SKUCET Syllabus 2021: Download Latest Syllabus PDF

Sri Krishnadevarya University Common Entrance Test 2021 ( SKUCET )

This exam is conducted for courses given below:
Sreetama Datta Roy
Updated on Apr 7, 2021 07:15 IST

By Sreetama Datta Roy, Manager Content

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The syllabus for SKUCET 2021 has not been shared by the Sri Krishnadevarya University for the upcoming exam of Post Graduate Science courses. Candidates can check below last year's SKUCET syllabus for each subject asked in the question paper. 

Biology of Invertebrates and Cell Biology

1. General Characters and classification of Major Invertebrate phyla with examples upto orders

2. Protozoa i) Polystomella -type study, ii) Trypanosoma life cycle only.

3. Porifera: Canal system, Histology & Spicules

4. Coelenterata: i) Obelia type study, ii) Polymorphism in Siphonophora, iii) Corals and Coral reef formation

 5. Helminths - Fasciola - Detailed type Study

6. Annelida - i) Metamorphism, Comparative study of the following systems of Leech and Nereis, External Characters, Digestive System, Reproductive System, Coelom and Coelomoducts.

7. Arthropoda: Comparative study of: External features-Appendages-Respiration-Circulation - Excretion of Palaemon and Scorpion, Peripatus structure and affinities.

8.Mollusca-i) External Characters of Pila and Fresh Water Mussel (Shell, Mantle Complex and Foot-Comparative study), ii) Pearl formation, iii) Torsion in gastropoda

9. Echinodermata: Starfish: detailed study

1O.Hemichordata: Balanoglossus-External Features, Tornaria larva-Affinities of Hemichordata

11. Important Invertebrate larval forms: Amphiblastula, Ephyra larva, Trochophore, Nauplius, Zoea, Mysis, Veliger, Glochidium, Echinopluteus, Ophiopluteus, Auricularia and Doliolaria

Cell Biology:

1. Ultra-structure of Animal Cell

2. Structure and function of the following cell organelles i) Plasma Membrane: Membrane, Transport of small molecules, Cell Junctions, Cell adhesion, ii) Cytoskeleton. iii) Golgi Complex, iv) Lysosomes, v) Role of mitochondria in cellular energy, energy transactions. VI) Chromosomes-Structure and type, Salivary gland chromosomes.

3. Microscopic techniques for the study of cells-fixation, sectioning, staining and preparation of microslide. Biomolecules of the cell:


1.Classification of Carbohydrates, Structure of Monosaccharides (Glucose and Fructose), Structure of Disaccharides (Lactose, Sucrose and Maltose), Structure of Polysaccharides (Glycogen)

2.Proteins Amino acids: General properties, nomenclature, classification and structure, Classification of proteins based on peptide bond and structure (primary, secondatry, tertiary and quaternary structures). Lipids Classification.

3.Nucleic acids: Watson and crick model of DNA — Nucleoside, Nucleotide, Structure of RNA, Types of RNA — r RNA, tRNA and mRNA


Biology of Chordates Genetics, Evolution and Zoogeography


1. General characters and outline classification upto the level of order. i) PROTOCHORDATA: a)Structure and Affinities of Amphioxus. b) Life history of an Ascidian. ii) CYCLOSTOMATA: General characters of cyclostomes and differences between Myxin & Petromyzon. iii) Comparative study of the following systems with reference to Scoliodon (pisces), Rana (Amphibia) Calotes (Reptilia), Columba (Ayes) and Lagomorpha (Mammalia).

2. Skeletal system: skull of Reptiles, Ayes and Mammals.

2. Respiratory system: Aquatic and Terrestinal animals.

3. Circulatory system: Heart and aortic arches comparative study.

4. Nervous system - Brain

A.General Topics:

1. Parental care in Amphibia,

2. Dentition in Mammals

Developmental Biology:

1. Gastrulation in Amphioxus, Frog and Chick

2. Fetal membranes of chick,

3. Development of chick upto 24 hrs,

4. Placenta in Mammals (Formation and types)


1. Gene interaction with 3 examples,

2. Sex determination.

3. Sex linked inheritance.

4. Blood group inheritance.

5. Fine structure of gene. Concept of function of person gene. Cloning lethal genes.

6. Chromosomes and human diseases.


  • Modern synthetic theory of Evolution, Mutations, Genetic basis of Evolution, Genetic Drift (Hardy Weinberg’s Law), Isolation and speciation.

Characteristics of the following Zoogeographic regions and their fauna.



Animal Physiology, Behavior and Ecology

A.ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY: Animal Physiology pertaining to

1. Nutrition: Types of nutrition in animals, autotrophic, Heterotrophic, vitamins and minerals,

2. Digestion in Mammals,

3. Respiration: Brief account on types of respiratory mechanism, respiratory pigments, gas transport with reference to mammals,

4. Circulation: Composition and functions of blood, Coagulation of blood: Myogenic and Neurogenic hearts, mammalian heart - structure and function, Blood pressure and its role and exchange of materials in capillaries.

5. Osmo-regulation: Pertaining to aquatic animals only.

6. Excretion:

  • Classification of animals based on end products of excretion.
  • Formation of nitrogen wastes,
  • nephron: Structure and Function.

7. Nervous transmission: Structure of neuron, action potential, production and propagation of nerve impulse and synaptic transmission.

