Boltzmann Equation: Overview, Questions, Preparation

Physics Thermodynamics 2021

Updated on May 12, 2021 03:24 IST


If we take a hot, dense gas, the large numbers of atoms collide with each other, leading to the excitation to the various energy levels. After some time scales, molecules exhibit radiative de-excitation. At constant temperature and pressure, equilibrium built between the collisional excitations and radiative deexcitations. 

  • The equilibrium leads to the distribution of atoms between the energy levels. At higher temperatures, the large number of atoms occupy at high energy levels.
  • Thus the Boltzmann equation shows the distribution of atoms among different energy levels as a function of energy and temperature.

Boltzmann Equation

The Boltzmann equation helps us to define the properties of dilute gases. It analyses the elementary collision processes between a pair of molecules. In general, the Boltzmann equation is expressed as a kinetic equation that describes the change of macroscopic quantity in a thermodynamic system, such as energy, charge or particle number.

Distribution Functions

  • A plasma is an ensemble of particles electrons ‘e,’ ions ‘i’ and neutrals ‘n’ with different positions ‘r’ and velocities ‘v,’ which move under the influence of external forces (electromagnetic fields, gravity) and internal collision processes (ionisation, Coulomb, charge exchange) 
  • The macroscopic plasma parameters are j - current density, ne - electron density, P - pressure, and Ti - ion temperature.


  • Consider particles as f, each particle experiences an external force F. The distribution of particles is dependent on the time t, position r and velocity v. At time t, the number of particles all has position r within an element d^3r and momentum p within d^3p.
  • If a force F acts on each particle, at time t +Δt, their position is r+Δr = r+pΔtlm and momentum p+Δp = p+FΔt.
Δf = total change in f and the above equation when divided by  d^3r, d^3p Δt and taking the limits Δt➝0, Δf➝0, we get

➝ (3)

Where⛛ is gradient operator and • is the dot product.

Further dividing equation 3 by dt and substituting in eq 2 gives,

The equation simply states that df/dt = 0 unless there are collisions.

The Boltzmann Equation for Class 11

In chapter ‘Thermodynamics,’ the Boltzmann equation has less probability than other thermodynamics laws. The Boltzmann equation is an elaborated topic with different applications in physics. The weightage of this topic is below 5 marks.

FAQs on Boltzmann Equation

Q: What are the applications of the Boltzmann equation?

A:  Apart from the study of gases, used for studying electron transport in solids and plasmas, neutron transport in nuclear reactors, phonon transport in superfluids, and radiative transfer in planetary and stellar atmospheres.

Q: What is the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution?

A:  The Maxwell Boltzmann equation forms the basis of the kinetic theory of gases. It is the distribution of the spread of velocities gas which is in thermal equilibrium.

Q: What is the Collisionless Boltzmann Equation?

A:  When there is no collision, (∂f/∂t)coll = 0 also called the Vlasov Equation.

Q: What is the convective derivative?

A:  The differential operator Dt ≡ ∂t + u ·∇( ∂f/∂t) is known as the ‘convective derivative’ because Dt f is the time derivative of f in a moving frame of reference.

Q: What is the Boltzmann Planck equation?

A:  The Boltzmann Planck equation is a probability equation relating to entropy and the number of ways atoms or molecules(microstates) arranged in a thermodynamic state.  

Q: What are the macroscopic variables?

A:  The macroscopic variables are the measurable quantities obtained by taking appropriate velocity moments of the distribution function.

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