Sreetama Datta RoyManager Content
MSc, Biochemistry
Section A
- Structure and functions of liver, kidney, Composition of blood, blood coagulation,
- Digestion and absorption of proximate principles,
- Biological value of proteins, protein malnutrition disorders,
- Chemistry and physiological role of vitamins,
- Role of minerals in living systems,
- Structure and physiological roles of hormones,
- Basic features of immune response,
- Lymphoid system, T and B lymphocytes,
- Cellular and humoral immunity,
- Classes and structure of immunoglobulin, RIA, ELISA, Vaccines. Bacteria, Viruses, Organisation of genome in prokaryotes and eukaryotes,
- DNA replication,
- Biosynthesis of RNA,
- Protein synthesis,
- Genetic code,
- Inhibitors of DNA replication, transcription and translation,
- Basic concepts of regulation of gene expression, principles and applications of recombinant DNA technology.
Section B:
- Principles of Enzymology,
- Bioenergetics,
- Biological Oxidations,
- Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, amino acids and nucleic acids
Section C:
- Classification, chemistry and physico-chemical properties of amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, porphyrins, PH and Buffers,
- Biomembranes–composition and organisation,
- Basic principles of biochemical separation methods–paper, thin layer,ion-exchange,affinity chromatography, gel filtration,
- Centrifugation,Electrophoresis–paper, polyacrylamide,agarose gels.
- Basic principles of Colorimetry and spectrophotometry.Radio isotopes and their use in Biochemistry.
MSc, Biotechnology
- Physical Sciences and Mathematics --Atomic number and atomic weight.
- Electronic configurations,
- Electronic theory of valency.
- Oxidation states, Oxidation numbers.
- Common redox and ionic reactions.
- Nuclear chemistry, composition of nucleus, binding energy and packing fraction,
- Nuclear reaction.
- Uses of radioisotopes,
- Electron displacements, bond formation and fission and reaction intermediates, Nucleophiles and electrophiles.
- Alkanes, alkenes and alkynes, alkyl halides, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, acids, esters and amino preparations, properties and reactions, Benzene-aromaticity.
- Dilute solutions - Osmotic pressure, lowering of vapour pressure, depression of freezing point and elevation of boiling point.
- Molecular weight determination in solution, association and dissociation of solutes.
- Chemical kinetics-Molecularity and order of a reaction - first order, second order and rate equation. Electrochemistry, laws of electrolytes, conductivity of an electrolyte, hydrolysis of salts, hydrogen ion concentration, buffer solutions and acid-base indicators.
- Role of metals in biological systems, sodium, potassium, iron, zinc and cobalt, toxic metals.
- Arsenic, mercury, lead, inorganic and organic pollutants - their reactivity and effect of some pollutants on human and plant life.
- Application of mathematics in biology.
- General introduction to computers.
- Life Sciences
- Cell structure and function,
- Cell organelles,
- Cell division.
- Genetics, laws of inheritance, Linkage, Crossing over, Polyploidy, Hybrid vigour and Sex determination. Structure and replication of DNA, genetic recombination, transcription and post transcriptional modifications,
- Concept of genetic code, RNA and ribosomes - their function and role in protein synthesis. Gene cloning, application of gene cloning in medicine, Gene Mapping, Mutations.
- Cell and its biochemical organization –
- Structure, chemistry, properties and metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins Concept of basic metabolism, Role of enzymes in Metabolism, Enzyme kinetics, inhibition, and Regulation.
- Microbiology - Classification and identification of bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, structure and isolation, culture methods, role of microbes in carbon, nitrogen and sulphur cycles in nature.
- Immunology - Organism immunity, immunity to infectious diseases and vaccines.
Section C
- Principles of Biotechnology:
- Principles and applications of centrifugation, Paper and Thin layer chromatography, paper electrophoresis, agarose gel electrophoresis and their applications.
- Principle and applications of UV- Visible spectroscopy.
- Microscopic techniques–Light and electron microscopy.
- Fermentation - Introduction, types of fermentation processes (batch, fed-batch, continuous), types of fermenters (Stirred tank & Air-Lift Fermenters), feed - 25 - culture preparation, inoculum preparation and product yield.
- Product Recovery Techniques (Biomass separation, filtration, centrifugation, membrane separation),
- Product purification techniques (Dialysis, reverse osmosis, organic solvent extraction).
- Production of alcoholic beverages (Beer and wine), antibiotics (Penicillin), organic acids (Citric acid), amino acids (Glutamic acid).
- Single cell proteins and Probiotics.
- Media used for plant tissue culture, different components of media, sterilization ofmedia,
- Callus culture, Meristem culture, Somatic embryogenesis, Synthetic seeds, transgenic plants and applications. Serum and serum free media used for maintenance of animal cell lines, Sterilization of media,
- Maintenance of primary cell line and secondary cell lines, transgenic animals and their applications.
- Definition and scope of environmental biotechnology,
- Municipal solid waste disposal,
- Microbiological treatment of municipal sewage and industrial effluents,
- Waste water treatment system (Aerobic, anaerobic and activated sludge process),
- Bioremediation, Biodegradation.
Section A:
- Origin and evolution of Life - an outline. Viruses
- Structure, replication and transmission; plant diseases caused by viruses and their control.
- Bacteria: Structure, nutrition, reproduction and economic importance.
- An outline of Plant diseases of important crop plants caused by bacteria and their control.
- Cyanobacteria
- General Account of Cell Structure, thallus organisation and their prospecting (uses),
- Biofertilizers.
- Algae and Fungi:Algae
- General account, thallus organisation, structure, reproduction, classification and economic importance. Structure, reproduction, life history and systematic position of Oedogonium, Coleochaete, Chara, Ectocarpus and Polysiphonia.
- Fungi: General characters, classification and economic importance Structure, reproduction and life history of Albugo, Saccharomyces, Penicillium, Puccinia, Alternaria,
- General account of plant diseases caused by Fungi and their control.
- Bryophyta and Pteridophyta:
- Bryophytes: General characters, classification and alternation of generations Structure, reproduction, life history and systematic position of Marchantia, Anthoceros and Polytrichum.
- Evolution of Sporophyte in Bryophytes.
- Pteridophytes: General characters, classification, alternation of generations and evolution of sporophtyte Structure, reproduction, life history and systematic position of Rhynia,
- Lycopodium, Equisetum and Marsilea Evolution of stele, heterospory and seed habit in Pteridophytes. Gymnosperms and Palaeobotany
- Gymnosperms: General characters, structure, reproduction and classification Morphology of vegetative and reproductive parts, systemic position, life history of Pinus and Gnetum Palaeobotany
- Introduction, Fossils and fossilization;
- Geological time scale;
- Importance of fossils.
- Bennettitales
Section B:
- Meristems: Types, histological organisation of shoot and root apices and theories.
- Tissues and Tissue Systems:
- Simple and complex.
- Leaf: Ontogeny, diversity of internal structure; stomata and epidermal outgrowths.Stem and root:
- Vascular cambium - Formation and function.
- Anamalous secondary growth-General account.
- Stem - Achyranthes, Boerhavia, Bignonia,
- Dracaena; Root – Beta Wood structure:
- General account.
- Study of local timbers – Teak (Tectona grandis),
- Rosewood, (Albergia latefolia), Red sanders, (Pterocarpus santalinus) Nallamaddi (Terminalia tomentosa (T. alata)), Yegisa (Pterocarpus marsupiun) and Neem (Azadirachta indica).
- Embryology: Introduction: History and importance of Embryology.
- Anther structure, Microsporogenesis and development of male gametophyte.
- Ovule structure and types; Megasporogenesis; types and development of female gametophyte.
- Pollination - Types; Pollen - pistil interaction. Fertilization.
- Endosperm - Development and types.
- Embryo - development and types
- Polyembryony and Apomixis - an outline.
- Palynology: Principles and applications.
- Taxonomy: Introduction: Principles of plant systematics, Systematics vs Taxonomy,
- Types of classification: Artificial, Natural and Phylogenetic. Systems of classification:
- Salient features and comparative account of Bentham & Hooker and Engler & Prantle.
- An introduction to Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG).
- Current concepts in Angiosperm Taxonomy:
- Embryology in relation to taxonomy, Cytotaxonomy, Chemotaxonomy and Numerical Taxonomy.
- Nomenclature and Taxonomic resources:
- An introduction to ICBN, Vienna code - a brief account. Herbarium:
- Concept, techniques and applications. Systematic study and economic importance of plants belong to the following families:
- Annonaceae, Capparaceae, Rutaceae, Fabaceae (Faboideae/papilionoideae, Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae), Cucurbitaceae, Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Asclepiadaceae, Lamiaceae, Amaranthaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Orchidaceae and Poaceae.