8. Muscle contraction

9. Endocrine glands: Pineal body, Hypophysis, Hypothalamus, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Thymus, Adrenal, Gut, Pancreas, testis and ovary-in mammals.

1O.Hormonal control of reproduction in mammals.

11.Concept of Homeostasis.


Taxis, reflexes, instinctive behaviour, motivated behaviour, learning, imprinting, habituation, classical conditioning, instrumental conditioning trial and error learning, physiology and phylogeny of learning, biological rhythms - circadian, lunar and circannual rhythms.


1. Physico-chemical factors of the animal Environment: Temperature, light, pressure, atmospheric gases i.e., oxygen and carbondioxide, biogeochemical cycles: nitrogen, carbon and phosphorus cycles.

2. Animal community and Animal population: Ecosystems (Ecological succession, Ecological pyramids, energy flow in an ecosystem), Animal associations (Parasitism, Commensalism, Symbiosis, Environment and adaptive features of animals inhabiting, deep sea, cave, and desert.

3. Environmental pollution

4. Wild life, wild life sanctuaries and national parks of India.


Unit – I

1. Vector Analysis

Scalar and vector fields, gradient of a scalar field and its physical significance. Divergence and curl of a vector field and related problems. Vector integration, line, surface and volume integrals. Stokes, Gauss and Green’s theorems- simple applications. .

2. Mechanics of Particles

Laws of motion, motion of variable mass system, motion of a rocket, multi-stage rocket, conservation of energy and momentum. Collisions in two and three dimensions, concept of impact parameter, scattering cross-section, Rutherford scattering

3. Mechanics of rigid bodies

Definition of Rigid body, rotational kinematic relations, equation of motion for a rotating body, angular momentum and inertia tensor. Euler’s equations, precession of a top, Gyroscope, precession of the equinoxes

Unit – II

4. Mechanics of continuous media

Elastic constants of isotropic solids and their relation, Poisson’s ratio and expression for Poisson’s ratio in terms of y, n, k. Classification of beams, types of bending, point load, distributed load, shearing force and bending moment, sign conventions, simple supported beam carrying a concentrated load at mid span, cantilever with an end load

5. Central forces

 Central forces – definition and examples, conservative nature of central forces, conservative force as a negative gradient of potential energy, equation of motion under a central force, gravitational potential and gravitational field, motion under inverse square law, derivation of Kepler’s laws.

6. Special theory of relativity 

Galilean relativity, absolute frames, Michelson-Morley experiment, Postulates of special theory of relativity. Lorentz transformation, time dilation, length contraction, addition of velocities, mass-energy relation.

Unit – III

7. Fundamentals of vibrations

Simple harmonic oscillator, and solution of the differential equation– Physical characteristics of SHM, torsion pendulum, - measurements of rigidity modulus , compound pendulum - measurement of ‘g’, combination of two mutually perpendicular simple harmonic vibrations of same frequency and different frequencies, Lissajous figures

8. Damped and forced oscillations

 Damped harmonic oscillator, solution of the differential equation of damped oscillator. Energy considerations, comparison with undamped harmonic oscillator, logarithmic decrement, relaxation time, quality factor, differential equation of forced oscillator and its solution, amplitude resonance, velocity resonance

9. Complex vibrations

Fourier theorem and evaluation of the Fourier coefficients, analysis of periodic wave functions-square wave, triangular wave, saw-tooth wave

Unit – IV

10. Vibrations of bars

Longitudinal vibrations in bars- wave equation and its general solution. Special cases (i) bar fixed at both ends (ii) bar fixed at the midpoint (iii) bar free at both ends (iv) bar fixed at one end. Transverse vibrations in a bar- wave equation and its general solution. Boundary conditions, clamped free bar, free-free bar, bar supported at both ends, Tuning fork.

11. Vibrating Strings

 Transverse wave propagation along a stretched string, general solution of wave equation and its significance, modes of vibration of stretched string clamped at both ends, overtones, energy transport, transverse impedance

12. Ultrasonic

Ultrasonic, properties of ultrasonic waves, production of ultrasonic by piezoelectric and magnetostriction methods, detection of ultrasonic, determination of wavelength of ultrasonic waves. Velocity of ultrasonic in liquids by Sear’s method. Applications of ultrasonic waves.

NOTE: Problems should be solved at the end of every chapter of all units.


(Introductory Microbiology, Microbial Physiology and Genetics)

1. History, contributions, importance and applications of microbiology.

2. Principles, types and applications of microscopy, types of staining and its utility for diagnosis of microbes.

3. Microbial techniques-sterilization, disinfection, physical and chemical methods.

4. Isolation, pure culture and preservation techniques of microbial cultures.

5. Structure, biology and differentiation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms.

6. Classification of bacteria, fungi, viruses and other microbial organisms.

7. Characteristics of biomolecules like carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, fatty acids, nucleic acids of microorganisms.

8. Types of microbial nutrition-Growth media and methods for influencing growth.

9. Classification of enzymes-catalytic inhibition of enzyme activity.

10. Intermediary metabolism-aerobic and anaerobic respiration — fermentation-photosynthetic apparatus in prokaryotes.

11. Fundamentals of genetics, structure and replication of DNA, RNA as genetic material, plasmids, transposons.

12. Mutations and Mutagens, horizontal gene transfer among bacteria- transformation, transduction and conjugation.

13. Concept and types of gene, types and functions of RNA, outlines of RNA biosynthesis and applications,

14. Genetic code, basics and principles of genetic engineering in industry and medicine.


(Immunology, Medical Microbiology and Applied Microbiology)

1. Immunology- development of immunology, types immunity, primary and secondary organs of immune system.

2. Types and chemical nature of antigens- antibodies, labeled and body based techniques,

3. Types of hyper sensitivity and auto immunity, diseases/deficiencies related to these.

4. Clinical microbiology-normal flora of human body, infection, and anti-bacterial substances.

5. Principles of diagnostic microbiology tester for antimicrobial susceptibility, bacterial toxin, virulence and attenuation.

