Updated on Feb 25, 2022 11:24 IST
Pragati Singh

Pragati SinghSenior Executive - Content

BCom subjects or BCom syllabus is released by the institute offering the course. University Grants Commission and professional councils recognise the college and courses offered. The institute designs the BCom subject structure based on the guidelines from UGC. Under the New Education Policy, the Ministry of Education aims to accept the BCom curriculum designed under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS). Under the CBCS scheme, students get to choose from the prescribed courses, often referred to as elective, core or minor courses. Additionally, this helps students to learn at their own pace under the grade based marking system.

Typical BCom subjects include Accountancy, Financial Systems, Taxation, Business Management, Financial Accounting, Business Economics, Company Law, Cost Accounting, among others. Read this article further for more information on BCom subjects including the semester wise syllabus for all core and elective courses under the CBCS scheme.

Table of Contents
  1. List of BCom Subjects
    • 1.1 List of BCom Core Subjects
    • 1.2 List of BCom Elective Subjects
  2. BCom Semester Wise Detailed Syllabus
    • 2.1 BCom Syllabus: 1st Semester
    • 2.2 BCom Syllabus: 2nd Semester
    • 2.3 BCom Syllabus: 3rd Semester
    • 2.4 BCom Syllabus: 4th Semester
    • 2.5 BCom Syllabus: 5th Semester
    • 2.6 BCom Syllabus: 6th Semester
  3. BCom Books
  4. Top BCom Colleges Syllabus
  5. FAQs on BCom Subjects

List of BCom Subjects

While enrolment to the course, candidates need to choose elective subjects for the first semester. With each upcoming semester, candidates have to choose the elective subjects. Core BCom subjects remain the same for all students irrespective of their interests. Before proceeding to check the list of BCom subjects, candidates must check the BCom course structure as followed by UGC recognised colleges under the CBCS scheme:

  • Entire three years of BCom degree course has 12 core papers
    • Two semesters will have English as a subject
    • Two semesters will have Modern Indian Language (MIL) as one subject
    • Eight papers will be based on disciplines under the BCom course
  • Three years of BCom course has six elective subjects
    • Two papers will be based on the first discipline
    • Two papers will be based on the second discipline
    • Two papers will be interdisciplinary
  • The course has the following two papers under Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC)
    • Environmental Science
    • English Communication/MIL
  • Three years of BCom course will have four Skill Enhancement Courses


List of BCom Core Subjects

The list of core subjects as per the BCom syllabus are as follows:

BCom Subject

Subject Details

Financial Accounting

Students acquire conceptual knowledge of the financial accounts and skills that helps in recording different business transactions

Business Organisation and Management

Under this subject, students get the basic knowledge about organising and managing a business enterprise

Business Laws

Students get to learn about important business laws prevailing in India along with the relevant case law

Business Mathematics and Statistics

Students familiarise with the applications of Mathematics and statistical techniques in the business decision making.

Income Tax Law and Practice

Under the subject, students get the knowledge about the provisions and principles of the Income Tax Act of India, 1961

Company Law

Students learn about the provisions of the Companies Act 2013. Additionally, there are case studies that involves issues in company laws

Corporate Accounting

This subjects imparts the conceptual knowledge related to corporate accounting and helps understand the techniques of preparing financial statements

Cost Accounting

Under the subject, students get to learn about the concepts involved in cost accounting and methods involved in cost ascertainment systems. Additionally, the subject imparts knowledge of using costing data for planning, controlling and decision making.

List of BCom Elective Subjects

Under the CBCS scheme, elective courses are broadly divided into three parts, that is Discipline Specific Elective subjects, Ability Enhancement Elective Course subjects and Generic Elective subjects. The BCom course structure is designed for the candidates to choose the following subjects during the course:

  • Four Discipline Specific Elective subjects
  • Two Generic Elective subjects
  • Four Ability Enhancement Elective subjects

Candidates will have to choose between several subjects to opt for the above mentioned papers. The table below mentions the elective subjects under the BCom degree course:

Type of Electives

BCom Elective Subject Name

BCom Subject Details

Discipline Specific Elective

Human Resource Management

Students acquire the knowledge of techniques and principles to manage the human resource of an organisation

Principles of Marketing

Students get to learn about the concepts, tools, principles and techniques of marketing

Auditing and Corporate Governance

Students get the knowledge of audit principles and techniques. Additionally, students get to understand the issues under corporate governance.