- Medicinal Botany: Ethnomedicine: Scope, interdisciplinary nature, distinction of Ethnomedicine from Folklore medicine. Outlines of Ayurveda, Sidda, Unani and Homeopathic systems of traditional medicine. Role of - 26 - AYUSH, NMPB, CIMAP and CDRI.
- Plants in primary health care: Common medicinal plants – Tippateega (Tinospora cordifolia), tulasi (Oscimum sanctum), pippallu (Piper longum), Karaka (Terminalia chebula), Kalabanda (Aloe vera),
- Turmeric (Curcuma longa). Traditional medicine vs Modern medicine: Study of select plant examples used in traditional medicine as resource (active principles, structure, usage and pharmacological action) of modern medicine:
- Aswagandha (Withania somnifera), Sarpagandha (Rauvolfia serpentina), Nela usiri (Phyllanthus amarus), Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) and Brahmi (Bacopamonnieri) Moner. Pharmacognosy:
- Introduction and scope. Adulteration of plant crude drugs and methods of identification - some examples.
- Indian Pharmacopoeia. Evaluation of crude drugs. Section C: Cell Biology: Plant cell envelops: Ultra structure of cell wall, molecular organisation of cell membranes.
- Nucleus: Ultrastructure, Nucleic acids - Structure and replication of DNA; types and functions of RNA Chromosomes: Morphology, organisation of DNA in a chromosome, Euchromatin and Heterochromatin. Karyotype .Cell division: Cell cycle and its regulation; mitosis, meiosis and their significance. Genetics:
- Mendelism: Laws of inheritance. Genetic interactions - Epistasis, complementary, supplementary and inhibitory genes.
- Linkage and crossing over: A brief account, construction of genetic maps - 2 point and 3 point test cross data Mutations:
- Chromosomal aberrations-Structural and numerical changes; Gene mutations, transposable elements Gene Expression:
- Organisation of gene, transcription, translation, mechanism and regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes (Lac.and Trp Operons ) Extra nuclear genome:
- Mitochondrial and plastid DNA, plasmids.
- Ecology: Concept and components of Ecosystem. Energy flow, food chains, food webs, ecological pyramids, biogeochemical cycles - Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus. Plants and environment:
- Ecological factors - Climatic (light and temperature), edaphic and biotic.
- Ecological adaptations of plants.
- Population ecology: Natality, mortality, growth curves, ecotypes, ecads. Community ecology:
- Frequency, density, cover, life forms, biological spectrum, ecological succession (Hydrosere, Xerosere).
- Production ecology: Concepts of productivity, GPP, NPP, CR (Community Respiration) and secondary production, P/R ratio and Ecosystems.Biodiversity and Conservation:
- Biodiversity: Concepts, Convention on Biodiversity - Earth Summit. Types of biodiversity. Levels, threats and value of Biodiversity.
- Hot spots of India – Endemism, North Eastern Himalayas, Western Ghats. Agro-biodiversity: Vavilov centres of crop plants. Principles of conservation: IUCN threat- categories, RED data book - threatened & endangered plants of India. Role of organisations in the conservation of Biodiversity - IUCN, UNEP, WWF, NBPGR, NBD.
1) Chemical Bonding: Detailed description of L.C.A.O. in M.O theory, Bonding, antibonding and non-bonding orbitals, M.O configurations of simple diatomic molecules. H2, N2, O2, C2, B2, F2, CO, NO and their ions.
2) pBlock elements: Preparations, bonding and stereo chemistry of the following.
A) Boron Group: Electron deficiency and acceptor behaviour, Boron hydrides, boranes, carboranes and Borazole, Boron and aluminium halides, aluminium alkyls.
B) Carbon Group: Carbonyls, Carbides, silicates, silicones,
C) Nitrogen Group: Hydrazine, hydroxylamine and hydrazoic acid, oxides and oxy compounds.
D) Oxygen group: Oxygen fluorides, Oxides, Oxyacids and halides of Sulphur, Selenium and Tellurium, peracids of Sulphur.
E) Halogen group: Oxides and Oxyacids of chlorine, polyhalides, basic properties of halogens, pseudohalogens, Interhalogen compounds.
F) Compounds of noble gases.
3. Principles of analytical chemistry:
A) Titrimetry: Acid-base titrations, redox titrations, Precipitation titrations, complexometric titrations(E.D.T.A. titrations), theory of Indicators.
B) Qualitative and semi-microanalysis: Reaction involved in the separation and identification of anions and cations.
C) Gravimetry: Theory of Precipitation, co precipitation and post precipitation.
- Reactivity of organic molecules: Types of organic reagents, and reactions fission of covalent bonds - electrophilic, nucleophilic and free radical reagents - explanation of substitution, addition and elimination reactions with examples - bond polarisation, inductive and mesomeric effects, acidity and basicity of organic molecules. Isomerism of different structural and stereoisomerism with examples.
- IUPAC Nomenclature of organic compounds: Hydrocarbons and compounds coantaining one functional group.
- Effect of structure on physical properties: Hydrogen bond's definition and its effect on solubility and physical properties with respect to alcohols and acids.
- Acidity and Basicity: Dissociation constants Ka, pKa, Kb, pKb-
- Acidic and basic natures of carboxylic acids, amines, nitroalkanes, phenols, alcohols and alkynes.
- Alkanes: Sources and general characteristics of alkanes, preparations, physical properties and chemical reactivity based on structure - free radicals - proof of structure - Introduction to confirmation analysis - ethane and n-butane.
- Cyclic alkanes: Preparation, Physical and chemical properties - conformation of cyclopentane and cyclohexane and its mono substituted derivatives.
- Alkenes: Reactivity based on structure - preparation and properties of alkenes - Mechanism of electrophilic addition cis-trans isomerism - E,Z configuration - dienes, their reactions, concept of resonance - 1:4 - addition and 1,2-addition, Polymerization Eg., rubber.
- Atomic Structure :Wave nature of electron - Uncertainty Principle - Schrodinger wave equation (Derivation is not necessary) Dependence of probability functions on distancefrom nucleus - shapes of atomic orbitals.
- Ionic Equilibria: Ostwald's dilution Law - Solubility product and common ion effect - applications in qualitative and quantitative analysis.
- Gaseous state: Ideal gas equation Heat capacities of gases - Law of equipartition on energy, deviation from gas Laws - VanderWaal's equation - critical phenomena - Isotherms of CO - Determination of critical constants - Relation between critical constants and VanderWaal's constants - Law of corresponding states – applications Joule-Thomson effect: Inversion temperature, Liquifaction of gases.
- Solutions: Solutions of gases in liquids - Henry's Law Binary liquid mixtures partial miscibility - critical solution temperature - complete miscibility -deviation from Raoult's Law- distillation - Azeotropic mixtures, complete immiscibility - steam distillation - Distribution Law - applications.
- Bonding in metals: General properties of metals, crystal structure of metals, free electron and valence bond theory - Band theory of metals, semiconductors, and insulators, General Principles of extraction of metals, Metallurgy of Nickel, Uranium and thorium.
- d- block elements: Electronic configuration and comparative study of elements of first transition series with reference to atomic and ionic radii, ionisation potential, redox potential, Oxidation states, -magnetic properties, complex formation, metallic nature, catalytic activity, colour and special trends in physical and chemical preparation in passing from the first to the second and to the third series.
- f-Block Elements: Electronic configuration-general properties ionic size-oxidation states-magnetic properties - lanthanide contraction - separation of Lanthanides by ion exchange and solvent extraction techniques.
- Nuclear Chemistry: Artificial transmutation, Nuclear reactions, spallation, nuclear fission and fusion, Radioactive isotopes, tracer chemistry carbon dating, some typical applications in industry, agriculture, medicine and biochemistry, therapeutic uses of isotopes.
- Alkynes - Reactivity based on structure - preparation and properties of alkynes - Mechanism of electrophilic addition.
- Arenes: Coal, Source of aromatic compounds - structure of benzene and concept of aromaticity mechanism of electrophilic aromatic substitution - Orientation in aromatic substitution - alkylbenzenes, naphthalene, anthracene.
- Halogen compounds: Reactivity based on structure - preparation of allyl, aryl and aralkyl halides - physical and chemical properties - reactivity of alkyl halides - mechanism and stereochemistry of nucleophilic substitution -relative reactivity of alkyls and aryl halides -polyhalogen compounds. Fluorocompounds - isomerism in halogen derivatives.
- Hydroxy compounds: Reactivity based on structure - preparation of alcohols, and phenols-physical properties and hydrogen bonding - chemical properties - comparison of reactivity of alcohols phenols, - poly hydroxy compounds, ethyleneglycol and glycerol industrial significance of methanol, ethanol, ethyleneglycol, glycerol, phenol.
- Ethers: Reactivity based on structure - preparation and properties- functional isomerism- cyclic ethers.