6. Elements of chemotherapy, general and preventive control of air borne, food and water-borne, insectbore, contact, Zoonotic, blood-borne and nosocomial infections.

7. Agricultural microbiology-physical and chemical characteristics of soil, plant growth promoting microorganisms, biofertilizers.

8. Concept and symptoms of plant diseases principles and biological control of plant diseases.

9. Microorganisms role in environment, Microbial interactions, biodegradations.

10. Food spoilage, conned foods and concept of probiotics.

11. Role of microbes in industries-types of fermentation. Industrial production of alcohols, enzymes and organic acids.

Section C


1. Principles of chemical bonding: covalent, non- convalent, electro- valent, ionic bonds lengths, bond angles, bond dissociation energies.

2. Types of organic reagents and reactions- Electrophillic, mesophilic and free radical reagents. Fissions, substitution, addition and elimination reactions. Dissociation constants.

3. Acidity and basicity of organic molecules.

4. Concepts and types of isomerism and tautomerism. Chemical equilibrium and constants. Polymerization.

5. Polar and non-polar molecules.

6. Nitrogen compounds-Amino acids, methods of synthesis, physical and chemical properties.

7. Carbohydrates; classification, structures of glucose and fructose, interconversion of monosaccharides, optical activity, racemisation.

8. Application of UV and IR spectra for the structural determination of organic compounds.

9. Gas laws-Van der Wall’s equation, critical constants-Joule Thomson effect.

10. Solutions: Solutions of gases in liquids, Binary liquid mixtures, azeotropic mixtures, complete and partial miscibility distribution law-applications.

11. Collodis: General features, Tyndall effect, Brownian movement, coagulation, electrophoresis.

12. Liquids: Vapour pressure, surface tension and viscosity and their variation with temperature.

13. Solids: Characteristics of crystalline state-laws of symmetry and crystal system-classification of solids.

14. Thermodynamics: Definition of terms-First and Second law of thermodynamics-Concept of entropy, Gibb’s free energy and chemical potential — Equilibrium constant.

15. Osmosis-Osmotic pressure- laws of osmotic pressure- relationship between molecular weight and osmotic pressure.

16. Buffer solutions-Handerson equations-Applications of buffers- Hydrolysis of salts- pH calculation of salt solutions- pH variation in Acid —Base titrations —Acid- Base indicators.

17. Electromotive force — Measurement of EMF- single electrode potentials — Hydrogen and Calomel electrodes Oxidation and reduction potentials.

18. Chemical kinetics: Zero, first and second order reactions- Activation energy- Collision theory of biomolecular reactions.

19. Photochemistry: Laws of photochemistry — Beer Lambert’s Law — Fluorescence- in Agriculture, Industry, Medicine and Chemical analysis.

20. Nuclear chemistry: Composition of nucleus-radioactive disintegrations-use of radioisotopes in Agriculture, Industry, Medicine and chemical analysis.

21. Inorganic metals in Biological systems: Importance of Na, K, Co and Zn — toxic metals and toxicity of Hg, Pb and As.


Section A


Differential equations OF FIRST ORDER AND FIRST DEGREE

  • Linear differential equations; Differential equations reducible to linear form; Excact differential equations; Integrating factors; Change of variables; Simultaneous differential equations Orthogonal trajectories. Differential equations of the first order but not of the first degree: Equations solvable for p; Equations solvable for y; Equations solvable for x; Equations that do not contain x (or y); Equations of the first degree in x and y — Clairaut’s equation.
  • Higher Order linear differential equations Solutations of homogeneous linear differential equations of order n with constant coefficients.
  • Solutation of the non-homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients by means of polynomial operators. Method of variation of parameters; Linear differential equations with non — constant coefficients; The Cauchy — Euler equation.


The Plane:

Equation of a plane in terms of its intercepts on the axes, Equations of the plane through three given points, Length of the perpendicular from a given point to a given plane, Bisectors of angles between two planes, Combined equation of two planes, Orthogonal projection on a plane,

The Line:

Equations of a line, Angle between a line and a plane, The condition that a given line may lie in a given plane, The condition that two given lines are coplanar, Number of arbitrary constants in the equations of a straight line. Sets of conditions which determine a line. The shortest distance between two lines. The length and equations of the line of shortest distance between two straight lines. Length of the perpendicular from a given point to a given line.

The Sphere:

Definition and equation of the sphere, Equation of the sphere through four given points, plane sections of a sphere. Intersection of two spheres Equation of a circle. Sphere through a given circle, Intersection of a sphere and a line. Power of a point, Tangent plane. Plane of contact. Polar plane. Pole of plane. Conjugate points. Conjugate planes; Angle of intersection of two spheres. Conditions for two spheres to be orthogonal, Radical plane. Coaxial system of spheres Simplified from of the equation of two spheres.