Financial Reporting and Analysis

Students get to understand, analyse, and interpret the basic framework of financial reporting

Fundamentals of Financial Management

Students get to understand and familiarise with the principles and practises involved in financial management

Indirect Tax Laws

Students get to know about the principles and provisions of service tax, VAT, Central Excise, Custom Laws, and GST.

Training and Development

Students get to understand the learning environment of a firm. This indirectly helps in the human resource field

Industrial Laws

Students are familiarised with the provisions of industry related laws.

Corporate Tax Planning

Students get the basic knowledge of corporate tax planning and its impact on decision making

Banking and Insurance

Students get to learn the basic principles of banking as well as insurance industry

Management Accounting

Students get to learn the use case of costing data for planning, controlling and decision making

Computerised Accounting System

This subject imparts skills required to enhance computerised accounting systems.

Financial Markets and Institutions

Students get to know about the financial markets as well as institutions under the subject

International Business

Students get to learn about the importance and dynamics of international business and global business operations

Office Management and Secretarial Practice

Students get themselves to familiarise with the activities in a modern office, and smooth functioning of the office

Fundamentals of Investment

Students familiarise themselves with different investment alternatives, and introduce them to the analysis and investment valuation framework.

Consumer Protection

Students get to learn about the procedure for redressal of consumer complaints, and role of different agencies in standardisation.

Organisational Behaviour

This subject is included to help develop theoretical understanding about the structure and behaviour of an organisation

Ability Enhancement Elective Course

Computer Applications in Business

Students get to learn computer skills and knowledge to enhance their understanding or usefulness of IT tools for business operations

Cyber Crimes and Laws

Students get to understand cyber crimes and familiarise themselves with the application of cyber laws


Using the subject students become competent to understand and excel in e-commerce based employments and self-employed opportunities

Investing in Stock Markets

Students get to learn how to operate in stock markets and ways of investing in the markets.


Students get orientation towards entrepreneurship as a career option


Students are familiarised with the concepts, techniques, and tools of advertising.

Personal Selling and Salesmanship

Students get to learn about the fundamentals of personal selling and the selling process.

Collective Bargaining and Negotiation Skills

Students are exposed to collective bargaining techniques and skills required for negotiating a contract

Generic Elective

Indian Economy

Under this subject, students learn about the major economic problems in India and the redressal mechanism.

Project Management

Students get to learn and develop a suitable framework to prepare appraise, monitor and control the hedged risk of industrial project

Principles of Microeconomics

Students learn the concepts of microeconomics that deal with the consumer behaviour and familiarise themselves with the supply side of the market

Economics of Regulation of Domestic and Foreign Exchange Markets

Students get to learn about how economics work at a macro level with domestic and foreign exchange markets.

BCom Semester Wise Detailed Syllabus

The BCom course is divided into six semesters. All six semesters have four subjects each. The core subjects remain the same for all students, whereas, candidates are given choices for the elective subjects. Space below provides a semester wise BCom syllabus.

BCom Syllabus: 1st Semester

BCom 1st Semester Subjects

BCom Syllabus

Environmental Studies

Syllabus for the subject varies across universities

Financial Accounting

Theoretical Framework

Accounting Process

Business Income

Preparation of financial statements of not for profit organisations

Accounting for Hire Purchase and Instalment Systems, Consignments, and Joint Venture