- Carbonyl compounds: Aldehydes and ketones - Reactions based on structure - preparation and properties - mechanism of nucleophilic addition - aldol, Cannizzaro, Grignard reaction - Benzoin condensation - addition of NaHSO3 and HCN - difference in the reactivity of aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes and ketones.
- Monocarboxylic acids and their derivatives: Reactivity based on the structure of carboxyl group preparation properties acidic nature of carboxyl group, mechanism of esterification and ester hydrolysis - preparation and properties of acid chlorides, acid anhydrides and esters.
- Organic synthesis based on carbonions: Sources and generation of carbonions - Claisen condensation - keto-enol tautomerism - synthetic applications ethylacetoacetate and diethyl malonate.
- Nitrogen compounds: Alkyl nitrites and nitroalkanes - Nitrobenzene - Amines - classification, preparation, basic character, reactivity and separation. Aryl diazonium salts and their synthetic applications - cyanides and isocyanides.
- Solid state: Laws of symmetry - Crystal systems- Internal structure of crystals- lattice planes and Unit cells, Bragg's equation and its application in crystal structure. Defects of crystals - Frenkel and Schottky's defects.
- Phase Rule: Statement and explanation of terms, Construction of phase diagrams. Detailed application of water on Silver-Lead and Saltwater systems.
- Colloids: Distinguishing features -classification - Mechanical Electrical and optical properties and uses of colloids - stability, coagulation - protection of colloids, Gold number.
- Emulsions and Gels: Donnan membrane equilibrium - origin of charge on colloids - Zeta potential.
- Adsorption: Types of adsorption - Factors effecting adsorption Freundlich and Laugmuir's adsorption isotherm.
- Macromolecules: Number-average and weight average molecular weights, determination of molecular weight by osmotic pressure method.
Inorganic Chemistry:
- Coordination Chemistry: Double salts - coordination compounds, Earlier theories of Coordination compounds - Werner's theory and Sidwick's electronic interpretation - EAN rule - Nomenclature, Magnetic criteria of bond type, valence bond theory, Elementary treatment of crystal field theory. Splitting of d-orbitals for Octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar geometry. Structural Isomerism, Stereo isomerism - Geometrical and optical: Detection and formation of complexes - composition by Job's method: Factors effecting Stability constants. Application of complexes in qualitative and quantitative analysis.
- Organo metallic compounds: Definition and classification, Synthesis, properties and structures and application of organometallic compounds of Li, Mg, B, Zn and Sn.
- Alloys: Solid solutions, intermetallic compounds Hume-Rothary rules. Role of metal ions in Biological systems - Importance of the metal ions namely Hg, K, Zn, Fe Functions of Haemoglobin, Chlorophyll and Nitrogenase.
Organic Chemistry:
- Carbohydrates: Classification - Open chain and cyclic structures of glucose and fructose - Muta Rotation - Inter conversions of monosaccharides - Mention of configuration of (+)-glucose and (-)- Fructose.
- Stereo Chemistry: Basic characteristics of light - introduction of the following terms (Definition and Examples) Polarised light, polarimeter, specific rotation, assymetry, dysymmetry, configuration, inversions, retention, enantiomers, diasteriomers meso compounds, Epimers - Optic isomerism - Optical activity, Racemisation and Resolution - Relative and absolute configurations D&L and R&S notations.
- Amino acids: Classification of natural aminoacids, Methods of synthesis, physical and chemical properties - Isoelectric point -Zwitter-ion. Heterocyclic compounds: Furan, Thiophene and Pyrrole - Methods of synthesis - Aromatic Character and Reactivity.
- Alkaloids and Terpenoids: Classification, Isolation, synthesis and structural elucidation of piperine, conine and citral.
- Structural elucidation of organic compounds: Characteristics of spectrums: UV and IR spectra of simple organic compounds. Types of electronic transitions-fundamental vibrations (strecting and Bonding) - Identification of functional groups of organic compounds.
- Collegative Properties: Relative lowering of Vapour Pressure - Osmosis and Osmotic pressure - relation between osmotic pressure and relative lowering of vapour pressure. Laws of OsmosisOsmosis-VantHoff's factor - abnormal molecular weights. Elevation in boiling point and depression in freezing point- experimental determination.
- Chemical kinetics: Definition of terms - Rate equation for first, Second and third order reactions - Methods of determination of order. Zero order reaction - effect of temperature on rates - activation energy - collision theory of bimolecular reactions. (qualitative treatment) Application of Chemical kinetics in understanding the mechanism of a chemical reaction w.r.t SN and S 2 )
- Photochemistry: Grothus-Draper's Law - Einstein's Law of photochemical equivalence - quantum efficiency - abnormal quantum yields - photo chemistry of H2-Br2 and H2-Cl2 reactions.(qualitative treatments) Fluorescence, Phosphorescence - Photosynthesis and its mechanism.
- Thermodynamics: Definition of terms - I Law of thermodynamics and its applications - Heat capacities, constant volume and constant pressure. Isothermal and adiabatic changes work of expansion - reversibility and maximum work Kirchoff's equations- II Law - Carnot's cycle - entropy change - elementary concepts of entropy and free energy significance -?s, ?G in reversible and irreversible processes - ?G as a measure of spontaneity of a reaction. Gibb's-HelmHoltz equations. Electrochemistry: Conductance, specific conductance, equivalent conductance, measurement and their dependence of concentration - conduct metric titrations and applications of conductivity measurement (Determination of Ka, Kh, Kw and solubility product.
- Transport number - Determination by Hittorf's method - Kolrausch Law and its applications, behavior of strong electrolytes - Debye-Huckel theory (Non-mathematical treatment).
- Electromotive force EMF of cells - Single electrode potentials - NHE and Calomel electrode. Environmental chemistry- Air, Water and Radio Active Pollutions and harmful effects-some organic and inorganic pollutants - Toxicity of Pb, Cd, Hg, and Phosphorous pesticides.
Section A:
- AC Fundamentals: The Sine wave –Average and RMS values–The J operator – Polar and rectangular forms of complex numbers – Phasor diagram – Complex impedance and admittance. Passive networks: Concept of voltage and current sources – KVL and KCL- Application to simple circuits (AC and DC) consisting of resistors and sources (one or two) - Node voltage analysis and method of mesh currents.
- Network theorems (DC and AC): Superposition Theorem–Thevenin’s Theorem– Norton’s Theorem–Maximum power transfer Theorem– Millman Theorem- Reciprocity Theorem – Application to simple networks. RC and RL Circuits: Transient response of RL and RC circuits with step input– time constants.
- Frequency response of RC and RL circuits – Types of Filters: Low pass filter – High pass filter – frequency response - Passive differentiating and integrating circuits. Resonance: Series resonance and parallel resonance RLC circuits – Resonant frequency – Q factor – Band width – Selectivity.
- PN Junction: Depletion region – Junction capacitance – Diode equation (no derivation) – Effect of temperature on reverse saturation current – construction, working, V-I characteristics and simple applications of
i) Junction diode
ii) Zener diode
iii) Tunnel diode and iv) Varactor diode. Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT): PNP and NPN transistors–current components in BJT – BJT static characteristics (Input and Output) – Early effect- CB, CC,CE configurations (cut off, active, and saturation regions) CE configuration as two port network – hparameters – h-parameter equivalent circuit. Experimental arrangement to study input and output characteristics of BJT in CE configuration. Determination of h-parameters from the characteristics.
- Biasing and load line analysis – Fixed bias and self bias arrangement. Field Effect Transistor (FET): Structure and working of JFET and MOSFET – output and transfer characteristics – Experimental arrangement for studying the characteristics and to determine FET parameters.
- Application of FET as voltage variable resistor and MOSFET as a switch – Advantages of FET over transistor.
- Uni Junction Transistor (UJT): Structure and working of UJT- Characteristics. Application of UJT as a relaxation oscillator.
- Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR): Structure and working of SCR. Two transistor representation, Characteristics of SCR. Experimental set up to study the SCR characteristics.
- Application of SCR for power control. Photo Electric Devices: Structure and operation of LDR, Photo voltaic cell, Photo diode, Photo transistors and LED.
Section B:
- Power Supplies: Rectifiers– Halfwave, fullwave and bridge rectifiers- Efficiency- Ripple factor- Regulation – Harmonic components in rectified output – Types of filters- Choke input (inductor) filter- Shunt capacitor filter- L section and p section filters – Block diagram of regulated power supply - Series and shunt regulated power supplies – Three terminal regulators (78XX and 79XX) – Principle and working of switch mode power supply (SMPS).
- RC Coupled Amplifier: Analysis and frequency response of single stage RC coupled CE amplifier. Feedback: Positive and negative feedback- Effect of feedback on gain, band width, noise, input and output impedances.