Definition of a cone, vertex, guiding curve, generators, Equation of the cone with a given vertex and guiding curve. Enveloping cone of a sphere. Equations of cones with vertex at origin are homogenous. Condition that the general equation of the second degree should represent a cone. Conditions that a cone may have three mutually perpendicular generators Intersection of a line and a quadric cone. Tangent lines and tangent plane at a point. Condition that a plane may touch a cone. Intersection of two cones with a common vertex. Right circular cone. Equation of the right circular with a given vertex, axis and semi — vertical angle.




Binary operations — Definitions and properties, Groups — Definition and elementary properties, Finite groups and group composition tables. Subgroups and cyclic subgroups and cyclic subgroups. Permutations — Functions and Permutations, groups of Permutations, cycles and cyclic notation, even and odd Permutations.

The alternating groups of finite cyclic groups. Isomorphism — Definition and elementary properties cayley’s theorem, Groups of Costs. Application, Normal subgroups, Factor groups, Criteria for the existence of a coset 2 groups, Inner automorphism and normal subgroups, factor groups and simple groups, Homomorphisms — Defination and elementary properties. The fundemntal theorem of homomorphisms, applications.


Rings definition and examples — Properties of rings — commutative rings, examples — Integral domain examples — skew field, field — examples — zero divisors and related theorems.

1. Every field is an integral domain.

2. Every finite integral domain is a field.

3. Cancellation laws hold in a ring if it has no zero divisors.

Real Analysis Sequences and Their Limits

Convergent and divergent sequences — sandwich theorem — convergence of {r} for -1

Continuity — continuity and discontinuity of a function and examples — Heine’s theorem — Borel’s theorem — every continuous function is bounded — every continuous and bounded functrion defined on [a,b] attains its bounds — Bolzano’s theorem intermediate value theorem. Derivative — Every derivable function is continuous — example — Darkboux’s theorem increasing and decreasing functions — Rolle’s theorem and examples — Lagrange’s theorem and examples — Cauchy’s mean value theorem and examples — Taylor’s theorem with Lagrange’s and Cauchys’s from of remainder — Maclaurin’s theorem — Taylor’s and Maclaurins series — Expansion of ex sin x cos x.log [1+x] and (1÷x)m integrable on (a,b) — If f € R (a,b) — Fundamental theorem of integral calculus.



Linear Algebra:

  • Vector Space, General Properties of vector spaces, vector subspaces, linear combination of vectors. Linear sum of two subspaces, Linear independence and dependence of vectors.
  • Basis of vector space. Finite dimension of a subspace. Linear transformations, linear operators Range and null space of linear transformation, Rank and nullity if kinear transformation.
  • Invertible linear transformation. The adjoint or transpose of a linear transformation, Sylvester’s law of nullity, characteristic values and characteristic vectors, cayley — Hamilton theorem.
  • Inner product spaces, Euclidean and unitary spaces, norm or length of a vector, Schwartz inequality, Orthogonality, orthonormal set, complete orthonormal set,
  • Gram — Schmidt orthogonalisation process.
  • Multiple integrals and vector calculus Vector differentiation, ordinary derivatives of vectors, Differentiability 0 gradient — Divergence 0 curl operators — formulae involving these operators (Excluding semett frennett formulae and related problems) Vector integration,
  • Theorems of Gauss and stokes, Green’s theorem in plane and applications of these theorems.


Section A:

Physical Geology, Crystallography and Mineralogy


Physical Geology:

  • General aspects, Defination of geology–Basic assumptions of Geology, its relationship with other sciences– Branches of geology –Aim and applications of geology.
  • Earth as a Planet Its shape, size and density–movement and their effects.
  • Orgin and age of earth.
  • Geological process–exogamic and endogenic, Definition of weathering types of weathering rocks–physical and chemical; Definition of erosion and denudation, cycle of erosion; transportation and deposition; agents of erosion.
  • Rivers: Erosion, transportation of river (fluvial) cyale in different Stages –Development of typical land forms by river erosion and Deposition–shaped valley.
  • Waterfall, alluvial form meander oxbow lake–flood plane natural plane, pen plain and deltas.
  • Types of rivers. Glaciers: Definition of glacier–Types of glaciers–development of typical land forms by glacial erosion and deposition–cirque, U–Shaped valley–changing valley.
  • Rock–monanocks. Morains, drum–line, karma–Eskors and varves, Characterstics features of glaciated regions. Ground water – storage of ground water–prosity, Permeability, aquifer, water table, zone of saturation, artesian wll, spring, geysesrs– development of typical land form by erosion and deposition by groundwater (Karst topography) sinkhole, cavern, stalactities and stalagmites.
  • Seas–offshore profile –land forms of sea–marine deposits and coral reefs.
  • Lacustrine deposits.


  • Atmospheric circulation, weather and climatic changes, land air, sea interaction.Earth, s heat budget and global climatic changes.
  • Wind: Development of characteristic features by end (arid cycle), erosion and deposition– pedestal rock–mustffoom topography incelberg–Vent facts–locus–sand dunes.
  • Earth movements–definition of diastrophism, .epirogenic and orogenic movements – Mountain, geosynclines. Basic concepts of isostasy, continental drift and plate tectonics Earthquakes: Cause, kinds of earthquake waves, and mode of propagation, intensity of earthquakes, Ritchers scale–seismograph and seismogram.
  • Effects of earthquakes, earthquake zone–interior of the earth.
  • Volcanoes: Origin, products of Volcanoes.



