CAT Exam Analysis 2024 (Slot 1, 2, 3 Available): Check Section-wise Difficulty Level by Experts

Common Admission Test 2024 ( CAT )

Vipra Shrivastava
Updated on Jan 23, 2025 14:44 IST

By Vipra Shrivastava, Senior Manager - Content

CAT 2024 analysis - IIM Calcutta conducted the CAT exam on November 24, 2024. This year, the major change in CAT was increase in number of questions and absence of parajumbles. The DILR section of all three sessions of CAT 2024 had 22 questions instead of 20. The difficulty level however, was moderate. 

Shiksha has provided below CAT exam analysis 2024, for slot 1, 2 and 3. The CAT exam analysis 2024 includes in-depth discussion of difficulty level of the sections, weightage of the topics, test pattern, changes if any, number of good attempts and section CAT cut offs. You can check CAT 2024 exam analysis below

Also Read:

CAT 2024 response sheet and answer key PDF

CAT 2024 question paper PDF download slot 1,2,3

CAT 2024 Slot 2 Answer Key PDF question paper analysis

CAT 2024 Slot 1 answer key PDF question paper analysis

CAT 2024 Slot 3 answer key PDF question paper analysis

Q:   How many questions should I solve to score 99 percentile in CAT exam?

It is tough to give an accurate number as an answer to this questions are the number of questions have been changing in CAT in the last three years. Moreover, percentile also depends on the difficulty level of the exams and the number of test takers in a particular year. However, one can say that it is safe to solve at least 2/3rd of the total questions in each section of the CAT. So, if CAT Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section has 24 questions, candidate must attempt 16-18 questions correctly. If the CAT Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning has 20 questions, the candidate must solve about 12-14 questions correctly. If the CAT Quantitative Aptitude section has 22 questions then candidates must solve about 14-15 questions correctly. For further understanding you can check detailed analysis here:
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Q:   From where can I download CAT question papers?

CAT question papers are released within a week of the exam in the form of a PDF as a response sheet and answer key. Candidates who have appeared for the test are able to access the CAT question paper and answer key. The question paper of every slot is released on the same day along with candidate response sheet and official answer to all question. If any candidate needs previous year CAT question papers for preparation purpose, then they can download them from Shiksha website. We have hosted last five years' CAT question papers for aspirants to download and practice. These official CAT question papers are available for download free. You can download the CAT question paper PDFs at this link: Candidates must check and practice the latest CAT question paper to know the latest exam pattern and difficulty level.
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Q:   What are the important topics of CAT syllabus from which maximum questions are asked?

CAT lays a lot of emphasis on analytical skills so the questions are asked mostly from those topics which require deep learning and practice. The three sections of CAT question paper are designed in such a way that candidates have to use their ability of minute observation and fast calculation. Shared below are the section wise main topics from which questions are asked in CAT. Verbal Ability: Parajumbles, Parasummary, Sentence Completion and Inferences Reading Comprehension: Questions based on passages, Para meaning, Order of sentences Data Interpretation: Tables, Graphs, Pie Charts, Venn Diagram, Data Sufficiency Logical Reasoning: Blood Relation, Seating Arrangement, Syllogism, Coding-Decoding, Sets and Caselets, Family Tree, Assumptions Quantitative Aptitude: Geometry, Algebra Number System Modern Math, Arithmetic, Mensuration The difficulty level of CAT questions is usually moderate to high. Only a few questions are easy and quick to solve. To crack the CAT exam, one needs to pay attention to the abovementioned topics.
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Q:   What is the sectional time limit in CAT?