- Operational Amplifiers: Differential amplifier- Block diagram of Op-Amp- Ideal characteristics of Op-Amp- OpAmp parameters- Input resistance- Output resistance- Common mode rejection ratio (CMMR)- Slew rateOffset voltages – Input bias current- Basic Op-Amp circuits- Inverting Op-Amp- Virtual ground- Non- inverting Op-Amp- Frequency response of Op-Amp. Interpretation of Op-Amp data sheets. Applications of Op-Amps: Summing amplifier- subtractor- Voltage follower- Integrator-Differentiator - Comparator- Logarithmic amplifier- Sine wave [Wein Bridge] and square wave [Astable] generators- Triangular wave generatorMonostable multivibrator- Solving simple second order differential equation.
- Basic Op-Amp series regulator and shunt regulator. Communications: Need for modulation-Types of modulation- Amplitude, Frequency and Phase modulation. Amplitude modulation-side bands- modulation index- square law diode modulatorDemodulation- diode detector.
- Frequency modulation working of simple frequency modulator- Ratio detection of FM waves- Advantages of frequency modulation. AM and FM radio receivers [block diagram approach]
Section C:
- Introduction to number systems, Logic gates OR, AND, NOT, X-OR, NAND, NOR gates - Truth tables – Positive and negative logic – Logic families and their characteristics – RTL, DTL, ECL, TTL and CMOS.– Universal building blocks NAND and NOR gates.
- Laws of Boolean algebra De Morgan’s Theorems – Boolean identities – Simplification of Boolean expressions– Karnaugh Maps – Sum of products (SOP) and Product of sums (POS).
- Combinational and Sequential circuits: Multiplexer and De- Multiplexer – Decoder, Half adder, Full adder and Parallel adder circuits.
- Flip flops – RS, D, JK and JK Master-Slave (working and truth tables) - Semiconductor memories – Organization and working- Synchronous and asynchronous binary counters, Up/Down countersDecade counter (7490) - working, truth tables and timing diagrams.
- Introduction to Microcomputer and Microprocessor: Intel 8085 Microprocessor – central processing unit CPU – arithmetic and logic unit ALU – timing and control unit – register organization – address, data and control buses- pin configuration of 8085 and its description.
- Timing diagrams- Instruction cycle, machine cycle, fetch and execute cycles.
- Instruction set of 8085, instruction and data formats- classification of instructions –addressing modes. Assembly language programming examples of 8 and 16 bit addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
- Finding the largest and smallest in a data array.
- Programming examples using stacks and subroutines.
- Interfacing peripherals and applications: Programmable peripheral interface (8255) - D/A and A/D converters and their interfacing to the Microprocessor. Stepper motor control- seven segment LED.
- Differential equations of first order and first degree: Linear differential equations; Differential equations reducible to linear form; Exact differential equations; Integrating factors; Change of variables; Simultaneous differential equations; Orthogonal trajectories.
- Differential equations of the first order but not of the first degree: Equations solvable for p; Equations solvable for y; Equations solvable for x; Equations that do not contain x (or y); Equations of the first degree in x and y - Clairaut's equation.
- Higher order linear differential equations Solution of homogeneous linear differential equations of order n with constant coefficients.
- Solution of the non-homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients by means of polynomial operators.
- Method of undetermined coefficients; Method of variation of parameters; Linear differential equations with non-constant coefficients; The Cauchy-Euler equation System of linear differential equations: Solution of a system of linear equations with constant coefficients; An equivalent triangular system. Degenerate Case: p1(D) p4(D)-p2(D) p3(D) = 0.
- Prescribed Text book: Scope and treatment as in Differential Equations and Their Applications by Zafar Ahsan, published by Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi-Second edition: Sections: - 2.5 to 2.9, 3.1, 3.2, 4.2, 5.2 to 5.7, 7.3, 7.4. SOLID GEOMETRY: The Plane Equation of plane in terms of its intercepts on the axis, Equations of the plane through the given points, Length of the perpendicular from a given point to a given plane, Bisectors of angles between two planes, Combined equation of two planes, Orthogonal projection on a plane.
- The Line: Equations of a line, Angle between a line and a plane, the condition that a given line may lie in a given plane, The condition that two given lines are coplanar, Number of arbitrary constants in the equations of a straight line.
- Sets of conditions which determine a line, The shortest distance between two lines.
- The length and equations of the line of shortest distance between two straight lines, Length of the perpendicular from a given point to a given line, Intersection of three planes, Triangular Prism.
- The Sphere: Definition and equation of the sphere, Equation of the sphere through four given points, Plane sections of a sphere.
- Intersection of two spheres; Equation of a circle.
- Sphere through a given circle; Intersection of a sphere and a line.
- Power of a point; Tangent plane. Plane of contact. Polar plane, Pole of a plane, Conjugate points, Conjugate planes; Angle of intersection of two spheres.
- Conditions for two spheres to be orthogonal; Radical plane.
- Coaxial system of spheres; Simplified from of the equation of two spheres.
- Cones, Cylinders and conicoids: Definitions of a cone, vertex, guiding curve, generators. Equation of the cone with a given vertex and guiding curve.
- Enveloping cone of a sphere.
- Equations of cones with vertex at origin are homogenous.
- Condition that the general equation of the second degree should represent a cone.
- Condition that a cone may have three mutually perpendicular generators Intersection of a line and a quadric cone.
- Tangent lines and tangent plane at a point.
- Condition that a plane may touch a cone.
- Reciprocal cones.
- Intersection of two cones with a common vertex.
- Right circular cone.
- Equation of the right circular cone with a given vertex, axis and semi-vertical angle.
- Definition of a cylinder.
- Equation to the cylinder whose generators intersect a given conic and are parallel to a given line, Enveloping cylinder of a sphere.
- The right circular cylinder.
- Equation of the right circular cylinder with a given axis and radius.
- The general equation of the second degree and the various surfaces represented by it; Shapes of some surfaces.
- Nature of Ellipsoid.
- Nature of Hyperboloid of one sheet.
- GROUPS : Binary operations- Definitions and properties,
- Groups--Definition and elementary properties, Finite groups and group composition tables, Subgroups and cyclic subgroups. Permutations-- Functions and permutations ,groups of permutations, cycles and cyclic notation, even and odd permutations, The alternating groups.
- Cyclic groups - Elementary properties ,The classification of cyclic groups , sub groups of finite cyclic groups. Isomorphism - Definition and elementary properties, Cayley’s theorem, Groups of cosets, Applications, Normal subgroups - Factor groups , Criteria for the existence of a coset group, Inner automorphisms and normal subgroups, factor groups and simple groups, Homomorphism- Definition and elementary properties, The fundamental theorem of homomorphisms, applications.
- RINGS: Definition and basic properties, Fields, Integral domains, divisors of zero and Cancellation laws, Integral domains, The characteristic of a ring, some non – commutative rings, Examples, Matrices over a field, The real quaternions ,Homomorphism of Rings - Definition and elementary properties, Maximal and Prime ideals, Prime fields.
- REAL NUMBERS: The Completeness Properties of R, Applications of the Supremum Property. Sequences and Series-Sequences and their limits, limit theorems, Monotonic Sequences, Sub-sequences and the BolzanoWeirstrass theorem, The Cauchy’s Criterion ,Properly divergent sequences, Introduction to series, Absolute convergence, test for absolute convergence, test for non-absolute convergence.
- Continuous Functions-- continuous functions, combinations of continuous functions, continuous functions on intervals, Uniform continuity.
- DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION: The derivative, The mean value theorems, L’Hospital Rule, Taylor’s - 31 - Theorem. Riemann integration-Riemann integral, Riemann integrable functions, Fundamental theorem.
- SECTION-C LINEAR ALGEBRA AND VECTOR CALCULUS: Linear Algebra Vector spaces, General properties of vector spaces, Vector subspaces, Algebra of subspaces, linear combination of vectors.
- Linear span, linear sum of two subspaces, Linear independence and dependence of vectors, Basis of vector space, Finite dimensional vector spaces, Dimension of a vector space, Dimension of a subspace.
- Linear transformations, linear operators, Range and null space of linear transformation, Rank and nullity of linear transformations, Linear transformations as vectors, Product of linear transformations, Invertible linear transformation.
- The adjoint or transpose of a linear transformation, Sylvester’s law of nullity, characteristic values and characteristic vectors , Cayley- Hamilton theorem, Diagonalizable operators. Inner product spaces, Euclidean and unitary spaces, Norm or length of a vector, Schwartz inequality, Orthogonality, Orthonormal set, complete orthonormal set, Gram - Schmidt orthogonalisation process.
- Multiple integrals and Vector Calculus Multiple integrals: Introduction, the concept of a plane, Curve, line integral- Sufficient condition for the existence of the integral. The area of a subset of R 2 , Calculation of double integrals, Jordan curve , Area, Change of the order of integration, Double integral as a limit, Change of variable in a double integration. Vector differentiation.