  • Definition of a crystal amorphous and crystalline states.
  • Monophology of Crystals– face, solid, edge, solid angle, interfacial angle.
  • Forms: Simple, combination, Approved an forms Perrologocal microscope (polarizing) –its mechanical and optical parts behavior of isotropic and anisotropic minerals between crossed nicolsextmction, pleochroism, interference colour.
  • Optical properties of important minerals.

Practical paper–1

(Crystallography and Mineralogy)

1. Study of symmetry and form of the Normal classes of seven Crystal systems.

2. Study of physical properties and diagnostics feauters of the following minetrals. Microcline Augite, Hornblende, Actionlite Tremolite, Asbesstos, muscovite, Biotite, Phlogopite, Olivine, Epidote, Garnet, Kyanite, Sillimatnite, Andalusite, Beryl, Zircon, Apatite, Corrun dum, Talc, Gypsum, Calcite, Flurospar and Serpentine.

3. Study of optional properties of following minerals. Quartz, Orthoclase, Micrpline, Plagioclase, Augite, Hornblende, ypersthene, Muscovite, Biotitle, Garnet, Olivine, Chlorite, Kyanite Sillimanite, leucite, Calcite.

4. Study of important geomorphologic models and charts. SECTION B: Petrology and Structural Geology


  • Nature and Scope of petrology– definition of rock, classification of rocks of three types igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.
  • Distinguishing features of three types of rocks.Igneous Rocks Classification into plutonic, hypabassal and volcanic rocks: Forms –Lava flows, intrusions, sills, laccolith, bysmalith.lopolith, dykes, ring dykea, cone sheets, volcanic necks, phacoliths and batholiths. Structures – vescicular.amygdaloidal, block, lava, ropy lava, pillow Flow, joining sheet structures.Plates, columnar and prismatic structures.
  • Textures – Defination of texture, micro– structure, devthfication–allotriomorphic. Hypidiomorphic, paniodiomorphic, porphyritic, pokilitic, ophitic, interg ranular, intersertal, trachytic, graphic and micro–graphic textures. Reaction structures–corona, myrmekitic, orbicular, spherulitic, perlitic.

Unit– 2

  • Classification of igneous rocks–CIPW and Tyrrell tabylar classification.
  • Descriprivate study of following rock types: Grnite, Grnodiorite, Syenite, Nephelinesyenite, Dioriteporphyry, Pegmatite, Aplite, Gabbro, Anorthosite, Peridodite, Pyroxenite, Dunite, Dolerite, Rhyolite, Obsidian, Trachyte, Abdesite and Basalt.
  • Composition and constitution of magma–Crystallization of Magma, Unicomponent binary system, eutectic and solid solutions.
  • Geochemical association and pathfinders.
  • Geophysical exploration brief description and application of gravity, magnetic, seimic, electrical and radioactive methods.

Unit– 3

Estimation of ore reserves – classification– chip sampling, groove Sampling, pitting.trenching and bore–hole loggingand sampling.

Calculation of reserves.

Unit– 4

  •  Estimation of ore reserves – classification of mining methods; criteria for selection of mining method; Brief description of alluvial mining, quarrying, and open cast mining and underground mining methods.


  •  Mineral processing– necessity and advantage of concentration.
  • Principles of mineral economics.
  • Strategic, critical and essential minerals.
  • National mineral Policy.


  • Paleontology, Indian Geology and Economic Geology

Unit –1

  • Paleontology Definition of paleontology, conditions of fossilization, modes of preservation and uses of fossils.  
  • Phylum echinodermata and Phylum Brachiopod, Phylum Mollusca and Phylum Arhrtopoda, Phylum Hemichordata, Phylum Coelenterata.
  • Study of the following fossils with respect to their classification, morphology and geological distribution: Cidaris, Micraster, Holster Hemister, Terebratula, spirifer, Rhvnchonella, Product, Turritella, Murex, Cypraca, Nativa, 3 Voluta, Peeten, Gryphaea, Area, Cardita, Exogyra, Nautilus, Ammonoids, Bellemnites, Calymene, Paradoxide.Corals and Graptolites.  
  • Plant fossile glossplteris. gangam opteris, ptylophyllum.
  • Origin of igneous rocks– Bowen's reaction principle, differentiation and assimilation.


Section A

  • Biomolecules andBiochemical Techniques
  • Carbohydrates
  • Amino acids
  • Nucleic Acids
  • Porphyrins
  • Biomembranes
  • Biochemical Techniques

Section B

Enzymology and Intermediary Metabolism

  • Enzymes
  • Bioenergetics and Biological Oxidants
  • Carbohydrates and Lipid Metabolism
  • Amino Acids Metabolism
  • Nucleic Acid Metabolism

Section C

  • Physiology
  • Endocrinology,
  • Nutrition,
  • Clinical Biochemistry,
  • Immunology,
  • Microbiology,
  • Molecular Biology,
  • Recombinant DNA Technology
  • Transcription
  • Protein Synthesis



Paper - I:

Microbial Diversity, Cryptogams and Gymnosperms

1. Origin and evolution of Life - an outline.

2. Viruses: Structure, replication and transmission; plant diseases caused by viruses and their control.

3. Bacteria: Structure, nutrition, reproduction and economic importance. An outline Of Plant diseases of important crop plants caused by bacteria and their control.

