Shadan College of Engineering and Technology
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B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 

  • Private Institute
  • Estd. 1995

B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Shadan College of Engineering and Technology 


4 years

Course Level

UG Degree

Mode of Course

Full Time

Total Tuition Fees

2.00 Lakh

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B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Shadan College of Engineering and Technology 

Fee componentsAmount (4 years)
2.00 Lakh
2.00 Lakh
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These are based on information available on various sources. Latest values may differ.

B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Shadan College of Engineering and Technology 

ParticularsStatistics (2021)
Median SalaryINR 3.15 Lakh
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B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Shadan College of Engineering and Technology 
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  • 45%
TS EAMCETUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
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B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Shadan College of Engineering and Technology 
Students Ratings & Reviews

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B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science - Batch of 2027
Offered by Shadan College of Engineering and Technology
1Placements2Infrastructure4Faculty3Crowd & Campus Life3Value for Money
An average basic college, maintained autonomously, so that's a good thing, I would say
Placements: I think there are no placements or low placements in our college. The chances of getting into this college are high via management, and you can decrease the yearly fee if you pass the exam. There are no recruitments available for now, and unfortunately, there are no recruitment companies offering anything.
Infrastructure: The facilities are pretty average and not that advanced, just some old classic-style colleges, but there are plenty of materials to study here. Also, they don't provide hostels, and the food available in the mess consists only of bakery items; there are no heavy meals.
Faculty: The teaching methods and exams are somewhat average, in my opinion. The semester exams are quite challenging, so the chances of passing are greater when you work really hard. The course curriculum is highly recommended for the chances of getting a high salary.
Other: Completing the course without any problems, and if you are considering improvement, I think the whole college facility should be improved.
Reviewed on 18 Dec 2023Read More
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B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Shadan College of Engineering and Technology 

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B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
Shadan College of Engineering and Technology 
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Peerancheru, Himayath Sagar Road, Hyderabad, Telangana
Hyderabad ( Telangana)

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