In CAT exam, each candidate gets 120 minutes to solve the paper. There are three sections in CAT Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude. For each section 40 minutes are allotted as sectional time limit. For PwD candidates, the sectional time limit is 53.20 minutes per section. Candidates have to complete each section within the given time limit. Since the CAT is an online mode exam, the test screen will move from first section to the next section automatically as soon as the time limit gets over. Thus candidates have to be mindful of the on-screen timer and pre-decide the number of questions to solve in each section. The Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section of CAT has 24 questions, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning section has 22 questions and Quantitative Aptitude section has 22 questions. It is not mandatory to solve all the questions in CAT so candidates can devise a strategy to use 40 minutes per section as per their strength and weakness.
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Table of content
  • CAT 2024 Exam Analysis Highlights
  • CAT 2024 Analysis
  • CAT Score vs Percentile 2024
  • CAT Exam Analysis 2023
  • Previous Years' CAT Paper Analysis
  • FAQs on CAT Exam Analysis
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CAT 2024 Exam Analysis Highlights

Check below key highlights of CAT 2024 analysis:

  • CAT 2024 question paper was moderate. Usually, the question paper of CAT second session is the toughest. 
  • IIM CAT has prepared the CAT 2024 question paper so one can expect it to be slightly easier than previous years. 
  • VARC section is dominated by Reading Comprehension questions. 
  • Quantitative Aptitude section has maximum questions from Arithmetic and Algebra
  • Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning questions are in sets.. 

CAT 2024 Analysis: Sectional Break Up

Maximum questions will be asked in VARC section. Check below sectional break up of the CAT 2024 question paper:

CAT section Number of Questions Total Marks
VARC 24 72





Quantitative Aptitude 22 66





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Commonly asked questions

Q:   Which CAT slot has the toughest question paper?

There is no pattern to which CAT question paper can be the toughest. The CAT question paper of every slot has unique questions. The examination body strives to maintain the same difficulty level of the paper across all slots but it may happen that a question can be more difficult from another. It is seen that, to keep the uniqueness of the question paper intact, the examination authority also changes the topic wise weightage a little bit across the exam slots. In most of the previous years, it is seen that the morning slot of the CAT exam is tougher than the rest two. However, candidates must not worry about the difficulty level of the slots as, the scores of all the candidates are normalised on a common scale to root out the possibility of advantage or disadvantage to any student due to difference in difficulty level. To know how the CAT scores are normalised, read this article:
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Q:   What is CAT exam pattern?


CAT is a computer based test which is conducted in three shifts. The CAT is conducted for two hours in which candidates have to solve 68 questions.

These 68 questions are divided into three sections Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension VARC Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning DILR and Quantitative Aptitude (QA). The VARC section has 24 questions, the DILR section has 28 questions and QA section has 22 question. Each question carries 3 marks for correct entry and -1 for incorrect entry. There is no negative marking for unanswered question. A unique aspect of CAT is the sectional time limit. Each section has a time limit of 40 minutes (53.20 minutes for PwD candidates).

Candidates have to complete the section within the time limit as the moment the onscreen timer shows 0 minutes left, the screen will automatically move to the next section. There is no option to go back to older questions. Also, candidates have to follow the question paper chronology. They have to first solve the VARC section, then the DILR section and then the QA section.

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Q:   What is the structure of CAT question paper?

The CAT question paper structure has remained unchanged since 2014 when there were only two sections. Quantitative Aptitude was clubbed with Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning was clubbed with Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension. In 2015, the Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning were clubbed together and Quantitative Aptitude and Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension made two individual sections. Since 2015, the sectional segregation has remained the same but the number of questions have come down from 100 to 66. The exam duration has also been reduced. Until 2019, the CAT exam was of 180 minutes and the total number of questions were 100. However, in 2020, the question paper structure was revised due to COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, the total number of questions came down to 76. In 2021 and 2022, the number of questions were further lowered to 66. For the last two years, CAT is conducted for 2 hours, and the number of questions is 66. The latest CAT question paper structure is: Total questions: 66 Number of sections: 3 Order of sections - 1. VARC 2. DILR 3. Quantitative Aptitude Sectional time limit: 40 minutes VARC questions: 24 DILR questions: 20 Quantitative Aptitude questions: 22.
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CAT 2024 Analysis

CAT 2024 analysis has been shared here. As per experts a total of 36-40 attempts will be good enough for a score of 90. This year, there are 22 questions in DILR and that may affect the score calculation. However, since the overall CAT difficulty level is moderate, candidates need not worry. 

