Fibonacci Numbers: Overview, Questions, Preparation

Sequence and Series 2021 ( Maths Sequence and Series )

Rachit Kumar Saxena
Updated on Jun 28, 2021 10:51 IST

By Rachit Kumar Saxena, Manager-Editorial

Table of content
  • What is Fibonacci Sequence?
  • Weightage of Fibonacci Numbers
  • Illustrated Examples on Fibonacci Numbers
  • FAQs on Fibonacci Numbers
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What is Fibonacci Sequence?

A sequence is an ordered list of numbers that follow a specific pattern. A list of numbers that follow a sequence form series. If a series has countable numbers, it is known as finite series. If a series has uncountable numbers or has no end, it is known as infinite series.

Fibonacci Sequence:

A sequence in which the next number is obtained through the addition of the two previous numbers is known as a Fibonacci Sequence. This sequence follows a pattern of recurrence.

To obtain the Fibonacci sequence, we have a general formula:

Fm = Fm-1 + Fm-2

Where Fm represents the mth term of a Fibonacci sequence. Fm-1 represents the (m-1)th term of the Fibonacci sequence, Fm-2 represents the (m-2)th term of the Fibonacci Sequence.

Fibonacci Numbers:

To find the Fibonacci numbers, we use the general equation of the Fibonacci Sequence.

So, Fm = Fm-1 + Fm-2



To begin this sequence, we consider the first two natural numbers, i.e. 0 and 1.
0, 1, Fm

The next term in the sequence is calculated by adding the previous two numbers.
Fm = 0 + 1= 1

So the sequence becomes- 0,1,1, Fm
Similarly, to find the next term of the sequence, add the earlier two numbers.
Fm = 1 + 1= 2

Continuing this pattern, we calculate the next few Fibonacci numbers.
Fm = 1 + 2= 3
Fm = 2 + 3= 5
Fm = 3 + 5= 8
Fm = 5 + 8= 13
Fm = 8 + 13= 21
Fm= 13 + 21= 34
Fm = 21 + 34= 55
Fm = 34 + 55= 89
Fm = 55 + 89= 144
Fm = 89 + 143= 233

And so on.

So, the Fibonnaci numbers are-
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181,...

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Weightage of Fibonacci Numbers

The topic Fibonacci Series is a part of the chapter Sequences and Series in class 11. This chapter holds a weightage of around 7-8 marks in the exams. Out of which 3-4 marks are assigned to this topic.

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Illustrated Examples on Fibonacci Numbers

1. Find am+1 / am , for m= 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, if  a1 = 1 =  a2


We know that am =  am-1  + am-2
So,  a3 = 1+ 1 = 2,  a4  = 2+ 1= 3, a5 = 3+ 2= 5, a6 = 5+ 3= 8
For m=1, am+1 / am = a2/a1= 1/1= 1
For m=2, am+1 / am = a3/a2= 2/1= 2
For m=3,am+1 / am = a4/a3= 3/2
For m=4, am+1 / am = a5/a4= 5/3
For m=5, am+1 / am = a6/a5= 8/5

2. Find am+1 -am , for m= 2, 3,4, if  a1 = 0 and a2= 1

According to the formula of Fibonacci sequence, am =  am-1  + am-2
So,  a3 = 1+ 0 = 1,  a4  = 1+ 1= 2, a5 =2 + 1= 3
For m=2, am+1 -am = a3-a2= 1-1= 0
For m=3, am+1 -am = a4-a3= 2-1 = 1
For m=4, am+1 -am= a5-a4= 3-2= 1

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FAQs on Fibonacci Numbers

Q: What is the difference between sequence and series?

A; A sequence is a definite order of items or digits. A series is a list of such items or digits that follow a sequence.

Q: Give the general equation of sequence and series.

A:  If s1, s2, s3, s4, … form a sequence, then
S = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4+ … form a series.

Q: What are the types of sequences?

A: Sequences are of four types— arithmetic progression, geometric progression, harmonic progression, and Fibonacci series.

Q: Is there a repetition in the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence?

A: The last digits of the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence repeat after every sixty numbers. 

Q: What is the application of Fibonacci numbers?

A; Fibonacci sequence is followed by nature. It has many applications such as computer storage sorting, search techniques, refractive index, financial market trade analysis, and musical compositions. It is also useful to compute the golden ratio or phi.

Maths Sequence and Series Exam

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