Young Double Slits Experiment Derivation: Overview, Questions, Preparation

Physics Waves 2021

Vipra Shrivastava
Updated on May 7, 2021 04:07 IST

By Vipra Shrivastava, Senior Manager - Content

Table of content
  • What is Young's Double Slit Experiment?
  • Fringes' role In Young's Double Slit Experiment
  • Fringe Width
  • Illustrated Examples
  • FAQs on Young's Double Slit Experiment
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What is Young's Double Slit Experiment?

Two coherent light sources positioned at a small distance apart are used in Young's Double Slit Experiment, typically just a few orders of magnitude greater than the wavelength of light.


Young's double-slit experiment

The distance between the slit and the screen is D, and the width of the slit is d.

The light waves from s1 and s2 must travel separate distances to meet P while the split separation (d) and the frame distance (D) are kept unchanged. It means that there is a direct gap between the two light waves from s1 and s2 in Young's double-slit experiment.

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Fringes' role In Young's Double Slit Experiment

Fringes with maximum intensity

For n = 0, the light fringe is known as the central fringe. The fringes of the higher-order are symmetrically positioned along the central fringe. The position of the bright fringe is given by the nth position.

Y (brightness) = (nλ\d)D (n = 0, ±1, ±2, . . . .)

Fringes with minimum intensity

Y (dark) = (2n−1)λD/2d (n = ±1,±2,…..)

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Fringe Width

It is the distance between two adjacent bright or adjacent dark fringes.

Let us assume we are considering two bright fringes at positions n and n+1, respectively.

So fringe width = ((n+1)λ\d)D - (nλ\d)D = (λ\d)D

The intensity of fringes in Young’s Double Slit Experiment

For two coherent sources, the resultant intensity at point P is given by

I = I1 + I2 + 2 √(I1 . I2) cos φ

I1=I2 = I

Putting value, we get: 

φ= 4. I . cos2(φ/2)

For maximum intensity = φ= 2npie

For minimum intensity = φ = 2(n-1)pie

Young’s experiment in Class 12

Young’s experiment is part of wave optics, so in chapter wave optics, you will get to learn the derivation in detail. The weightage of this chapter is 6-7 marks.

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Illustrated Examples

Example 1: In Young's double-slit experiment, if the slit widths are in the ratio 1:9, then the balance of the intensity at minima to that at maxima will be? 

Solution: Slit width ratio = 1 : 9 Since slit width ratio is the ratio of intensity and intensity∝(amplitude)2 

I1 : I2 = 1 : 9 

a12:a22= 1:9

a1:a2 = 1:3

Imax= (a1+a2)2


Imax:Imin= 1:4

Example 2: Two coherent light sources S1 and S2(I=6000 A) are 1mm apart from each other. The screen is placed at a 25 CM from the sources, the width of the fringes on the screen is?


ƀ=6000 * 10-10 *25*10-2/ 10-3

= 150*10-6   

Example 3: The width of the fringes obtained from the light of wavelength 500 nm is 3.6 mm. What is the fringe width if the apparatus is immersed in a liquid of refractive index 1.2?


β’ = λ’D/d

β’/ β = λ’/λ

β’ = β/μ

= 3.6 mm/1.2

Image Courtesy: NCERT

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FAQs on Young's Double Slit Experiment

Q: What is the intention of Young's experiment with double slits?

A: Two coherent light sources positioned at a small distance apart; usually, just a few orders of magnitude greater than the wavelength of light, are used in Young's double-slit experiment. The double-slit experiment by Young helped to clarify the wave theory of light, which is demonstrated by means of a diagram.

Q: What gives Young's double-slit experiment a dark spot on the screen?

A: A typical pattern of bright and dark fringes is observed as monochromatic light passing between two narrow slits illuminates a distant screen. The superposition of alternating light waves coming from the two slits creates this interference pattern.

Q: What was proved by Young's experiment?

A: Before quantum mechanics, and the theory of wave-particle duality, Thomas Young's work with light was part of classical physics. He felt it proved that the light theory of waves was right, and his experiment is often referred to as the experiment of Young or the slits of Young.

Q: When you raise the distance between the slits, what happens?

A: The separation of the slits and the space between the wall and the slits affected the pattern of interference. The fringe width would also increase as the number of slits increased, so the more slits the light waves could pass through the more slits, and more interference would occur.

Q: What hypothesis is most successfully demonstrated by Young's double-slit experiment?

A: The double-slit experiment of The Young successfully shows the dual existence of illumination. The double-slit experiment was planned to illustrate the interference of light waves. 

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