CAT 2024 slot 1 sections Number of good attempts Ideal score attempt
VARC 14-16 40
DILR 10-11 32
Quantitative Aptitude 10 35
Total 36 90

CAT slot 1 Analysis 2024: VARC

Utility & Human Economics, Entertainment/ Netflix, Australian Spices and Craftsmanship. The passages and corresponding questions were easy. Each passage had 4 questions. Parasummary, odd sentence and sentence completion questions too were easy. 

CAT slot 1 Analysis 2024: DILR

The DILR section of CAT 2024 slot 1, had sets on Candlestick- Shares Based, Games and Tournament, Bar Graph - Blogger Based, Bar Graph -  Set Theory Based, Caselet - Percentage Based.

CAT slot 1 Analysis 2024: Quantitative Aptitude

Number System, Algebra, Arithmetic, Modern Math featured in this sections. The questions were from Remainder, Indices, Log, Equations, Functions, Maxima-Minima, Sequence & Series, Algebraic Expression, TSD-, T&W-, SI-CI, Percentage, PLD, Mixture, Averages, Ratios, P&C, Circle, Cuboid/Square, Coordinate Geometry.

CAT slot 2 Analysis 2024: VARC

VARC section of CAT 2024 Slot 2 had 4 passages - Spice Trade, Unintended Consequences of Technology, Peer Review of Research, Carnivore-Human Conflict. They were of 400-450 words each and pretty much doable. In VA, there were 2 para summary questions, 2 odd sentence questions and 3 para completion questions.

CAT slot 2 Analysis 2024: DILR

In DILR, there were 5 sets pertaining to Bar Graph - Frequency Distribution/ Average Based, Two Scatter Plot (x/y axis- PAT/ES), Grid Based (Row/Column- Number Arrangement), Roots and Network (Maxima-Minima), Data Arrangement(7 Students, 3 Coaches/ Rating Based). The questions were moderate in terms of difficulty level. 

CAT slot 2 Analysis 2024: Quantitative Aptitude

In CAT 2024 slot 2 Quantitative Aptitude, the questions were asked from Remainder, Indices, Log, Sequence & Series, Functions, Inequalities, Mod/Linear Equations, Quadratic Equations, TSD, T&W, SI-CI, PLD, Mixture, Averages, Ratios, P&C, Circle, Trapezium, Coordinate Geometry. These were calculation based questions which required time management. 

CAT slot 3 Analysis 2024: VARC

VARC section of CAT 2024 Slot 3 also had 4 passages - Impact of AI, Languages, Chinese Moutai and Saving outer space and other planets. The RC passages were slightly difficult but doable. In VA, there were 3 para summary questions, 2 odd sentence questions and 3 para completion questions.

CAT slot 3 Analysis 2024: DILR

In DILR section of CAT 2024 slot 3, there were 5 sets pertaining to Bar Graph - Nutrient–Food Grain, GDP, AC Temperature, OTT and ATM Network. The questions were moderate having 4-5 questions. Total questions were 22. Overall, this section was moderate.  

CAT slot 3 Analysis 2024: Quantitative Aptitude

In CAT 2024 slot 3 Quantitative Aptitude, the questions were asked from Remainder, Indices, Log, Equations, Functions, Sequence & Series, Integer Solution, Maxima Minima, TSD, T&W, SI-CI, Percentage, PLD, Mixture, Averages, Ratios, P&C and Circle, Polygon, Triangle. This section had 8 MCQs.

Also Read:

CAT 2024 analysis by CATKing

CAT 2024 analysis by Career Launcher and T.I.M.E

CAT 2024 analysis by IMS

CAT 2024 student reactions and reviews

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Commonly asked questions

Q:   What is the difference between slot 1, 2 and 3 of CAT exam paper?


There is no difference between slot 1, 2 and 3 of CAT exam paper in terms of structure and patten. The sectional break up, marking scheme and time limit are the same in all slots. However, due to unique sets of questions in each slot leads to difference in difficulty levels. There is usually a slight difference in the CAT question papers of different slots. Sometimes, topic wise weightage of the questions also vary. To negate advantage or disadantage to candidates due to difference in difficulty level of slots, CAT scores are normalised for result preparation.

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Q:   What was the key change in CAT question paper 2024?


