J.D. Girls College
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Bachelors of Arts (B.A.) 

  • Private Institute
  • Estd. 2011

Bachelors of Arts (B.A.)
J.D. Girls College 


3 years

Course Level

UG Degree

Mode of Course

Full Time

Type of University


Bachelors of Arts (B.A.)
J.D. Girls College 
Entry Requirements

Requirements for 12th gradeUp Arrow Icon
  • 48%
RBSE 12thUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
CBSE 12thUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
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Bachelors of Arts (B.A.)
J.D. Girls College 
Students Ratings & Reviews

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Bachelors of Arts (B.A.) - Batch of 2023
Offered by J.D. Girls College
5Placements5Infrastructure5Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
J.D. Girls College review.
Placements: You have an opportunity to get placement from this college. You are eligible for placement and companies visiting the college, like Reliance, Tata, and others, have made many offers. The highest package is around 15 Lacs and the average package is 5 to 6 lacs. Also, 50–60% of students get placement. The eligibility of the course is to pass class 12 from any state or central board examination in any stream for geography and for admission, I took the entrance examination, which was held by the college itself. The application file will be on the website and the registration fee is Rs 300; it might vary according to your domicile state, and the application date and information will be on the official website of the college. The only benefit of a reservation is that you will get admission if you don't have a chart-buster percentage or score. Everything was great in the admissions process, except that the website doesn't tell about the syllabus or what to read for the entrance examination. This must be improved.
Infrastructure: All semester books, previous year's question papers, and journals are available in the college library. The classrooms consist of CCTV cameras and the practical rooms consist of computers. Every year between January and February, sports week is held on the college playground. Our college has many social groups and clubs that one can join according to their interests. Our college infrastructure is good and growing day by day. Last two years, it became the first. We have separate toilets for girls and boys. The winner's road to our college is good. We can sit wherever we want to be comfortable. The gender ratio is quite good in my college. Apart from that, cultural events such as general freshmen and college-week-ending festivals are organised in our college. Moreover, seminars are regularly scheduled, with speakers coming from very reputed institutions and industries. No case of tolerance has been observed in our college so far.
Faculty: I chose to become one because I have a commerce background and the course is quite good. The faculty is also very nice, helping with faculty-student issues about one teacher for fifty students. The qualification of the faculty is nice; they are experts in the field, and their teaching method is also quite good. The term exam was regular; now, in 2023, teachers will also take the moral test for internal resistance assessment, but it is easy to pass if you study well. The faculty is really good, supportive and very helpful. The ratio of faculty to students might be 2:50, but I am not sure. The faculty holds top qualification and the college is one of the best colleges in Jaipur city. The faculty is very helpful, understanding, supportive and knowledgeable, and the teaching methods are also great. If they use more official languages like English or Hindi, then it might be great for the students of other states because they mostly use their regional language. There will be 2 examinations per semester sessional examination. Each semester sessional examination is followed by a semester examination and the papers are very standard. If you study properly with focus, you will ace the examination.
Other: Our college organizes a freshers social every year to welcome newly joined students to their courses, which is conducted in March and April every year.
Reviewed on 16 Dec 2023Read More
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Bachelors of Arts (B.A.)
J.D. Girls College 

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Bachelors of Arts (B.A.)
J.D. Girls College 
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Near Petrol Pump Hasteda, Teh Chomu Jaipur Rajasthan, Pincode- 303712
Jaipur ( Rajasthan)