Accounting for Inland Branches

Accounting and Dissolution of Partnership Firm

Business Organisation and Management

Foundation of Indian Business

Business Enterprises

The Process of Management

Conceptual Framework of Marketing Management

English Language

The syllabus varies across universities


BCom Syllabus: 2nd Semester

BCom 2nd Semester Subjects

BCom Syllabus

Language: English/Hindi/Modern Indian Language

Syllabus varies across universities

Business Laws

The Indian Contract Act, 1872

Special Contracts

The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

The LLP Act, 2008

The Information Technology Act, 2000

Business Mathematics and Statistics

Business Mathematics

Business Statistics

Bi-variate Analysis

Time-based Data: Index Numbers and Time Series Analysis

Hindi/Modern Indian Language

Syllabus varies across universities

BCom Syllabus: 3rd Semester

BCom 3rd Semester Subjects

BCom Syllabus

Company Law




Company Meetings

Dividends and Audit

Winding Up

Income Tax Law and Practise

Basic concepts

Computation of income under different heads

Total income and tax computation

Computation of total income of individuals and firms

Hindi/Modern Indian Language

Syllabus varies across universities

Skill based AEEC-1 (one among the two is to be chosen)

Computer Applications in Business


Introduction to essential tools

Using a spreadsheet for data analysis and reporting features

Database Designs for Accounting and Business Applications

CAAT Tools

Cyber Crimes and Laws

Cyber Crimes

Definition and Terminology

Regulatory Framework

Electronic Records

BCom Syllabus: 4th Semester

BCom 4th Semester Subjects

BCom Syllabus

Business Communications


Business Correspondence

Report Writing

Business Language and Presentation

Technology and Business Communication

Corporate Accounting

Accounting for Share Capital & Debentures

Final Accounts

Valuation of Goodwill and Valuation of Shares

Accounts of Holding Companies/ Parent Companies

Banking Companies

Cash Flow Statement

Amalgamation of Companies

Cost Accounting


Materials and Labour


Methods of Costing

Service Costing and Accounting System

Skill based AEEC-2 (one among the two is to be chosen)



Planning Online-Business

Technology for Online-Business

Operations for E-Commerce

Security and Legal Aspects of E-Commerce

Investing in Stock Markets

Investing Fundamentals

Stock Analysis and Valuation

Investing in Mutual Funds

Understanding Derivatives

BCom Syllabus: 5th Semester

BCom 5th Semester Subjects

BCom Syllabus

Discipline Specific Elective-1 (one among the four to be chosen)

Human Resource Management

Introduction, Acquisition of HR, Training and Development, Performance Appraisal, Compensation and Maintenance of employees

Principles of Marketing

Introduction, Consumer behaviour, Market Segmentation, Product, Pricing, Distribution, Promotion

Auditing and Corporate Governance

Auditing, Corporate Governance, Failures, Business Ethics and CSR

Financial Reporting and Analysis

Basics, Understanding Financial Statements, Elements of Financial Statements, Accounting Standards in India & IFRS

Discipline Specific Elective-2 (one among the four to be chosen)

Fundamentals of Financial Management

Nature, Scope, LongTerm Investment Decisions, Financing Decisions, Dividend Decisions, Working Capital Decisions

Indirect Tax Laws

Service Tax, VAT, Central Excise, Customs laws

Training and Development

Introduction, Training Needs, Training Methods, Evaluation

Industrial Laws

The EPF and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952, Employees State Insurance Act 1948, Payment of Wages Act 1936, Payment of Bonus Act 1965, Payment of Gratuity Act 1972

Skill-based AEEC-3 (one among the two to be chosen)


Introduction, Types of Business Entities, Entrepreneurial Sustainability, Business Plan Preparations, Startup issues


Introduction, Media Decisions, Message Development, Measuring Advertising Effectiveness, Organisational Arrangements

Generic Elective-1 (any one among the two subjects)

Principles of Microeconomics

Introduction, Consumer Theory, Production and Cost, Market Structure, Income Distribution and Factor Pricing

Economics of Regulation of Domestic and Foreign Exchange Markets

Regulation of Domestic Markets, Foreign Trade Policy, Industries Development Regulation, Foreign Exchange Market

BCom Syllabus: 6th Semester

BCom 6th Semester Subjects

BCom Syllabus

Discipline Specific Elective-3 (one among the five to be chosen)

Corporate Tax Planning

Tax Planning, Tax Management, Provisions, Advance, Structure, Deductions

Banking and Insurance

Origin, Definition, Relationships, Commercial Banks, Policies, Operations, CIBIL, Plastic Money, ETF, Risk Management, etc.