The key change in CAT question paper 2024 was increase in number of questions in DLIR section. Till 2023, the DILR section used to have 20 questions. In 2024, it had 22 questions. The time limit for it was the same and no other section had less questions. Which means, in CAT 2024, candidates had to attempt 68 questions instead of 66 to solve in the same time (120 minutes). DILR sectional time limit was 40 minutes as in previous years. There was no other change in CAT 2024, the difficulty level was same as previous years. 

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CAT Score vs Percentile 2024

Aspirants know that MBA admission through CAT is based on percentile and not score. Which means their performance should not only be optimum but should also be better than other test takers. CAT percentile is calculates from the score obtained by the candidate. This table will help you analyse as to how much raw CAT 2024 score converts into how much CAT percentile.

CAT Percentile

VARC score

DILR score

QA score

Overall score

99.9 %ile





99.5 %ile





99 %ile





98 %ile





95 %ile





90 %ile





85 %ile





80 %ile





75 %ile





70 %ile





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Commonly asked questions

Q:   What is the difference between CAT score and CAT percentile?


CAT score is the total marks a candidate receives out of the maximum marks, calculated by subtracting the marks of incorrect answers from the marks of correct answers. For every correct answer, +3 is given to the candidates, for every incorrect -1 is deducted from the overall score. Apart from this, a candidate's rank is calculated by normalizing the scores of all candidates and placing them on a common scale based on the difficulty and attempts of the candidates. It is important to understand the difference between CAT score and CAT percentile because IIMs and all MBA colleges in India select candidates on the basis of their CAT and other MBA related exam percentiles and not score.

The CAT percentile is referred to as the rank of a candidate against the rest of the test takers. The percentile indicates the total percentage of candidates who scored less than or equal to a particular candidate in CAT. 

Suppose,1,000 people take an exam and you bag the top rank, which means 999 candidates scored less than you. Then your CAT percentile will be 999/1000*100 = 99.9.

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Q:   How is the CAT score and percentile calculated?

Just like any percentile score is calculated. A percentile represents the rank of a candidate in an examination, relative to the rest of the candidates who appeared for the same examination in the same time frame. If there is an exam where 1000 people appeared, including yourself, and you ranked 75th, then there were effectively 925 test-takers who were ranked below you (because they scored lesser marks than you did). In this case, your percentile score will be (925/1000)x100 = 92.5 %ile In CAT, the percentile is calculated up to three decimal places and rounded off. So, people scoring 100%ile have actually scored a percentile of 99.995 and above and similarly, people scoring 99.99 percentile are those who have scored a percentile greater than 99.985, but less than 99.995 percentile. I hope it helps.
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Q:   What is the difference between qualifying CAT cut off and final CAT cut off?

Qualifying CAT cut off percentiles of an IIM is the minimum percentile (sectional as well as overall) required by candidates to be eligible for the Written Ability Test (What) and Personal Interview PI round. These are only eligibility score and not the score for selection. The final CAT cut off percentiles are the scores on the basis of which a candidate is actually selected for the What-PI round. The qualifying CAT cut offs are released publically before the CAT exam and result as a part of selection criteria for the MBA/PGP batch of that year. The qualifying cut offs for CAT are release category wise - General, NC/OBC. General-EWS, SC/ST, PwD. The qualifying cut offs percentiles of General category candidate is higher than then rest. The final CAT cut offs are not released publically. The cut offs are estimate on the basis of candidate's selection for What-PI. The final CAT cut offs for General category candidate is also higher than then rest.
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CAT Exam Analysis 2023

Overall, the CAT 2023 question paper structure and its difficulty level was same as CAT 2022 for all slots. In 2023, the CAT slot 3 was tougher than slot 1 and slot 2. In all the three slots, the Quantitative Aptitude section was tougher than VARC and DILR. IIM Lucknow prepared a tough CAT question paper in comparison to other IIMs. Given the difficulty level of the exam, an overall raw score of 98 to 99 would convert 99%ile. Check the highlights of CAT 2023 below:

CAT sections

Number of questions

Break up

Difficulty level



4 passages having 4 questions each, 2 parajumble qestions, 2 parasummary questions, 2 paracompletion questions and 2 odd one out questions




4 sets of 5 questions each

Moderate to difficult

Quantitative Aptitude


7 Algebra questions,7  Arithmetic questions, 3 Geometry questions, 4 Number System questions, 1 Modern Maths questions



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Commonly asked questions

Q:   What is the sectional weightage of DILR in CAT?