4. Brief account of Archaebacteria, Chlamydia, Actinomycetes and Mycoplasma.

5. Cyanobacteria: Cell structure, thallus organisation and their prospecting (uses) — Biofertilizers

6. Algae: General account, thallus organisation, structure, reproduction, classification and economic importance.

7. Structure, reproduction, life history and systematic position of Qedogonium, Ectocarpus and Polysiphonia.

8. Fungi: General characters, classification and economic importance.

9. Structure, reproduction and life history of Albugo, Penicillium, Puccinia, Alternaria,. General account of plant diseases caused by Fungi and their control.

10. Lichens: Structure and reproduction; ecological and economic importance.

11. Bryophytes: General characters, classification and alternation of generations.

12. Structure, reproduction, life history and systematic position of Marchantia, Anthoceros and Polytrichum. Evolution of Sporophyte in Bryophytes.

13. Pteridophytes: General characters, classification, alternation of generations and evolution of sporop htyte.

14. Structure, reproduction, life history and systematic position of Rhynia, Lycopodium, Equisetum.

15. Evolution of stele, heterospory and seed habit in Pteridophytes.

16. Gymnosperms: General characters, structure, reproduction and classification.

17. Morphology of vegetative and reproductive parts, systemic position, life history of Pinus and Gnetum

18. Distribution and economic importance; endangered Gymnosperms.

19. Palaeobotany: Introduction, Fossils and fossilization; Geological time scale; Importance of fossils. Bennettitales: General account


Anatomy, Embryology, Taxonomy and Medicinal Botany

1. Meristems: Types, histological organisation of shoot and root apices and theories.

2. Tissues and Tissue Systems: Simple and complex.

3. Leaf: Ontogeny, diversity of internal structure; stomata and epidermal outgrowths.

4. Stem and root: Vascular cambium - Formation and function. Anomalous secondary growth-General account. Stem - Achyranthes, Boerhavia, Bignonia, Dracaena; Root — Beta

5. Wood structure: General account. Study of local timbers — Teak (Tectona grandis), Rosewood, (Dalbergia latefolia), Red sanders, (Pterocarpus santalinus) Nallamaddi (Terminalia tomentosa (T. alata)), Yegisa (Pterocarpus marsupiun) and Neem (Azadirachta indica).

6. Introduction: History and importance of Embryology. Anther structure, Microsporogenesis and development of male gametophyte.

7. Ovule structure and types; Megasporogenesis; types and development of female gametophyte

8. Pollination - Types; Pollen - pistil interaction. Fertilization.

9. Endosperm - Development and types. Embryo - development and types; Polyembryony and Apomixis - an outline.

10. Palynology: Principles and applications.

11. Introduction: Principles of plant systematics, Systematics vs Taxonomy, Types of classification: Artificial, Natural and Phylogenetic.

12. Systems of classification: Salient features and comparative account of Bentham & Hooker and Engler & Prantle. An introduction to Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG).

13. Current concepts in Angiosperm Taxonomy: Embryology in relation to taxonomy, Cytotaxonomy, Chemotaxonomy and Numerical Taxonomy.

14. Nomenclature and Taxonomic resources: An introduction to ICBN, Vienna code - a brief account. Herbarium: Concept, techniques and applications.

15. Systematic study and economic importance of plants belonging to the following families: Annonaceae, Capparaceae, Rutaceae, Fabaceae (Faboideae/papilionoideae, Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae), Cucurbitaceae, Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Asclepiadaceae, Lamiaceae, Amaranthaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Orchidaceae and Poaceae.

16. SEthnomedicine: Scope, interdisciplinary nature, distinction of Ethnomedicine from Folklore Medicine. Outlines of Ayurveda, Sidda, Unani and Homeopathic systems of traditional medicine. Role of AYUSH, NMPB, CIMAP and CDRI.

17. Plants in primary health care: Common medicinal plants—Tippateega (Tinospora cordifolia), tulasi (Oscimum sanctum), pippallu (Piper longum), Karaka (Terminalia chebula), Kalabanda (Aloe vera), Turmeric (Curcuma longa).

18. Traditional medicine vs Modern medicine: Study of select plant examples used in traditional medicine as resource (active principles, structure, usage and pharmacological action) of modern medicine: Aswagandha ( Withania somnifera), Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina), Nela usiri (Phyllanthus amarus), Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) and Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri).

19. Pharmacognosy: Introduction and scope. Adulteration of plant crude drugs and methods of identification - some examples. Indian Pharmacopoeia.

20. Plant crude drugs: Types, methods of collection, processing and storage practices. Evaluation of crude drugs.


Paper— III : Cell Biology, Genetics, Ecology and Biodiversity

1. Plant cell envelops: Ultra structure of cell wall, molecular organisation of cell membranes.

2. Nucleus: Ultrastructure, Nucleic acids - Structure and replication of DNA; types and functions of RNA.

3. Chromosomes: Morphology, organisation of DNA in a chromosome, Euchromatin and Heterochromatin. Ka ryotype.

4. Special types of chromosomes: Lampbrush, polytene and B - chromosomes.

5. Cell division: Cell cycle and its regulation; (mitosis, meiosis for practical observation)

6. Mendelism: Laws of inheritance. Genetic interactions - Epistasis, complementary, supplementary and inhibitory genes.

7. Linkage and crossing over: A brief account, construction of genetic maps - 2 point and 3 point test cross data.

8. Mutations: Chromosomal aberrations - structural and numerical changes; Gene mutations,transposable elements.

9. Gene Expression: Organisation of gene, transcription, translation, mechanism and regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes (Lac.and Trp Operons).