Management Accounting

Nature, Scope, Difference, Need, Importance, Limitations, Budgeting, Absorption

Computerised Accounting System

Generic Software, Designing, Support system

Financial Markets and Institutions

Introduction and Components, Financial Markets, Financial Institutions

Discipline Specific Elective-4 (one among the four to be chosen)

International Business

Introduction, Environment, International Trade, Regional Economic Cooperation, International Financial Environment, Foreign Investments

Office Management and Secretarial Practice

Office Management, Mailing Procedures, Modern Office Equipment, Budget and Audit, Role of Secretary

Fundamentals of Investment

Investment Environment, Fixed Income Securities, Equity Analysis, Portfolio Analysis, Investor Protection

Consumer Protection

Conceptual Framework, The Consumer Protection Act 1986, Redressal Mechanism, Industry Regulators, Consumerism

Organisational Behaviour

Introduction, Individual Behaviour, Group Decision Making and Communication, Motivation, Leadership, Dynamics of Organisational Behaviour

Skill-based AEEC-3 (one among the two to be chosen)

Personal Selling and Salesmanship

Introduction to Personal Selling, Theories of Selling, Buying Motives, Selling Process, Sales Reports

Collective Bargaining and Negotiation Skills

Issues in Collective Bargaining, Collective Bargaining in India, Negotiating a Contract, Negotiation skills

Generic Elective-1 (any one among the two subjects)

Indian Economy

Issues of Economic Development, Indian Planning, Policy Regimes, Growth, Development, and Structural Change, Sector-wise Trends and Issues

Project Management

Introduction, Project Preparation, Project Appraisal, Issues in Project Planning and Management

BCom Books

Candidates must study for the course from the recommended books only. The table below mentions the recommended books to complete the BCom syllabus:

BCom Subject

BCom Books

Financial Accounting

Introduction to Financial Accounting, Horngren

Business Organisation and Management

Modern Business Organisations, by Shankar, Gauri

Business Laws

Business Laws by Tulsian, PC

Business Mathematics and Statistics

Applied Mathematics by Budnick, P.

Income Tax Law and Practice

Income Tax Law and Practice by Lal, BB

Company Law

An Easy Approach to Corporate Laws

Corporate Accounting

Corporate Accounting, MC Shukla

Cost Accounting

Cost Accounting, bu Lal, Jawahar, and Srivastava, Seema

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management by Gupta, CB

Principles of Marketing

Marketing Management by Czimkota

Auditing and Corporate Governance

Relevant Publications of ICAI on Auditing (CARO)

Financial Reporting and Analysis

Corporate Financial Reporting: Theory & Practice by Lal Jawahar

Fundamentals of Financial Management

Financial Management, Rustagi RP

Indirect Tax Laws

Systematic Approach to Indirect Taxes, by Kumar Sanjeev

Training and Development

Training for Development, by Lynton R, Pareek

Industrial Laws

Simplified Approach to Labour Laws, by Sharma JP

Corporate Tax Planning

IFRSs, by Ghosh, and T.P.

Banking and Insurance

Banking and Insurance, Agarwal and OP

Management Accounting

Management Accounting by Jhamb, HV

Computerised Accounting System

Introduction to IT, by Rajaraman

Financial Markets and Institutions

Financial Services by Khan and Jain

International Business

International Business by Justin and Paul

Office Management and Secretarial Practice

Office Management, Ghosh, P.K.

Fundamentals of Investment

Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management by Chandra, Prasanna

Consumer Protection

Food Products: FSSAI

Advertising: ASCI

Organisational Behaviour

Organisational Behaviour by Sun India Publications

Computer Applications in Business

Introduction to Information Technology, by Rajaraman

Cyber Crimes and Laws

E-Commerce: An Indian Perspective


E-Commerce by Deobyani Nag, Bajaj

Investing in Stock Markets

Personal Finance, Madura, Jeff.