The total number of questions in the Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning section of CAT exam is 22 (as per CAT 2024 question paper). Earlier, the number of DILR questions was 20.

There is equal number of question distribution between Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning, which means both sections have 11 questions each. The total marks for DILR is 66. The questions on Data Interpretation as based on Tables, Graphs, Pie Charts, Venn Diagram, whereas Logical Reasoning questions are based on Blood Relation, Seating Arrangement, Caselets and Syllogism. This section of the CAT is usually moderate in terms of difficulty level and about 12-14 correct attempts are good enough to score high marks. Some of the other important topics include Series, Proposition, Direction Sense, Coding-Decoding, Assumptions, Clocks and Calendars, Statements, Binary Logic, Data Structures, Data Sufficiency and Data Arrangement. To score high in this section, candidates must practice a good number of practice tests and sectional mock tests. The better you learn to interpret given data and apply reasoning to a given situation, the better you get at solving related questions.

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Q:   What is the sectional weightage of VARC in CAT?

The Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension section of the CAT exam has 24 questions. This section has the maximum weightage. 24 questions carry 72 marks. The major part of this section is dominated by Reading Comprehension. It covers about 14-16 questions through 4-5 passages. Rest of the questions are asked from Verbal Ability like Para jumbles, Para summary and Para completion. Every Reading Comprehension passage of the CAT carries about four to five questions. There are usually 3-4 para jumble questions, 3-4 para summary questions and 2-3 para completion questions. Lately it has been seen the CAT does not have word meaning or grammar-based questions. CAT VARC is a high weightage section of high difficulty level. High difficulty level, because the CAT Reading Comprehension passages are long, dense and inference based. To read and understand the passages in a short time poses a challenge to a large number of candidates. So, it is very important to develop reading habit if you want to score high in CAT.
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Q:   What is the sectional weightage of Quantitative Aptitude in CAT?

The Quantitative Aptitude section of CAT is the third and the last section of the question paper. It has 22 questions and the total marks is 66. This section of the CAT exam is usually dominated by Arithmetic and Algebra. Most of the questions out of 22 are asked from these two topics. In CAT 2022, there were about 7-9 Algebra questions and 7-9 Arithmetic questions (the exact number varied for all three slots). Apart from these two topics, there are questions from Mensuration Modern Math and Number System in the Quantitative Aptitude section CAT. Some of the important sub topics in this section include: Arithmetic topics: Ratio and Proportion, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss Mixtures and Allegations Averages, Percentages, Mean Median Mode, Time and Work, Time Speed and Distance Algebra topics: Basics Algebraic Formulae, Number of integer solutions, Quadratic Equations, Finding out roots, Maxima and Minimal, Higher Degree Equations, Linear Equations, Problems on ages, Descartes Rule of Signs, Inequalities, Logarithm, Functions, Modifications of Graphs, The smallest Value in a Maximum Function Number System topics: Finding Out Last Two Digits, Number of Trailing Zeroes, Finding out Remainders based on, Basic Divisibility Rules, Binomial Theorem, Simplifying the Dividend (Single and/or Multiple Divisors), Basics of Numbers, Properties of Numbers, Divisibility Rules, Divisibility and Factors, the highest Common Factor and the lowest Common Multiple, Finding Out the Last Digit, Fermat's Theorem, Euler's Theorem, Pattern Recognition and Cyclicity of Remainders, Wilson's Theorem, Base Systems, Conversion of Bases, Addition/Subtraction/ Multiplication in different bases Geometry Topics: Lines and Angles, Triangles Basic Concepts, Area, Angles, Similar Triangles Polygons, Circles, Solids / Mensuration 3D Geometry, Coordinate Geometry, Trigonometry Modern Math topics: Sequence and Series Binomial Theorem, Set Theory, Permutation and Combination, Probability.
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Previous Years' CAT Paper Analysis

CAT exam has been on the tougher side over the years. The pattern has changed multiple times but not the difficulty level. Given below are CAT analyses of past few years for candidates to read and understand the past trends of CAT exam: 

Check Cut offs of top MBA entrance exams and predict calls from IIMs and other Top MBA Colleges. Check Fees, Placement Reviews, Admission, Shortlist Criteria and eligibility of all MBA Colleges by clicking the link below:

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Commonly asked questions

Q:   What makes CAT tougher than other MBA entrance exams?