- Ordinary derivatives of vectors, Space curves, Continuity, Differentiability, Gradient, Divergence, Curl operators, Formulae involving these operators. Vector integration, Theorems of Gauss and Stokes, Green’s theorem in plane and applications of these theorems.
- History of Microbiology: Contributions of Leeuwenhoek, Pasteur, Robert Koch, Iwanowski;
- Typical structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells;
- Bacteria: Morphology, structure, Gram-staining, Acid-fast staining;
- Cyanobacteria: General characters, importance;
- General features of Actinomycetes and Mycoplasmas;
- Viruses: Structure of TMV and T4 phages, lytic and lysogenic cycles, transmission of viruses;
- Fungi: General characters, reproduction, classification, importance;
- Edible fungi: SCP, mushroom cultivation;
- Microalgae: General characters, reproduction, importance ;
- Protozoa: General characters, importance
Section- B
- Culturing of bacteria: sterilization techniques, synthetic and complex media, pure cultures, preservation of microbial cultures;
- Growth phases of Bacteria and factors affecting growth;
- Photoautotrophs, Photoheterotrophs, Chemolithotrophs and Chemoheterotrophs;
- Respiration; Aerobic (Glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle, Electron transport system) and anaerobic systems;
- Fermentations: Alcohol and lactic acid fermentations;
- Structure of DNA: Watson and Crick model;
- Types of RNA and their functions;
- Gene concept, genetic code and protein synthesis;
- Types of gene transfer in Bacteria: Transformation, Transduction and Conjugation;
- Mutations: Spontaneous and induced mutations, significance
- Food spoilage: Spoilage of fruits, vegetables, cereals, eggs, meat and fish;
- Preservation of foods: Low temperatures, high temperatures, drying, chemical preservatives, radiation;
- Dairy Microbiology: Microorganisms in milk, quality testing of milk, pasteurization, production of curd and cheese;
- Fermentation equipment and screening of microbes for commercially valuable products;
- Fermentation types: Batch, fed-batch and continuous types, dual or multiple fermentations;
- Fermentative production of Antibiotics: Penicillin and Streptomycin;
- Fermentative production of Citric acid and Acetic acid;
- Production of beer and wine;
- Microorganisms in soil and water;
- Role of microorganisms in the decomposition of organic matter (carbon cycle);
- Nitrogen transformations by Microorganisms: Ammonification, nitrification, denitrification;
- Nitrogen fixation: Symbiotic and non- symbiotic processes;
- General account of diseases caused by bacteria (Cholera, Typhoid), viruses (Polio, AIDS) and protozoa (Amoebic dysentery, Malaria);
- Prophylactic measures for the control of infectious diseases: Quarantine, sanitation, prevention of disease transmission, Immunization;
- Chemotherapy: Antibiotics and synthetic drugs.
Section A
- Vector Analysis : Scalar and vector fields, gradient of a scalar field and its physical significance. Divergence and curl of a vector field and related problems.
- Vector integration, line, surface and volume integrals. Stokes, Gauss and Greens theorems- simple applications.
- Mechanics of Particles: Laws of motion, motion of variable mass system, motion of a rocket, multi-stage rocket, conservation of energy and momentum.
- Collisions in two and three dimensions, concept of impact parameter, scattering cross-section,
- Rutherford scattering Mechanics of rigid bodies: Definition of Rigid body, rotational kinematic relations, equation of motion for a rotating body, angular momentum and inertial tensor.
- Eulers equation, precession of a top, Gyroscope, precession of the equinoxes Mechanics of continuous media: Elastic constants of isotropic solids and their relation, Poisson’s ratio and expression for Poisson’s ratio in terms of y, n, k.
- Classification of beams, types of bending, point load, distributed load, shearing force and bending moment, sign conventions, simple supported beam carrying a concentrated load at mid span, cantilever with an end load Central forces: Central forces – definition and examples, conservative nature of central forces, conservative force as a negative gradient of potential energy, equation of motion under a central force, gravitational potential and gravitational field, motion under inverse square law, derivation of Kepler’s laws, Coriolis force and its expressions.
- Special theory of relativity: Galilean relativity, absolute frames, Michelson-Morley experiment, Postulates of special theory of relativity.
- Lorentz transformation, time dilation, length contraction, addition of velocities, mass-energy relation. Concept of four vector formalism.
- Fundamentals of vibrations: Simple harmonic oscillator, and solution of the differential equation– Physical characteristics of SHM, torsion pendulum, - measurements of rigidity modulus , compound pendulum, measurement of ‘g’, combination of two mutually perpendicular simple harmonic vibrations of same frequency and different frequencies, Lissajous figures Damped and forced oscillations: Damped harmonic oscillator, solution of the differential equation of damped oscillator.
- Energy considerations, comparison with undamped harmonic oscillator, logarithmic decrement, relaxation time, quality factor, differential equation of forced oscillator and its solution, amplitude resonance, velocity resonance Complex vibrations: Fourier theorem and evaluation of the Fourier coefficients, analysis of periodic wave functions square wave, triangular wave, saw-tooth wave Vibrations of bars: Longitudinal vibrations in bars- wave equation and its general solution.
- Special cases (i) bar fixed at both ends ii) bar fixed at the mid point iii) bar free at both ends iv) bar fixed at one end. Transverse vibrations in a bar- wave equation and its general solution. Boundary conditions, clamped free bar, free-free bar, bar supported at both ends, Tuning fork.
- Vibrating Strings: Transverse wave propagation along a stretched string, general solution of wave equation and its significance, modes of vibration of stretched string clamped at both ends, overtones, energy transport, transverse impedance.
- Ultrasonics: Ultrasonics, properties of ultrasonic waves, production of ultrasonics by piezoelectric and magnetostriction methods, detection of ultrasonics, determination of wavelength of ultrasonic waves. Velocity of ultrasonics in liquids by Sear’s method.
- Applications of ultrasonic waves.
- Kinetic theory of gases: Introduction – Deduction of Maxwell’s law of distribution of molecular speeds, Experimental verification Toothed Wheel Experiment, Transport Phenomena – Viscosity of gases – thermal conductivity – diffusion of gases.
- Thermodynamics: Introduction – Reversible and irreversible processes – Carnot’s engine and its efficiency – Carnot’s theorem – Second law of thermodynamics, Kelvin’s and Claussius statements – Thermodynamic scale of temperature – Entropy, physical significance – Change in entropy in reversible and irreversible processes – Entropy and disorder – Entropy of universe – Temperature- Entropy (T-S) diagram – Change of entropy of a perfect gas-change of entropy when ice changes into steam.
- Thermodynamic potentials and Maxwell’s equations: Thermodynamic potentials – Derivation of Maxwell’s thermodynamic relations – Clausius-Clayperon’s equation – Derivation for ratio of specific heats – Derivation for difference of two specific heats for perfect gas.
- Joule Kelvin effect – expression for Joule Kelvin coefficient for perfect and Vanderwaal’s gas. Low temperature Physics: Introduction – Joule Kelvin effect – liquefaction of gas using porous plug experiment. Joule expansion – Distinction between adiabatic and Joule Thomson expansion – Expression for Joule Thomson cooling – Liquefaction of helium, Kapitza’s method – Adiabatic dem
- agnetization – Production of low temperatures – Principle of refrigeration, vapour compression type. Working of refrigerator and Air conditioning machines. Effects of Chloro and Fluro Carbons on Ozone layer; applications of substances at low- temperature.
- Quantum theory of radiation: Black body-Ferry’s black body – distribution of energy in the spectrum of Black body – Wein’s displacement law, Wein’s law, Rayleigh-Jean’s law – Quantum theory of radiation - Planck’s law – deduction of Wein’s law, Rayleigh- Jeans law, from Planck’s law - Measurement of radiation – Types of pyrometers – Disappearing filament optical pyrometer – experimental determination – Angstrom pyroheliometer - determination of solar constant, effective temperature of sun.
- Statistical Mechanics: Introduction to statistical mechanics, concept of ensembles, Phase space, Maxwell-Boltzmann’s distribution law, Molecular energies in an ideal gas, BoseEinstein Distribution law, Fermi-Dirac Distribution law, comparison of three distribution laws, Black Body Radiation, Rayleigh-Jean’s formula, Planck’s radiation law, Weins Displacement, Stefan’s Boltzmann’s law from Plancks formula.
- Application of Fermi-Dirac statistics to white dwarfs and Neutron stars.
- The Matrix methods in paraxial optics: Introduction, the matrix method, effect of translation, effect of refraction, imaging by a spherical refracting surface.
- Imaging by a co-axial optical system.
- Unit planes.
- Nodal planes.
- A system of two thin lenses.
- Aberrations: Introduction – Monochromatic aberrations, spherical aberration, methods of minimizing spherical aberration, coma, astigmatism and curvature of field, distortion.