10 Commandments for Building a Growth Company, by Brandt, Steven C.


Advertising and Promotion, by Belch and Belch

Personal Selling and Salesmanship

Advertising and Personal Selling by Kapoor, Neeru

Management of the Sales Force, by Spiro, Stanton and Rich

Collective Bargaining and Negotiation Skills

Salamon, Michael, Industrial Relations-Theory and Practice

Venkataratnam, CS Industrial Relations: Text and Cases

Indian Economy

Economics Survey, Government of India

Kapila, Uma, Indian Economics since Independence

Project Management

Chandra, Prasanna, Project Preparation Appraisal and Implementation, Tata McGraw Hill

Khatua, Sitangshu, Project Management and Appraisal

Principles of Microeconomics

Business Economics, Ahuja, H.L.

Economics of Regulation of Domestic and Foreign Exchange Markets

Economics, by Libsey, RG & Chrystal

Top BCom Colleges Syllabus

The table below mentions the BCom syllabus PDF for some of the top-ranked BCom colleges in India:

Name of BCom College

BCom Syllabus PDF

Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi

Download Here

Hindu College, University of Delhi

Download Here

Lady Shri Ram College for Women, University of Delhi

Download Here

Hansraj College, University of Delhi

Download Here

Loyola College

Download Here

Christ University

Download Here

Ramjas College, University of Delhi

Download Here

MCC - Madras Christian College

Download Here

Narsee Monjee College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai

Download Here

Mithibai College of Arts, Chauhan Institute of Science & Amrutben Jivanlal College of Commerce and Economics

Download Here

FAQs on BCom Subjects

Q: Who designs the BCom syllabus?

A: BCom subjects are outlined as per the guidelines by the Universities Grants Commission. Under the New Education Policy, colleges will be accepting the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) to design the course curriculum.

Q: What is CBCS?

A: CBCS or Choice Based Credit System is a scheme wherein students get to choose subjects from the prescribed subjects comprising core, elective and skill-based subjects.

Q: What are the subjects in BCom 1st year?

A: In the first year of the BCom degree course, students are taught subjects including Financial Accounting, Business Organisation and Management, Business Laws, and Business Mathematics and Statistics.

Q: Does BCom has Maths?

A: Yes. BCom course curriculum comprises Business Mathematics as a subject in the first year of the course.

Q: Is BCom as CA syllabus same?

A: No. BCom syllabus is completely different from the CA syllabus. However, both BCom and CA have their core subjects related to accounting and commerce.

Popular B.Com Colleges in India

Following are the most popular B.Com Colleges in India. Learn more about these B.Com colleges (Courses, Reviews, Answers & more) by downloading the Brochure.
1 Course
43.41 K - 3.82 L
5.44 - 6.89 LPA
2.45 L - 11.22 L
4.8 - 5.16 LPA
1 Course
80.61 K
9.5 LPA
2 Courses
49.49 K
6.05 LPA
2 Courses
38.92 K - 50.27 K
7.2 LPA

Popular Private B.Com Colleges in India

3.66 L - 8.16 L

B.Com Applications open. Apply Now

2.22 L - 6.25 L
16 L - 38.3 L

B.Com Applications open. Apply Now

5.25 L - 9 L
5.15 - 7.78 LPA

B.Com Applications open. Apply Now

4.41 L - 5.31 L

B.Com Applications open. Apply Now

75 K - 3.65 L

B.Com Applications open. Apply Now

Popular B.Com Specializations

Following are the most popular B.Com Specializations . You can explore the top Colleges offering these Specializations by clicking the links below.

Popular Specializations


Student Forum

chatAnything you would want to ask experts?
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Answered 22 hours ago

Candidates are selected for BCom at Mangalmay Institute of Management and Technology based on their scores in last qualifying exam. To be eligible for admission candidates must fill out the basic eligibility criteria. The basic eligibility criteria for BCom is a pass Class 10 and Class 12 with 45% a



Raushan Bhatnagar

Contributor-Level 6

Answered 23 hours ago

After graduating from The Neotia University, there is a plethora of career opportunities for BCom (Hons) graduates. Candidates seeking government jobs after a BCom (Hons) may have to appear for the competitive exams conducted by the recruiting organisations. Listed below are some competitive exams t



Himanshi Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 23 hours ago

Pursuing a BCom (Hons) at The Neotia University opens career paths leading to private as well as government jobs in various industries, corporates, entrepreneurial ventures, etc. Besides taking up a job, graduates can also pursue further education with courses like MCom, MBA, etc. Some jobs that BCo