10. Extra nuclear genome: Mitochondrial and plastid DNA, plasmids.

11. Concept and components of Ecosystem. Energy flow, food chains, food webs, ecological pyramids,

12. Plants and environment: Ecological factors - Climatic (light and temperature), edaphic. Ecological adaptations of plants.

13. Population ecology: Natality, mortality, growth curves, ecotypes, ecads.

14. Community ecology: Frequency, density, cover, life forms, biological spectrum, ecological succession (Hydrosere, Xerosere).

15. Production ecology: Concepts of productivity, GPP, NPP, CR (Community Respiration) and secondary production, P/R ratio and Ecosystems. Biodiversity: Concepts, Convention on Biodiversity - Earth Summit. Types of biodiversity.

16. Levels, threats and value of Biodiversity.

17. Hot spots of India — Endemism, North Eastern Himalayas, Western Ghats.

18.Agro-biodiversity: Vavilov centres of crop plants.

19. Principles of conservation: IUCN threat-categories, RED data book - threatened & endangered plants of India.

Role of organisations in the conservation of Biodiversity - IUCN, UNEP,WWF, NBPGR, NBD.

1. Detailed study on flora of a local fresh water or aquaculture pond.

2. Geographical spotting of certain endemic and endangered plant species of AP.

3. Minimum of two field visits to local areas of ecological / conservation of biodiversity importance (Sacred grovel Reserved forest! Botanical garden / Zoo Park! Lake etc.).

Paper -IV: Physiology, Tissue Culture, Biotechnology, Seed Technology and Horticulture (Total Hours of

1. Water Relations: Diffusion, Imbibition, Osmosis; water, osmotic and pressure potentials; ascent of sap; transpiration; Stomatal structure and movements.

2. Mineral Nutrition: Essential macro and micro mineral nutrients and their role; symptoms of mineral deficiency; absorption of mineral ions; passive and active processes.

3. Enzymes: Nomenclature, characteristics, mechanism and regulation of enzyme action, enzyme kinetics, factors regulating enzyme action.

4.Photosynthesis: Photosynthetic pigments, absorption and action spectra; Red drop and Emerson enhancement effect; concept of two photosystems; mechanism of photosynthetic electron transport and evolution of oxygen; photophosphorylation; Carbon assimilation pathways: C3, C4 and CAM; photorespiration.

5. Translocation of organic substances: Mechanism of phloem transport; source-sink relationships.

6. Respiration: Aerobic and Anaerobic; Glycolysis, Krebs cycle; electron transport system, mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation, pentose phosphate pathway.

7. Nitrogen Metabolism: Biological nitrogen fixation, nitrate reduction, ammonia assimilation, protein synthesis.

8. Lipid Metabolism: Structure and functions of lipids; conversion of lipids to carbohydrates, 3- oxidation.

9. Growth and Development: Definition, phases and kinetics of growth. Physiological effects of phytohormonauxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, ABA, ethylene and brassinosteroids; Physiology of flowering and photoperiodism, role of phytochrome in flowering.

1O.Stress Physiology: Concept and plant responses to water, salt and temperature stresses.

11. Tissue culture: Introduction, sterilization procedures, culture media - composition and preparation; explants.

12. Callus culture; cell and protoplast culture, Somatic hybrids and cybrids.

13. Applications of tissue culture: Production of pathogen free plants and somaclonal variants, production of stress resistance plants, secondary metabolites and synthetic seeds.

14. Biotechnology: Introduction, history and scope.

15. RDNA technology: Vectors and gene cloning and transgenic plants.

16.Seed: Seed dormancy; causes and methods of breaking dormancy.

17. Seed storage: Seed banks, factors affecting seed viability, genetic erosion. Seed production technology; seed testing and certification.

18. Horticulture techniques: Introduction, Cultivation of ornamental and vegetable crops, Bonsai and landscaping

19. Floriculture: Introduction. Importance of green house, polyhouse, mist chamber, shade nets; Micro irrigation systems. Floriculture potential and its trade in India

20. Vegetative Propagation of plants: Stem, root and leaf cuttings. Layering and bud grafting. Role of plant growth regulators in horticulture

Computer Science


PC Software and Programming in C

Unit-I: Development of computers and types - Logical organization of Digital Computers - Memory - Main Memory - RAM and Cache - I/O Units - Secondary Memory - Operating Systems - DOS Commands - Windows 98 and Windows 2000 concepts - Windows Explorer - Working with files and folders - Running Programs – Using Recycle Bin.

Unit-Il: Microsoft Office - MS Word Basics - Headers, Footers, Tables - Graphics - Templates - Macros - Mail Merge. Power Point Basics - Creating presentations - Menus - Tool Bar - Opening a presentation - Creating New Slide - Deleting a Slide - Copying a Slide - Slide Numbering - Saving - Closing - Printing.

Unit-Ill: MS Access - Creating Databases - Tables - Queries - Forms Reports - Sorting, Displaying and Printing - Relational Databases - Creating Graph objects. MS Excel - Work Sheets - Formatting - Functions - Charts - Graphical - Worksheets as Databases - Linking.

Unit-IV: Introduction to C - Data Types - Flow of Control - Functions - Storage Classes - Arrays, Pointers and Strings. Unit-V: Bitwise Operators and Enumeration types - Preprocessor - Structures and unions - Structures and list processing - Input/Output and Operating Systems.