- Chromatic aberration – the achromatic doublet – Removal of chromatic aberration of a separated doublet.
- Interference: Principle of superposition – coherence – temporal coherence and spatial coherence – conditions for Interference of light Interference by division of wave front: Fresnel’s biprism – determination of wave length of light.
- Determination of thickness of a transparent material using Biprism –change of phase on reflection – Lloyd’s mirror experiment.
- Interference by division of amplitude: Oblique incidence of a plane wave on a thin film due to reflected and transmitted light (Cosine law) – Colors of thin films – Nonreflecting films – interference by a plane parallel film illuminated by a point source – Interference by a film with two non-parallel reflecting surfaces (Wedge shaped film) – Determination of diameter of wire-Newton’s rings in reflected light with and without contact between lens and glass plate, Newton’s rings in transmitted light (Haidinger Fringes) – Determination of wave length of monochromatic light – Michelson Interferometer – types of fringes – Determination of wavelength of monochromatic light, Difference in wavelength of sodium D1,D2 lines and thickness of a thin transparent plate.
- Diffraction: Introduction – Distinction between Fresnel and Fraunhoffer diffraction Fraunhoffer diffraction:- Diffraction due to single slit and circular aperture – Limit of resolution – Fraunhoffer diffraction due to double slit – Fraunhoffer diffraction pattern with N slits (diffraction grating) Resolving Power of grating – Determination of wave length of light in normal and oblique incidence methods using diffraction grating.
- Fresnel diffraction:- Fresnel’s half period zones – area of the half period zones –zone plate – Comparison of zone plate with convex lens – Phase reversal zone plate – diffraction at a straight edge – difference between interference and diffraction.
- Polarization: Polarized light : Methods of Polarization, Polarizatioin by reflection, refraction, Double refraction, selective absorption , scattering of light – Brewsters law – Malus law – Nicol prism polarizer and analyzer – Refraction of plane wave incident on negative and positive crystals (Huygen’s explanation) – Quarter wave plate, Half wave plate – Babinet’s compensator – Optical activity, analysis of light by Laurent’s half shade polarimeter.
- Laser, Fiber Optics and Holography: Lasers: Introduction – Spontaneous emission – Stimulated emission – Population inversion.
- Laser principle – Einstein coefficients – Types of Lasers – He-Ne laser – Ruby laser – Applications of lasers. Fiber Optics : Introduction – Optical fibers – Types of optical fibers – Step and graded index fibers – Rays and modes in an optical fiber – Fiber material – Principles of fiber communication (qualitative treatment only) and advantages of fiber communication.
- Holography: Basic Principle of Holography – Gabor hologram and its limitations, Holography applications.
- Electrostatics: Gauss law and its applications-Uniformly charged sphere, charged cylindrical conductor and an infinite conducting sheet of charge.
- Deduction of Coulmb’s law from Gauss law Mechanical force on a charged conductor Electric potential – Potential due to a charged spherical conductor, electric field strength from the electric dipole and an infinite line of charge.
- Potential of a uniformly charged circular disc.
- Dielectrics: An atomic view of dielectrics, potential energy of a dipole in an electric field. Polarization and charge density, Gauss’s law for dielectric medium– Relation between D,E, and P.
- Dielectric constant, susceptibility and relation between them.
- Boundary conditions at the dielectric surface.
- Electric fields in cavities of a dielectric needle shaped cavity and disc shaped cavity.
- Capacitance of concentric spheres and cylindrical condenser, capacitance of parallel plate condenser with and without dielectric.
- Electric energy stored in a charged condenser – force between plates of condenser, construction and working of attracted disc electrometer, measurement of dielectric constant and potential difference.
- Magneto statics: Magnetic shell – potential due to magnetic shell – field due to magnetic shell – equivalent of electric circuit and magnetic shell – Magnetic induction (B) and field (H) – permeability and susceptibility – Hysteresis loop.Moving charge in electric and magnetic field: Hall effect, cyclotron, synchrocyclotron and synchrotron – force on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field, force and torque on a current loop, Biot –Savart’s law and calculation of B due to long straight wire, a circular current loop and solenoid.
- Electromagnetic induction: Faraday’s law – Lenz’s law – expression for induced emf – time varying magnetic fields – Betatron –Ballistic galvanometer – theory – damping correction – self and mutual inductance, coefficient of coupling, calculation of self-inductance of a long solenoid – toroid – energy stored in magnetic field – transformer – Construction, working, energy losses and efficiency.
- Varying and alternating currents: Growth and decay of currents in LR, CR and LCR circuits – Critical damping.
- Alternating current relation between current and voltage in pure R,C and L-vector diagrams – Power in ac circuits.
- LCR series and parallel resonant circuit – Q-factor.
- AC & DC motors- single phase, three phase (basics only).
- Maxwell’s equations and electromagnetic waves A review of basic laws of electricity and magnetism – displacement current – Maxwell’s equations in differential form – Maxwell’s wave equation, plane electromagnetic waves – Transverse nature of electromagnetic waves, Poynting theorem, production of electromagnetic waves (Hertz experiment).
- Basic Electronics Formation of electron energy bands in solids, classification of solids in terms of forbidden energy gap.
- Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Fermi level, continuity equation – p-n junction diode, Zener diode characteristics and its application as voltage regulator.
- Half wave and full wave rectifiers and filters, ripple factor (quantitative) – p n p and n p n transistors, current components in transistors, CB,CE and CC configurations – transistor hybrid parameters – determination of hybrid parameters from transistorcharacteristics – transistor as an amplifier –– concept of negative feedback and positive feedback – Barkhausen criterion, RC coupled amplifier and phase shift oscillator (qualitative).
- Digital Principles: Binary number system, converting Binary to Decimal and vice versa.
- Binary addition and subtraction (1’s and 2’s complement methods).
- Hexadecimal number system. Conversion from Binary to Hexadecimal – vice versa and Decimal to Hexadecimal vice versa. Logic gates: OR,AND,NOT gates, truth tables, realization of these gates using discrete components. NAND, NOR as universal gates, Exclusive – OR gate, De Morgan’s Laws – statement and proof, Half and Full adders. Parallel adder circuits.
Section A:
- Protozoa to Annelida: Phylum Protozoa: General characters and outline classification up to classes.
- Type study: Paramecium.Phylum Porifera : General characters and outline classification up to classes.
- Type study: Sycon; Canal system in Sponges Phylum Coelenterata: General characters and outline classification up to classes.
- Type study: Obelia; Polymorphism in Coelenterates; Corals and Coral reef formation.
- Phylum Platyhelminthes: General characters and outline classification up to classes.
- Type study: Fasciola hepatica. Phylum Nemathelminthes: General characters and outline classification up to classes.
- Type study: Ascaris lumbricoides.
- Phylum Annelida: General characters and outline classification up to classes Type study: Leech; Coelom and coelomoducts in Annelids.
- Arthropoda to Hemichordata: Phylum Arthropoda: General characters and outline classification of up to classes Type study: Prawn; Penouy monedon (Type Study) Crustacean larvae; Peripatus- Characters and Significance.
- Phylum Mollusca: General characters and outline classification of up to classes Type study: Pila; Pearl formation in Molluscs Phylum Echinodermata: General characters and outline classification of up to classes.
- Type study: Star fish.
- General characters of Hemichordata : Structure and affinities of Balanoglossus. Cell Biology:Cell theory Ultra structure of Animal cell Structure of Plasma membrane - Fluid-mosaic model.
- Transport functions of Plasma membrane- Passive transport, active transport (Antiport, symport and uniport) and bulk transport.
- Structure and functions of Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi body, Ribosomes, lysosomes and Mitochondrion.
- Chromosomes - nomenclature types and structure.
- Giant chromosomes – Polytene and Lampbrush chromosomes.
- Cell division - Cell-cycle stages (G1, S, G2, and M phases), Cell- cycle check points and regulation.
- Mitosis; Meiosis - and its significance.
- Biomolecules of the cell Carbohydrates: Classification of Carbohydrates Structure of Monosaccharides (Glucose and Fructose) Structure of Disaccharides (Lactose and Sucrose) Structure of Polysaccharides (Starch, Glycogen and Chitin) Proteins: Amino acids: General properties, nomenclature, classification and structure. Classification of proteins based on functions, chemical nature and nutrition, peptide bond and structure (Primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures) Lipids: Classification.
- Structure of Fatty acids (Saturated and unsaturated).
- Triacylglycerols, Phospolipids (Lecithin and cephalin) and Steroids (Cholesterol).
- Nucleic acids: Structure of purines, pyrimidines, ribose and deoxyribose sugars.
- Watson and Crick model of DNA- Nucleoside, Nucleotide, Chargaff’s rule. Structure of RNA, Types of RNA - rRNA, tRNA and mRNA.