Himanshi Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 23 hours ago

The Neotia University has not released the course-specific placemet data yet. However, as per the University's NIRF report, the median package offered to students pursuing UG (4-year) courses in 2023 was INR 3.6 LPA. This figure stood at INR 4.05 LPA in 2022. As per The Neotia University reviews pro



Himanshi Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

Answered Yesterday

The Neotia University offers various scholarships to BCom (Hons) students. Each scholarship has preset eligibility criteria. Those who meet the eligibility criteria can get a scholarship of up to 100% on the tuition fee. Listed below are some scholarships that students pursuing BCom (Hons) can avail



Himanshi Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

Answered Yesterday

The Neotia University has a total intake of 30 students for BCom (Hons). It must be noted that the mentioned number of seats is sourced from the official website of the university/sanctioning body. It is still subject to change and hence, is indicative. At the university, the BCom (Hons) seats are a



Himanshi Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

Answered Yesterday

Candidates seeking admission to the BCom (Hons) at The Neotia University must start with checking the eligibility criteria. Eligible candidates can visit the university's official website to apply. New users are required to register before applying. After the registration and application process, a



Himanshi Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

Answered Yesterday

Uploading the prescribed documents is an important step in the admission process of The Neotia University BCom (Hons). The following documents are required te secure BCom (Hons) admission at the university:

  • Mark sheet of Class 10 & 12
  • Admit Card of Class 10 & 12
  • Identity Proof (Aadhar/Voter ID Card)
  • Sch



Himanshi Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

Answered Yesterday

The Neotia University accepts applications for BCom (Hons) admissions in online mode. The application process can be completed by visiting the university's official website. The steps included in the application process are as follows:

Step 1: Visit the official website of The Neotia University and c



Himanshi Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

Answered Yesterday

Yes, The Neotia University BCom (Hons) admissions are open. The university is currently accepting applications for the course admission. Interested candidates can visit the university's official website to apply. The last date to apply has not been announced yet. Aspirants must apply timely as there



Himanshi Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

Answered Yesterday

The Neotia University BCom (Hons) aspirants must ensure applying timely as there is a limited number of seats. The application process is conducted on the university's official website. As of now, the exact admission dates for the ongoing admission cycle are not available. However, applicants must a



Himanshi Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

Answered Yesterday

The Neotia University BCom (Hons) is a four-year programme. The total fee for BCom (Hons) at the university is INR 1.39 lakh. The following table presents the break-up of the total fee:

Fee ComponentsFee Amount
Tuition Fee (INR 15,000 per semester)INR 90,000
One-time Fee (Payable at admission)INR 29,000
Exam Fee for OJT/RWINR 20,000

NOTE: The mentioned fee is sourced from the official website of the university/sanctioning body. It is still subjec



Himanshi Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

Answered Yesterday

The fees for a Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) program at Central Commerce College in Hassan can vary every year depends upon the number of admission students and the improvement of college. Generally for this year the tuition fees will be around 40000 to 100000. 

There will be a different B.com course



Vijay S

Beginner-Level 5

Answered Yesterday

The Neotia University provides merit-based admissions to its BCom (Hons) course. Candidates who fulfil the course-specific eligibility criteria can visit the university's official website to apply. They must upload all the required documents along with the application form. The university will asses



Himanshi Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

Answered Yesterday

The Neotia University offers a four-year BCom (Hons) with a specialisation in Taxation & E-accounting. Admission to the programme is subject to fulfilment of The Neotia University BCom (Hons) eligibility criteria. The eligibility criteria require applicants to have scored at least 50% in Class 12 (o



Himanshi Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

Answered Yesterday

Yes, The Neotia University offers BCom (Hons) as one of its undergraduate courses. It is offered with a specialisation in Taxation & E-accounting. The duration of the course is four years. It is a full-time programme, offered by the university's School of Humanities, Management and Social Sciences.



Himanshi Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

Hi Greetings,

Here's a brief comparison:

'Avanthi Degree and PG College

- Location: Hyderabad, Telangana

- Placement: High, companies like Amazon and Deloitte

- Infrastructure: Modern

- Campus Life: Active'

'RBVRR Women's College

- Location: Hyderabad, Telangana

- Placement: Moderate, companies like TCS and



Priya Kumari

Contributor-Level 7

Answered 3 days ago

Hi Rama,

PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore offers a B.Com (Accounting and Finance) programme integrated with ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants).

