What is a Periodic Table?
The periodic table is the classification of elements as per their atomic number and chemical properties. All the elements here are arranged in a tabular form, with rows and columns.
How many elements are there in the Periodic Table?
The periodic table has 118 elements. Of these, 94 are naturally occurring, while the rest are synthesised in the laboratories.
Below is the table of periodic elements with their atomic number and mass. Atomic Number |
Atomic Mass |
Chemical Element Name |
Symbol |
1 |
1.0079 |
Hydrogen |
H |
2 |
4.0026 |
Helium |
He |
3 |
6.941 |
Lithium |
Li |
4 |
9.0122 |
Beryllium |
Be |
5 |
10.811 |
Boron |
B |
6 |
12.0107 |
Carbon |
C |
7 |
14.0067 |
Nitrogen |
N |
8 |
15.9994 |
Oxygen |
O |
9 |
18.9984 |
Fluorine |
F |
10 |
20.1797 |
Neon |
Ne |
11 |
22.9897 |
Sodium |
Na |
12 |
24.305 |
Magnesium |
Mg |
13 |
26.9815 |
Aluminum |
Al |
14 |
28.0855 |
Silicon |
Si |
15 |
30.9738 |
Phosphorus |
P |
16 |
32.065 |
Sulfur |
S |
17 |
35.453 |
Chlorine |
Cl |
18 |
39.948 |
Argon |
Ar |
19 |
39.0983 |
Potassium |
K |
20 |
40.078 |
Calcium |
Ca |
21 |
44.9559 |
Scandium |
Sc |
22 |
47.867 |
Titanium |
Ti |
23 |
50.9415 |
Vanadium |
V |
24 |
51.9961 |
Chromium |
Cr |
25 |
54.938 |
Manganese |
Mn |
26 |
55.845 |
Iron |
Fe |
27 |
58.9332 |
Cobalt |
Co |
28 |
58.6934 |
Nickel |
Ni |
29 |
63.546 |
Copper |
Cu |
30 |
65.39 |
Zinc |
Zn |
31 |
69.723 |
Gallium |
Ga |
32 |
72.64 |
Germanium |
Ge |
33 |
74.9216 |
Arsenic |
As |
34 |
78.96 |
Selenium |
Se |
35 |
79.904 |
Bromine |
Br |
36 |
83.8 |
Krypton |
Kr |
37 |
85.4678 |
Rubidium |
Rb |
38 |
87.62 |
Strontium |
Sr |
39 |
88.9059 |
Yttrium |
Y |
40 |
91.224 |
Zirconium |
Zr |
41 |
92.9064 |
Niobium |
Nb |
42 |
95.94 |
Molybdenum |
Mo |
43 |
98 |
Technetium |
Tc |
44 |
101.07 |
Ruthenium |
Ru |
45 |
102.9055 |
Rhodium |
Rh |
46 |
106.42 |
Palladium |
Pd |
47 |
107.8682 |
Silver |
Ag |
48 |
112.411 |
Cadmium |
Cd |
49 |
114.818 |
Indium |
In |
50 |
118.71 |
Tin |
Sn |
51 |
121.76 |
Antimony |
Sb |
52 |
127.6 |
Tellurium |
Te |
53 |
126.9045 |
Iodine |
I |
54 |
131.293 |
Xenon |
Xe |
55 |
132.9055 |
Cesium |
Cs |
56 |
137.327 |
Barium |
Ba |
57 |
138.9055 |
Lanthanum |
La |
58 |
140.116 |
Cerium |
Ce |
59 |
140.9077 |
Praseodymium |
Pr |
60 |
144.24 |
Neodymium |
Nd |
61 |
145 |
Promethium |
Pm |
62 |
150.36 |
Samarium |
Sm |
63 |
151.964 |
Europium |
Eu |
64 |
157.25 |
Gadolinium |
Gd |
65 |
158.9253 |
Terbium |
Tb |
66 |
162.5 |
Dysprosium |
Dy |
67 |
164.9303 |
Holmium |
Ho |
68 |
167.259 |
Erbium |
Er |
69 |
168.9342 |
Thulium |
Tm |
70 |
173.04 |
Ytterbium |
Yb |
71 |
174.967 |
Lutetium |
Lu |
72 |
178.49 |
Hafnium |
Hf |
73 |
180.9479 |
Tantalum |
Ta |
74 |
183.84 |
Tungsten |
W |
75 |
186.207 |
Rhenium |
Re |
76 |
190.23 |
Osmium |
Os |
77 |
196.9665 |
Iridium |
Ir |
78 |
192.217 |
Platinum |
Pt |
79 |
195.078 |
Gold |
Au |
80 |
200.59 |
Mercury |
Hg |
81 |
204.3833 |
Thallium |
Tl |
82 |
207.2 |
Lead |
Pb |
83 |
208.9804 |
Bismuth |
Bi |
84 |
209 |
Polonium |
Po |
85 |
210 |
Astatine |
At |
86 |
222 |
Radon |
Rn |
87 |
223 |
Francium |
Fr |
88 |
226 |
Radium |
Ra |
89 |
227 |
Actinium |
Ac |
90 |
232.0381 |
Thorium |
Th |
91 |
231.0359 |
Protactinium |
Pa |
92 |
238.0289 |
Uranium |
U |
93 |
237 |
Neptunium |
Np |
94 |
244 |
Plutonium |
Pu |
95 |
243 |
Americium |
Am |
96 |
247 |
Curium |
Cm |
97 |
247 |
Berkelium |
Bk |
98 |
251 |
Californium |
Cf |
99 |
252 |
Einsteinium |
Es |
100 |
257 |
Fermium |
Fm |
101 |
258 |
Mendelevium |
Md |
102 |
259 |
Nobelium |
No |
103 |
262 |
Lawrencium |
Lr |
104 |
261 |
Rutherfordium |
Rf |
105 |
262 |
Dubnium |
Db |
106 |
266 |
Seaborgium |
Sg |
107 |
264 |
Bohrium |
Bh |
108 |
277 |
Hassium |
Hs |
109 |
268 |
Meitnerium |
Mt |
110 |
261.9 |
Darmstadtium |
Ds |
111 |
271.8 |
Roentgenium |
Rg |
112 |
285 |
Copernicium |
Cn |
113 |
286 |
Ununtrium |
Uut |
114 |
289 |
Flerovium |
Fl |
115 |
288 |
Ununpentium |
Uup |
116 |
293 |
Livermorium |
Lv |
117 |
260.9 |
Ununseptium |
Uus |
118 |
294 |
Oganesson |
Og |
FAQs on Periodic Table Elements
Q1. Who developed the Periodic Table?
Q2. What is oganesson?
A. Oganesson (Og) is a synthetic chemical element at the 118th place of the periodic table. It is also known by its temporary name Ununoctium.
Q3. Which elements were discovered later as predicted by Dimitri Mendeleev?
A. Gallium, Germanium and Scandium were the elements discovered later.
Q4. Which are the noble gases and why are they placed separately?
A. Group 18 depicts noble gases. These are helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), radon (Rn), and oganesson (Og). These are kept in a separate group due to their inert nature.
Q5. What were the properties of elements used by Dimitri Mendeleev to develop the periodic table?
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