- Protochordata to Amphibia: Protochordates: Salient features of Urochordata and Cephalochordata Structure and life-history of Herdmania, Significance of retrogressive Metamorphosis.
- General organization of Chordates General characters of Cyclostomes, General characters of fishes, classification up to sub-class level with examples Type study - Scoliodon : Morphology, respiratory system, circulatory system, excretory system, nervous system and sense organs.
- Migration in fishes and types of scales General characters and classification of Amphibia up to order level.
- Type study - Rana : Morphology, respiratory system, circulatory system and reproductive system Parental care in amphibians Reptilia to Mammalia: General characters and classification of Reptilia up to order level.
- Type study – Calotes : Morphology, digestive system, respiratory system, circulatory system, urinogenital system and nervous system.
- General characters and classification of Aves up to order level with examples. Type study - Pigeon (Columbia livia): Exoskeleton, respiratory system, circulatory system and excretory system.
- Significance of migration in birds Flight adaptation in birds General characters and classification of Mammalia up to order levelwith examples.
- Dentition in Mammals.Embryology: Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis and Fertilization.
- Types of eggs Types of cleavages.
- Development of frog up to gastrulation and formation of primary germ layers.
- Foetal membranes and their significance. Placenta : types and functions.
- Regeneration with reference to Turbellarians and Lizards. Ecology: Biogeochemical cycles or nutrient cycles - Gaseous cycles of Nitrogen and Carbon; Sedimentary cycle- phosphorus.
- Definition of Community- Habitat and ecological niche Community interactions: Brief account on Competition, predation, mutualism,commensalism and parasitism.
- Ecological succession: Primary and secondary, seralstages, climax community with examples Population ecology: Density and dispersions of animal populations.
- Growth curves and growth of animal populations- r-selected and k selected species Population regulation mechanisms – both biotic and abiotic Growth of human population and its control Future of human population Zoogeography (Addition)
- 1.Fauna of Oriental Realm
- 2. Fauna of Australian Realm.
- Physiology of Digestion: Definition of digestion and types of digestion – extra and intracellular. Digestion of Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and cellulose digestion.
- Absorption and assimilation of digested food materials.
- Gastrointestinal hormones- control of digestion. Physiology of respiration Types of respiration – external and internal respiration.
- Structure of mammalian lungs and gaseous exchange.
- Transport of oxygen – formation of oxyhaemoglobin and affinity of haemoglobin for Oxygen, Oxygen dissociation curves.
- Transport of CO2 – Chloride shift, Bohr effect.
- Cellular respiration – Main steps of glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle, electron transport, Oxidative phosporylation and ATP production (Chemosmotic theory).
- Physiology of Circulation: Open and closed circulation.Structure of mammalian heart and its working mechanism- Heartbeat and cardiac cycle.
- Myogenic and neurogenic hearts.
- Regulation of heart rate – Tachycardia and Bradycardia.
- Physiology of Excretion: Definition of excretion.
- Forms of nitrogenous waste material and their formation; classification of animals on the basis of excretory products.
- Gross organization of mammalian excretory system and structure of kidney.
- Structure and function of Nephron – Counter current mechanism.
- Physiology of muscle contraction: General structure and types of muscles.
- Ultra structure of skeletal muscle.
- Sliding filament mechanism of muscle contraction.
- Chemical changes during muscle contraction – role of calcium, ATP utilization and its replenishment.
- Physiology of nerve impulse: Structure of nerve cell.
- Nature of nerve impulse – resting potential and action potential.
- Properties of nerve impulse – threshold value, refractory period, all or none response.
- Conduction of nerve impulse along an axon – local circuit theory and saltatory conduction theory. Structure of synapse, mechanism of synaptic transmission – electrical and chemical transmissions.
- Physiology of Endocrine system: Relationship between hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Hormones of hypothalamus.
- Hormones of Adenohypophysis and Neurohypophysis. Hormones of pineal gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid, thymus, adrenal and pancreas.
- Endocrine control of mammalian reproduction – Male and female hormones – Hormonal control of menstrual cycle in humans.
- Physiology of Homeostasis: Concept of Homeostasis and its basic working mechanism.
- Mechanism of Homeostasis – giving three illustrations viz., Hormonal control of glucose levels, Water and ionic regulation by freshwater and marine animals and temperature regulation in man.Genetics: Mendel’s laws – Law of segregation and independent assortment; Genetic. Interactions – Incomplete dominance, codominance and epistasis.
- Identification of DNA as the genetic material –Griffith’s experiment and Hershey – Chase experiment.
- Central dogma of molecular biology – Brief account of DNA replication (Semi-conservative method),
- Replication fork (Continous and discontinous synthesis); Transcription– Brief account of initiation,
- elongation and termination in eukaryotes; Translation; Genetic code; gene regulation as exemplified by lac operon. Human karyotyping,
- barr bodies and Lyon hypothesis and Amniocentesis chromosomal disorders – Autosomal and sex chromosomes.
- Organic Evolution : Genetic basis of Evolution,
- Gene pool and gene frequencies,
- Hardy-Weinberg’s Law, Force of destabilization,
- natural selection, genetic drift, Mutation, Isolation and Migration.
- Speciation – Allopatry and sympatry.
Computer Science
- PC Software and ‘C’ Programming: Fundamentals of Computers:Computer definition –
- Types of Computer –
- Logical Organization of a Digital Computer –
- Memory: Main Memory : RAM, ROM and Cache – Secondary Memory : Magnetic type, Floppy disk, Hard disk, Compact disk – Input devices – Output devices –
- Operating system : Definition, functions of an operating system, Types of Operating systems : Brief details of batch processing, Multi Programming, multi-tasking, time sharing, real time operating systems - Introduction to DOS, DOS internal commands, DOS External Commands – Introduction to Windows, Desktop, File, Folder, My Computer, My documents, Recycle bin, Internet Explorer, Windows Explorer –
- Types of Programming Languages.
- Word and MS Power Point: Word Basics : Starting word, Creating a new document, Opening preexisting document, The parts of a word window, Typing text, Selecting text, Deleting text, Undo, Redo, Repeat, Inserting text, Replacing text, Formatting text, Cut, Copy, Paste – Printing.
- Formatting Your Text and Documents: Auto format, Line spacing, Margins, Borders and Shading. Working with Headers and Footers: Definition of headers and footers, creating basic headers and footers, creating different headers and footers for odd and even pages.
- Tables : Creating a simple table, Creating a table using the table menu, Entering and editing text in a table, selecting in table, adding rows, changing row heights, Deleting rows, Inserting columns, Deleting columns, changing column width.
- Graphics: Importing graphics, Clipart, Insert picture, Clip Art Gallery, using word’s drawing features, drawing objects, text in drawing.
- Templates: Template types, using templates, exploring templates, modifying templates.
- Macros : Macro, Recording macros, editing macros, running a macro.
- Mail Merge : Mail Merge concept, Main document, data sources, merging data source and main document.
- Overview of word menu options word basic tool bar.
- Power Point : Basics, Terminology, Getting started, Views Creating Presentations : Using auto content wizard, Using blank presentation option, Using design template option, Adding slides, Deleting a slide, Importing Images from the outside world, Drawing in power point, Transition and build effects, Deleting a slide, Numbering a slide, Saving presentation, Closing presentation,
- Printing presentation elements MS Excel and MS Access: MS Access Creating a Simple Database and Tables: Creating a contacts Databases with the wiz,
- The Access Table Wizard, Creating Database Tables without the wizard, Field Names, Data Types and Properties, Adding, deleting fields, renaming the fields in a table.
- Forms: The Form Wizard, Saving Forms, Modifying Forms Entering and Editing Data: Adding Records, Duplicating previous entries without Retyping, Undo, Correcting Entries, Global Replacements, Moving from Record to Record in a table.
- Finding, Sorting and Displaying Data: Queries and Dynasets, Creating and using select queries, Returning to the Query Design, Multilevel Sorts, Finding incomplete matches, Showing All Records after a Query, Saving Queries, Crosstab Queries.
- Printing Reports: Simple table, Form and Database printing, Defining advanced Reports, Manual Reporting, properties in Reports, Saving Reports.
- Relational Databases: Flat Versus Relational, Types of Relationships, Viewing Relationships, Defining and Redefining Relationships, Creating and Deleting Relationships.
- MS Excel : Excel Basics: Overview of Excel features, Getting started, Creating a new worksheet, Selecting cells, Entering and editing text, Entering and editing Numbers, entering and editing Formulas, Referencing cells, moving cells, copying cells, sorting cell data, inserting rows, inserting columns, Inserting cells, Deleting parts of a worksheet, clearing parts of a worksheet.
- Formatting : Page setup, changing column widths and Row heights, auto format, changing font sizes and Attributes, centering text across columns, using border buttons and Commands, changing colors and shading, hiding rows and columns.
