M.Sc. in Food & Nutrition colleges in Manipal
There are 1 Food & Nutrition colleges in Manipal. Out of these, division of colleges by ownership is private owned: 1.
Location wise
There are several Food & Nutrition in major cities across the country such as Manipal and so on. Out of all the cities, Tamil Nadu has 33 Top Food & Nutrition colleges in India.
Food & Nutrition offers various specialisations like Biology, Genetics and Mathematics. Below is the table showing number of colleges offering each Food & Nutrition specialisation:
There are 1 Food & Nutrition colleges in Manipal. Out of these, division of colleges by ownership is private owned: 1.
Location wise
There are several Food & Nutrition in major cities across the country such as Manipal and so on. Out of all the cities, Tamil Nadu has 33 Top Food & Nutrition colleges in India.
Food & Nutrition offers various specialisations like Biology, Genetics and Mathematics. Below is the table showing number of colleges offering each Food & Nutrition specialisation: