by ownership is private: 728, public / government: 103 & public private: 2.
Location wise
Operations colleges are located across India, spanning major cities states. The table below comprises all the prominent locations where these colleges are based:
Location Details | Colleges |
Maharashtra | 268 Colleges |
Delhi/NCR | 170 Colleges |
Tamil Nadu | 135 Colleges |
Uttar Pradesh | 134 Colleges |
Pune | 123 Colleges |
Karnataka | 110 Colleges |
Mumbai (All) | 105 Colleges |
Bangalore | 98 Colleges |
Mumbai | 82 Colleges |
Chennai | 73 Colleges |
Delhi | 65 Colleges |
Rajasthan | 56 Colleges |
Kerala | 55 Colleges |
Telangana | 53 Colleges |
West Bengal | 49 Colleges |
Hyderabad | 49 Colleges |
Madhya Pradesh | 45 Colleges |
Haryana | 44 Colleges |
Punjab | 43 Colleges |
Jaipur | 41 Colleges |
Operations is available in a number of specialisations to offer various career choices to the students. Tabulated below are 1078 colleges offering each Operations specialisation:
Specialization Details | Colleges |
Finance | 2508 Colleges |
Sales & Marketing | 2498 Colleges |
Human Resources | 2343 Colleges |
IT & Systems | 1163 Colleges |
Operations | 1078 Colleges |
International Business | 984 Colleges |
Business Analytics | 809 Colleges |
Supply Chain | 763 Colleges |
Retail | 706 Colleges |
Digital Marketing | 700 Colleges |
HealthCare & Hospital | 656 Colleges |
Entrepreneurship | 607 Colleges |
Transport & Logistics | 484 Colleges |
Agriculture & Food Business | 298 Colleges |
Project Management | 203 Colleges |
Sports | 156 Colleges |
Rural Management | 147 Colleges |
Import & Export | 136 Colleges |
Advertising | 133 Colleges |
Family Business | 127 Colleges |
Entrance Exams
Students seeking admission to Operations are required to appear and secure a valid score in various national, state or university-level entrance exams. Colleges offering Operations accept entrance exams as depicted in the table below:
Exam Details | Colleges |
CAT | 491 Colleges |
MAT | 415 Colleges |
CMAT | 405 Colleges |
XAT | 357 Colleges |
ATMA | 245 Colleges |
MAH CET | 175 Colleges |
GMAT | 97 Colleges |
TANCET | 85 Colleges |
CBSE 12th | 83 Colleges |
NMAT | 46 Colleges |
CUET-PG | 45 Colleges |
Karnataka PGCET | 43 Colleges |
ISC | 42 Colleges |
KMAT | 33 Colleges |
KMAT KERALA | 32 Colleges |
TSICET | 16 Colleges |
SNAP | 15 Colleges |
KCET | 15 Colleges |
OJEE | 15 Colleges |
CUET | 15 Colleges |
In India, Operations is offered by 1078 colleges in India. Out of all these colleges providing Operations, split of colleges by ownership is private: 728, public / government: 103 & public private: 2.
Location wise
Operations colleges are located across India, spanning major cities states. The table below comprises all the prominent locations where these colleges are based:
Location Details | Colleges |
Maharashtra | 268 Colleges |
Delhi/NCR | 170 Colleges |
Tamil Nadu | 135 Colleges |
Uttar Pradesh | 134 Colleges |
Pune | 123 Colleges |
Karnataka | 110 Colleges |
Mumbai (All) | 105 Colleges |
Bangalore | 98 Colleges |
Mumbai | 82 Colleges |
Chennai | 73 Colleges |
Delhi | 65 Colleges |
Rajasthan | 56 Colleges |
Kerala | 55 Colleges |
Telangana | 53 Colleges |
West Bengal | 49 Colleges |
Hyderabad | 49 Colleges |
Madhya Pradesh | 45 Colleges |
Haryana | 44 Colleges |
Punjab | 43 Colleges |
Jaipur | 41 Colleges |
Operations is available in a number of specialisations to offer various career choices to the students. Tabulated below are 1078 colleges offering each Operations specialisation:
Specialization Details | Colleges |
Finance | 2508 Colleges |
Sales & Marketing | 2498 Colleges |
Human Resources | 2343 Colleges |
IT & Systems | 1163 Colleges |
Operations | 1078 Colleges |
International Business | 984 Colleges |
Business Analytics | 809 Colleges |
Supply Chain | 763 Colleges |
Retail | 706 Colleges |
Digital Marketing | 700 Colleges |
HealthCare & Hospital | 656 Colleges |
Entrepreneurship | 607 Colleges |
Transport & Logistics | 484 Colleges |
Agriculture & Food Business | 298 Colleges |
Project Management | 203 Colleges |
Sports | 156 Colleges |
Rural Management | 147 Colleges |
Import & Export | 136 Colleges |
Advertising | 133 Colleges |
Family Business | 127 Colleges |
Entrance Exams
Students seeking admission to Operations are required to appear and secure a valid score in various national, state or university-level entrance exams. Colleges offering Operations accept entrance exams as depicted in the table below:
Exam Details | Colleges |
CAT | 491 Colleges |
MAT | 415 Colleges |
CMAT | 405 Colleges |
XAT | 357 Colleges |
ATMA | 245 Colleges |
MAH CET | 175 Colleges |
GMAT | 97 Colleges |
TANCET | 85 Colleges |
CBSE 12th | 83 Colleges |
NMAT | 46 Colleges |
CUET-PG | 45 Colleges |
Karnataka PGCET | 43 Colleges |
ISC | 42 Colleges |
KMAT | 33 Colleges |
KMAT KERALA | 32 Colleges |
TSICET | 16 Colleges |
SNAP | 15 Colleges |
KCET | 15 Colleges |
OJEE | 15 Colleges |
CUET | 15 Colleges |
Operations colleges in India
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