- Introduction to functions: Parts of a functions, Functions Requiring Addins, The Function Wizard. Examples functions by category: Data and time functions, Engineering functions, Math and Trig functions, Statistical functions, Text functions.
- Excel Charts: Chart parts and terminology, Instant charts with the chard wizard, creation of different types of charts, printing charts, deleting charts – Linking in Excel Excel Graphics: Creating and placing graphic objects, Resizing Graphics, Drawing Lines and Shapes.
- C Language fundamentals: Introduction – ‘C’ Fundamentals : Programming – High Level Languages – compiling programs – Integrated Development Environments – Language Interpreters –
- Compiling your first program – Running your program – understanding your first program – comments – variables, Data types
- Arithmetic Expressions : working with variables – Understanding Data types and constants – working with Arithmetic Expressions – The Assignment operators – The print function – The scan function –
- Decision making : The if statement – the if else construct – Nested if statements – The else if construct – The switch statement – Boolean variables – The conditional operator – program looping : The for statement – Relational operators – Nested for loops – The while statement – The do statement – The break statement – The continue statement – working with Arrays : Defining an array – Initializing Arrays – character Arrays – The const Qualifier – Multidimensional arrays- variable length Arrays.
- Working with Functions : Defining a Function- Arguments and Local variables -Returning Function Results – Function calling – Declaring Return Types and Argument types – Top Down programming – Functions and Arrays – global variables – Automatic and static variables – Recursive Functions.
- Programming in C : Working with structures : Defining structure – Functions and structures – Initializing structures – Array of structures- structures containing structures – structures containing Arrays – Structure variants – Character strings : Array of characters – variable length character strings – Escape characters – character strings, structures and arrays - character operations.
- Pointers : Defining a pointer variable – using pointers in Expressions – pointers and structures (Exclude Linked List) – Pointers and Functions – pointers and Arrays – operations on pointers – pointers and Memory address.
- Operations on Bits : Bit operators – Bit fields The pre-processor : The # define statement – The # # operator – The #include statement – conditional compilation.
- More on Data Types : Enumerated Data Types – The typedef statement – Data Type conversions Input and Output Operations in “C” : Character I/O – formatted I/O – Input and Output Operations with Files – Special functions for working with Files.
- Miscellaneous and Advanced features: The Goto Statement, the null statement, working with unions- the comma operator-type qualifiers.
- Object Oriented Programming with Java and Data Structures.Fundamentals of Object Oriented programming : Object Oriented paradigm – Basic concepts of Object Oriented Programming – Benefits of OOP – Applications of OOP. Java Evolution : Java Features – How Java differs from C and C++ - Java and Internet – Java and World Wide Web – Web Browsers – Hardware and Software Requirements – Java Environment.
- Overview of Java Language: Simple Java Program – Java Program Structure – Java Tokens- Java Statements – Implementing a Java Program – Java Virtual Machine – Command Line Arguments. Constants, Variables and Data types: Constants – Variables – Data types – Declaration of Variables-Giving Values to variables- Scope of Variables-Symbolic Constants-Type Casting.
- Oops Concepts in Java: Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic Operators – Relational Operators- Logical Operators – Assignment Operators – Increment and Decrement Operators – Conditional Operators – Bitwise Operators – Special Operators – Arithmetic Expressions – Evaluation of Expressions – Precedence of Arithmetic Operators – Operator Precedence and Associativity.
- Decision Making and Branching: Decision Making with If statement – Simple If Statement-If else StatementNesting If Else Statement- the ElseIf Ladder-The switch Statement – The ?: operator.
- Decision Making and Looping: The while statement – The do statement – The for statement – Jumps in Loops.
- Class , Objects and Methods: Defining a Class – Fields Declaration – Methods Declaration – Creating Objects – Accessing class members – Constructors – Methods Overloading – Static Members – Nesting of Methods – Inheritance – Overriding Methods – Final Variables and Methods – Final Classes – Abstract Methods and Classes – Visibility Control.
- Packages and Interfaces in Java Arrays, Strings and Vectors: One- dimensional Arrays-creating an Array – Two dimensional Arrays – Strings – Vectors – Wrapper Classes – Enumerated Types.
- Interfaces: Multiple Inheritance: Defining Interfaces – Extending Interfaces – Implementing Interfaces – Accessing Interface Variables.
- Packages: Java API Packages – Using system Packages – Naming Conventions – Creating Packages – Accessing a Package – Using a Package – Adding a Class to a Package – Hiding Classes – Static Import.
- Multithreaded programming and Applets: Multithreaded Programming: Creating Threads – Extending the Thread Class – Stopping and Blocking a Thread – Life Cycle of a Thread – Using Thread Methods – Thread Exceptions – Thread Priority – Synchronization.Managing Errors and Exceptions: Types of Errors – Exceptions – Syntax of Exception Handling Code – Multiple Catch Statements – Using Finally Statement – Throwing our own Exceptions – Using Exceptions for debugging
- Applet Programming: How Applets differ from Applications – Preparing to write Applets – Building Applet Code – Applet Life Cycle – Creating an executable Applet – Designing a WebPage – Applet Tag – Adding Applet to HTML file – Running the Applet – More about Applet Tag – Passing parameters to Applets – Aligning the display – More about HTML tags – Displaying Numerical Values – Getting Input from the user.
- Data Structures: Sorting: Bubble Sort – Selection Sort – Insertion Sort – Quick Sort-Stacks and Queues: Stacks – Queues – Circular Queue – Deques - Priority Queue – Parsing Arithmetic Expressions – Linked List: Simple Linked List – Finding and Deleting Specified Links – Double Ended Lists – Abstract Data types – Sorted Lists – Doubly Linked Lists – Advanced Sorting : Quick Sort - Binary Trees : Tree Terminology – Finding a Node – Inserting a Node – Traversing the Tree – Finding Maximum and Minimum values – Deleting a Node – Efficiency of Binary Trees – Trees Represented as Arrays – Graphs: Introduction to Graphs – Searches – Minimum Spanning Tree – Topological Sorting with Directed Graphs – Connectivity in Directed Graphs.
- Database Management Systems: Database Systems Introduction and Fundamentals.
- Database Systems: Introducing the database and DBMS, Why the database is important, Historical Roots: Files and File Systems, Problems with File System Data Management, Database Systems. Data Models: The importance of Data models, Data Model Basic Building Blocks, Business Rules, The evaluation of Data Models, Degree of Data Abstraction.
- The Relational Database Model: A logical view of Data, Keys, Integrity Rules, Relational Set Operators, The Data Dictionary and the system catalog, Relationships with in the Relational Database, Data Redundancy revisited, Indexes, Codd’s relational database rules.
- Data Modeling and Normalization: Entity Relationship Model: The ER Model, Developing ER Diagram, Database Design Challenges: Conflicting Goals. Advanced Data Modeling: The Extended Entity Relationship Model, Entity clustering, Entity integrity: Selecting Primary keys, Design Cases: Learning Flexible Database Design.
- Normalization of database tables: Database Tables and Normalization, The need for Normalization, The Normalization Process, Improving the design, Surrogate Key Considerations, High level Normal Forms, Normalization and database design, denormalization.
- Interaction with Databases and Construction of Information System.
- Introduction to SQL: Data Definition Commands, Data Manipulation Commands, Select queries, Advanced Data Definition Commands, Advanced Select queries, Virtual Tables, Joining Database Tables.
- Advanced SQL: Relational Set Operators, SQL Join Operators, Subqueries and correlated queries, SQL Functions, Oracle Sequences, Updatable Views, and Procedural SQL. Database Design: The Information System, The Systems Development Life Cycle, The Database Life Cycle, Database Design Strategies, Centralized Vs Decentralized design.Transaction Management in DBMS Environment; Transaction Management and Concurrency Control: What is transaction, Concurrency control, Concurrency control with locking Methods, Concurrency control with time stamping methods, concurrency control with optimistic methods, database recovery management.
- Distributed Database Management Systems: The evolution of Distributed Database Management Systems, DDBMS advantages and Disadvantages, Distribution Processing and Distribution Databases, Characteristics of Distributed database management systems, DDBMS Components, Levels of Data and Process distribution, Distributed database Transparency Features, Distributed Transparency, Transaction Transparency, Performance Transparency and Query Optimization, Distributed Database Design, Client Server VS DDBMS.Data Warehouse Concepts and Database Administration: The Data Warehouse: The need for data analysis, Decision support systems, The data warehouse, Online analytical processing, Star schemas, Data mining, SQL extension for OLAP.
- Database Administration: Data as a Corporate asset, The need for and role of databases in an organization, The evolution of the database administration function, The database environment’s Human Component, Database administration Tools, The DBA at work: Using Oracle for Database Administration.
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