This programme is designed to provide a strong foundation in accounting and finance while also giving students globally reco



Ankit kumar

Contributor-Level 9

Answered 3 days ago

'You can find the B.Com 3rd Semester HRM (Human Resource Management) question paper for Guwahati University through the following resources:
Official Guwahati University Website: Visit the Gauhati University website and check the "Examination" or "Downloads" section for past question papers.



Priya Kumari

Contributor-Level 7

Answered 3 days ago

'Placement for B.Com at CBLU (Chaudhary Bansi Lal University):
CBLU offers placement support for its B.Com students, but the placement process varies each year. Companies in sectors like finance, accounting, and banking often visit for campus recruitment. Some of the recruiters might include ICICI Ba



Priya Kumari

Contributor-Level 7

Answered 4 days ago

SJ College offers a total of three courses at the UG level such as BSc (Maths),  BCom, and BA. BCom is one of the flagship courses provided at SJ College Jaipur. The total tuition fee for the BCom programme is around INR 39K. Admission to these courses is based on merit-based scores. 


Mohit B

Beginner-Level 4

Answered 4 days ago

For BCom course admission, candidates must meet the eligibility criteria set by the college. Aspiarnts should pass Class 12. The admission criteria for the course is, merit-based. The duration of the course is three years spreaded over six semesters. Students can choose any two specialisation (dual




Contributor-Level 7

Answered 4 days ago

For admission to an BCom programme at Jyothi Institute of Commerce and Management, the aspirant must fulfill the course-specific eligibility criteria. Thus, only the aspirants who have passed Class 12 are eligible for admission. In addition, students should have passed the qualifying examination fro



Pragati Taneja

Contributor-Level 7

Answered 4 days ago

Admission to BCom course is based on merit. Candidates must meet the eligibilty critwria set by the college. Students must complete Class 12.  The course covers subjects such as Accounting, Economics, Business Law, Taxation, and Financial Management, offering a complete understanding of commercial p



Nitesh Gulati

Contributor-Level 7

Answered 4 days ago

Every semester at Kalasalingam University, the BCom in Professional Accounting programme includes core subjects. Students enrolled in the BCom programme must complete the required core subjects in order to earn the university-mandated credits. The names of the core subjects are- Financial Accounting



Rachit Kumar

Contributor-Level 6

Answered 4 days ago

Kalasalingam University offers several specialisations for BCom courses i.e.,  BCom- Honours with Computer Applications, BCom- Honours with Professional Accounting, BCom- Honours with Banking and Insurance, BCom- Honours with Corporate Secretaryship and BCom- Honours with Business Process Services.



Atul Pruthi

Contributor-Level 6

Answered 4 days ago

The eligibility criteria for admission to BCom- Business Process Services at Kalasalingam University is slightly different from other BCom courses offered at the university. To get into BCom- Business Process Services, candidates are required to complete their Class 12 in English medium and must hav



Indrani Kumar

Contributor-Level 6

Answered 4 days ago

No, CUET-UG scores are not necessary to get admission into BCom at Kalasalingam University. To get admission into the BCom courses candidates are required to appear in any of the following entrance exams- CUET UG/ KREE. Additionally, candidates with good scores in Class 12 are also eligible to get a



Piyush Jain

Contributor-Level 6

Answered 4 days ago

Yes, after completing Class 12 in Science stream, a student can pursue BCom (Hons.) course at Kalasalingam University. To get admission, candidates would need to fulfil the minimum eligibility criteria set by the university i.e., candidates must complete their Class 12 from recognised board of educa



Abhishek Hazarika

Contributor-Level 6

Answered 4 days ago

After completing the BCom course from Kalasalingam University, candidates can pursue various government job opportunities. In addition, government job aspirants pursue BCom courses to align with the competitive examination syllabus. Some top government jobs after BCom include IBPS PO, SBI Clerk, RBI




Contributor-Level 10

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