CAT exam is a national level MBA entrance exam conducted by the IIM. Every year, over 2.3 Lacs candidates apply for it. The CAT score is accepted by the Iims and all top MBA colleges in India. To select the best candidates from over 2.3 Lacs test takers there is a need for tough criteria. That's why, the CAT exam is tougher than other MBA entrance exams. Even though the syllabus of CAT is same as that of other MBA entrance exams, the question paper set by the IIM faculty always has tough questions. Moreover, CAT has sectional time limit for each section which is not there in any other exam expect XAT. Having a time limit for each section adds pressure on candidates to complete solving adequate number of questions in a section within the time limit. If a student is weak in a particular subject, they can't use the time as per their need. CAT's Reading Comprehension passages are long and dense unlike other MBA exams. This is one more reason why most candidates feel CAT is tougher than any other MBA entrance exam.
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Q:   How many hours should I study to prepare for CAT?

There is no fixed limit to how many hours you need to devote to CAT preparation. This is because every person has a different learning pace. Some may have strong mathematical backgrounds, and the quant section may look like a cakewalk to them, but they may get stuck in comprehension. Therefore, you need to first understand your strong and weak areas to make a proper schedule. You should give more time to practicing and studying those topics which are unknown to you and less time to those which you know very well. On an average, it takes 6 to 8 hours, depending upon how many months are left for the exam. If CAT is six months away, then four hours is sufficient, but if it is next month, then you need to study at least eight hours.
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FAQs on CAT Exam Analysis

Check below Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to CAT exam analysis:

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Commonly asked questions

Q:   Which MBA colleges are available with 80 percentile in CAT?

There are quite a few MBA colleges who accept CAT score of 80 percentile and above for admission. The admission process for these colleges include group discussion and Personal Interview . Fore School of Management Goa Institute of Management International Management Institute, Delhi Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal Indian Institute of Management, Visakhapatnam Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Chennai Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Praxis Business School, Kolkata Prin. L. N. Welingkar Institute of Management development & Research, Bangalore Shiva Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad Sydenham Institute of Management Studies, Research and Entrepreneurship Education S. P. Jain Institute of Management and Research TA Pai Management Institute Trinity College for Management and Technology, Ghaziabad Click on this link for more:
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Q:   Which MBA colleges are available with 60 percentile in CAT?

There are a number of private MBA colleges that accept CAT score of 60+ percentile for admission. We have listed some of the colleges below: AIMS Institutes (AIMS), Bangalore Amrita School of Business - Bangalore Acharya Bangalore B-School Asian Business School (ABS), Noida Amrita School of Business, Kochi Bengal Institute of Business Studies (BIBS), Kolkata Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani Christ Institute of Management, Pune Doon Business School (DBS), Dehradun Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management, Kolkata FOSTIIMA Business School, Delhi International Institute of Business Studies, Noida International School of Business and Media (ISB&M) Bangalore International School of Business & Media, Kolkata IIKM Business School, Calicut IILM Institute for Higher Education, Delhi For full list, click here:
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Q:   Which MBA colleges are available with 70 percentile in CAT?

A good number of private MBA colleges accept CAT score of 70 percentile in CAT. We have listed some of the colleges in which admission is possible with 70 percentile. Amity University AIMS Institutes (AIMS), Bangalore Amrita School of Business - Bangalore Acharya Bangalore B-School Asian Business School (ABS), Noida Amrita School of Business, Kochi Bengal Institute of Business Studies (BIBS), Kolkata Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani Christ Institute of Management, Pune Doon Business School (DBS), Dehradun Eastern Institute For Integrated Learning In Management, Kolkata FOSTIIMA Business School, Delhi International Institute of Business Studies, Noida International School of Business and Media (ISB&M) Bangalore JK Lakshmipat University-Institute of Management, Jaipur National University (JNU), Jaipur JRE Group of Institutions (JRE), Greater Noida Lotus Business School, Pune Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar MATS University, Raipur IIKM Business School, Calicut IILM Institute for Higher Education, Delhi For full list, click here:
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Answered 23 hours ago

