RRB Group D Books 2025 is the best tool that candidates can refer to improve their preparation for the exam. Choosing the best books for RRB Group D preparation becomes essential to ace the preparation. To stand in the cut-throat competition of RRB Group D 2025, candidates will require RRB Group D books for preparation. Not only RRB Group D books guide candidates to understand the paper pattern and syllabus but also Group D railway books save time by giving candidates all the required information about the exam.
Q: Â How useful are RRB Group D books?
RRB Group D books are the most efficient way to prepare for the exam. They help candidates to clear the concepts of each and every topic given in the syllabus. RRB Group D books play a major role in cracking the exam. Choosing the right set of Railway exam books for Group D preparation becomes essential to clear the cutoff. Candidates can refer to the Railway Group D books for General Science, Mathematics, General Intelligence & Reasoning and General Awareness & Current Affairs provided on this page.
Q: Â Which RRB Group D books to refer to for General Awareness?
Q: Â What is the difficulty level of RRB Group D exam?
RRB Group D exam is not difficult. It all depends upon the preparation. If candidates have prepared dedicated, the exam is going to be easy. When candidates give complete effort to any exam. Then, there is no exam that is going to be hard. Always keep faith on your preparation. Try to solve previous years question papers. Be prepared to face any kind of situation. RRB Group D syllabus is not tough and with good preparation candidates can crack the exam. The tips and tricks to crack RRB Group D exam are given below:
- Candidates should understand the exam pattern and syllabus inorder to know the structure of the exam
- Candidates should solve the previous year question papers inorder to know the type of questions asked in the exam
- Candidates should attempt mock tests to improve their speed and accuracy of solving questions
- Candidates should practice maximum questions based on the same topic
- Candidates must clear their basic concepts
Q: Â Which are the important topics for RRB Group D General Intelligence and Reasoning?
RRB Group D Books 2025
The section-wise best books for RRB Group D 2025 exam are given below.
RRB Group D Mathematics Books
This section of RRB Group D comprises a total of 25 questions. The questions are simple and basic. The questions from this section are conceptual and based on basic Arithmetics. The important topics in this section are Simplification, Elementary Statistics, Algebra, Profit & Loss, Percentage, Mensuration, Number System, Speed, Time & Distance, Average, etc. Candidates can refer to the following books for this section.
Name of the Book | Publisher |
Practice Book on Quicker Maths by M Tyra and K Kundan |
Magical Book Series |
Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma |
Arihant Publishers |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by RS Aggarwal |
S Chand Publisher |
Quantitative Aptitude by Arun Sharma |
McGraw Hill |
RRB Group D General Intelligence & Reasoning Books
This section carries total 30 questions from topics such as Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical operations, Relationships, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Conclusions and Decision making, Similarities and Differences, Analytical Reasoning, etc. Candidates can refer to the following books for this section:
- A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal
- Analytical Reasoning by MK Pandey
- Test of Reasoning by Edgar Thorpe
Download RRB Group D Syllabus -Click Here |
RRB Group D General Science Books
The General Science section carries a total 25 questions. This section cover topics such as Physics, Chemistry, and Life Sciences.
- General Science for Indian Railways RRB Exams
- NCERT Class 10 Science textbooks
RRB Group D General Awareness & Current Affairs Books
This section comprises a total of 20 questions. Candidates must focus on topics such as Science & Technology, Sports, Culture, Personalities, Economics, Politics, etc. Candidates can refer to the following books for General Awareness and Current Affairs section.
- Lucent’s General Knowledge
- Manorama Year Book
- Pratiyogita Darpan
RRB Group D Exam Pattern
RRB Group D exam pattern for CBT is divided into four sections. The total duration of the test is 90 minutes and 120 minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied by the scribe. The test paper will have 100 objective-type multiple-choice questions. The structure of RRB Group D exam pattern is given below.
Sections |
Number of questions |
General Science |
25 |
Mathematics |
25 |
General Intelligence and Reasoning |
30 |
General Awareness and Current Affairs |
20 |
Total |
100 |
RRB Group D Syllabus
RRB Group D syllabus is basically of Class 10 level. General Intelligence and Reasoning section plays a very crucial role and the weightage is also more. The Mathematics and General Science sections are usually based on the Class 10 NCERT Level. Questions asked in General Awareness section can be broadly categorized into Static GK and Current Affairs. The topics included in RRB Group D exam are given below:
Mathematics: Number system, Decimals, Ratio and Proportion, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, etc.
General Intelligence and Reasoning: Analogies, Alphabetical and Number Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical operations, Relationships, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagram, Data Interpretation and Sufficiency, Conclusions, etc.
General Science:Â The syllabus of General Science covers Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences of the Class 10 level.
General Awareness:Â Science & Technology, Sports, Culture, Personalities, Economics, Politics, etc.
How to Prepare for RRB Group D?
Few tips and tricks for RRB Group D exam are given below:
- Before beginning with the preparation, make sure that you are well versed with the detailed syllabus for the exam
- Pick the important topics from all the sections and strategize the preparation accordingly
- Stay updated with the Current Affairs and in Static GK
- Appear in the mock test as it will help to improve speed and accuracy
- Solve previous years’ question papers to know the type of questions asked in the exam
Also Read:Â RRB Group D Preparation TipsÂ
RRB Group D Books 2025 FAQs
Candidates can check below RRB Group D Books FAQs.