Hey! I've been in your shoes, so I totally get how you're feeling right now. Scoring the 78 percentile in CAT is a solid achievement, and you might be wondering whether it's enough to get into PIBM Pune. Let me tell you, PIBM looks beyond just numbers—they focus on your overall profile rather than j

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Suman debnath

Beginner-Level 1

Answered Yesterday

MBA in Human Resources Admission is based on either numerous admission tests such as the CAT, MAT, SNAP, CMAT,  and others, or on merit. After passing the entrance tests, the student must go through a Group Discussion and Personal Interview Round to be further screened. Students need to hold their b

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Pallavi Rai

Beginner-Level 5

Answered Yesterday

No, your CAT 2026 attempt will not be considerd a gap year because you will be in your final year when you take the exam in November 2026.

  • The CAT exam is usually held in November every year.
  • Since you graduate in November 2026, you will still be a student at the time of the exam.
  • A gap year is counted

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Shiv Kumar

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

  1. University Business School (UBS), Chand

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Shiv Kumar

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

Yes, students can get admission at Centre for Liberal and Advanced Studies MBA without CAT. The institute accepts admisison based on entrance exams. The institute accepts other national exams such as MAT, XAT, CMAT, and others. Candidates can appear on any of the exams accepted the institute. It is

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Akansha Gaurav

Beginner-Level 5

Answered 3 days ago

It is mandatory to clear CAT examination to seek admission at IIM Ahmedabad. The Institute considers CAT percentile for the admission to MBA, along with the understanding of the CAT percentile for IIM Ahmedabad that reached up to 99.6 in the past years which shows how challenging it is for a candida

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Aishwarya Sharma

Beginner-Level 5

Answered 6 days ago

Yes, the CAT 2025 exam will be conducted in three shifts. Until 2019, CAT was conducted in two shifts and the exam duration used to be 180 minutes. However, in 2020, the number of shifts were increased to three and exam duration was reduced to 120 minutes in order to follow the social distancing gui

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Chanchal Gaurav

Contributor-Level 8

Answered a week ago

Yes, candidates can get into the Vidyasagar University MBA course with the CAT percentile. As per the admission guidelines of the university, candidates are shortlisted for the MBA course based on multiple national-level exams such as MAT/XAT/ ATMA/ CMAT. Candidates must make sure to apply for the e

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Parul Gulati

Contributor-Level 7

Answered a week ago

No, CAT is not compulsory for admission to AIMS Mumbai. Aspirants with a valid score in any of the accepted entrance exam such as XAT, CMAT, ATMA, MAH CET, etc. can get admission provided they also fulfil the eligibility requirements. Candidates need to provide the entrance exam score in the applica

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Nishtha Shukla

Contributor-Level 10

Answered a week ago

Mewar University MBA course admission is entrance-based. Candidates must participate in national-level exams such as CUET-PG, MAT, CMAT, CUET, and MUEE. Therefore, candidates can get admission to the MBA course without a CAT score since candidates can opt for any on of the entrance exams mentioned a

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Taru Taneja

Contributor-Level 7

1631 Institutes accepting CAT

IIM Ahmedabad - Indian Institute of Management

Vastrapur, Ahmedabad Public

IIM Ahmeda
  • 25.00 Lakh
  • 2 years
  • |
  • Full Time

IIM Bangalore - Indian Institute of Management

Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore Public

IIM Bangal
    • 24.50 Lakh
    • 2 years
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    • 20.50 Lakh
    • 2 years
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    • Full Time
    • 12.00 Lakh
    • 2 years
    • |
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    SBEST Result Announcement 2025 6 Feb '25
    ATMA 2025: Last Date of Fee Payment 9 Feb '25
    GE & PI Shortlist Declaration 14 Feb '25
    ASBMUEE 2025 registration deadline 15 Feb '25
    PGRRCDE 2024 Exam Date 25 Feb '25

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