Programming in C++ and Data Structures

Unit-I: Fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming — History and Evolution of C++ - C++ Programming — Constants, Variables and Data Types - Comparing Java with C++

Unit-Il: Operators and expressions — Decision making using branching and looping — Functions and Procedures.

Unit-Ill: Java evolution — Java Programming — Constants, Variables and data types- class, objects and methods Pointers and Arrays - Binding Data and Functions - Functions and Operator Overloading.

Unit-IV: Reusing Classes-Managing errors and Exceptions — Virtual Functions and Polymorphism.

Unit-V: Data Structures: Stacks- Queues-Binary trees-=Graphs.



Modern DBMS.


Database Management: Basic concepts and definitions-file processing systems-the Range of Database applications - Advantage of the Database approach - Costs and Risk of the Database approach - Components of the Database Environment.

Data development Process: Database development within information system development - Database development process - Three Scheme Architecture for database development - Three Tiered Database Location Architecture.


Modeling Data in the Organization: Modeling the rules of the organization -The ER model Entity - Relationship Model Constructs, Relationships.

Enhanced E.R.

Model and Business Rules: Representing supertypes and subtypes- Specifying Constraints in supertype/subtype relations.


Logical Database design and the relational Model: The Relational data model-Integraty constraints - Transforming EEK diagrams into relations - Introduction to normalization.

 The basic normal forms - Merging relations. Advanced Normal forms: Boyce - Codd normal form - Fourth normal form - Higher normal forms - Physical Database design and performance: Physical Database design process - Designing folds - Designing Physical records and denormalization - Designing Physical files - Using and selecting indexes - Designing Databases - optimizing for query performance.


The SQL Environment defining a database in SQL - Inserting, updating and deleting data internal scheme definitions in RDBMS - Processing single Tables.

Advanced SQL: Processing Multiple tables - Ensuring transaction integrity - Data dictionary facitilies - SQL 99 enhancements and Extension to SQL - Triggers and Routines - Embedded SQL and Dynamic SQL.


The Client/Server Database Environment - Client/server Architecture - three tier architecture - Partitioning - Application - Role of the mainframe using parallel computer architecture - using Middlewave establishing client/server security - Client/server issues Data and database administration: The roles of data and database administration, Modeling Enterprise data - Planning for databases - Managing data security - Backing of databases - Controlling concurrent access - Managing data quality - Data dictionaries and repositories - Overview of turning the database for performance.

Electronics and Communication

Circuit Analysis and Electronic Devices

  •  AC Fundamentalsand Passive networks: The Sine wave –Average and RMS values, Concept of voltage and current sources – KVL and KCL- Application to simple circuits (AC and DC) consisting of resistors and sources (one or two).
  • Network theorems (DC and AC): Superposition Theorem–Thevenin’s Theorem– Norton’s Theorem–Maximum power transfer Theorem–Millman Theorem- Reciprocity Theorem – Application to simple networks.
  • RC and RL Circuits: Transient response of RL and RC circuits with step input– time constants. Frequency response of RC and RL circuits – Types of Filters: Low pass filter – High pass filter – frequency response - Passive differentiating and integrating circuits.
  • Resonance: Series resonance and parallel resonance RLC circuits – Resonant frequency – Q factor – Band width – Selectivity.
  • PN Junction: Depletion region – Junction capacitance – Diode equation (no derivation) – construction, working-I characteristics and simple applications of i) Junction diode ii) Zener diode iii) Tunnel diode and iv) Varactor diode.
  • Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT): PNP and NPN transistors–current components in BJT – BJT static characteristics (Input and Output) – Early effect- CB, CC, CE configurations (cut off, active, and saturation regions) CE configuration as two port network – h-parameters – h-parameter equivalent circuit. Experimental arrangement to study input and output characteristics of BJT in CE configuration.
  • Field Effect Transistor (FET): Structure and working of JFET and MOSFET – output and transfer characteristics –Application of FET as voltage variable resistor and MOSFET as a switch – Advantages of FET over transistor.
  • Uni Junction Transistor (UJT): Structure and working of UJTCharacteristics. Application of UJT as a relaxation oscillator.
  • Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR): Structure and working of SCR. Two transistor representation, Application of SCR for power control.
  • Photo Electric Devices: Structure and operation of LDR, Photo voltaic cell, Photo diode, Photo transistors and LED.


Analog Circuits and Communications

  • Power Supplies: Rectifiers– Half wave, full wave and bridge rectifiersEfficiency- Ripple factor- Regulation – Harmonic components in rectified output – Types of filters- Choke input (inductor) filter- Shunt capacitor filter- L section and ? section filters – Block diagram of regulated power supply - Series and shunt regulated power supplies – Three terminal regulators (78XX and 79XX) – Principle and working of switch mode power supply (SMPS).
  • RC Coupled and feedback Amplifiers: Operational Amplifiers: Differential amplifier- Block diagram of Op-AmpIdeal characteristics of Op-Amp- Op-Amp parameters- Input resistance- Output resistance- Common mode rejection ratio (CMMR)- Slew rate- Offset voltages – Input bias current- Basic Op-Amp circuits- Inverting Op-Amp- Virtual ground- Non-inverting Op-Amp- Frequency response of Op-Amp. Interpretation of Op-Amp data sheets and Linear Applications of Op-Amps.
  • Communications: Need for modulation-Types of modulation- Amplitude, Frequency and Phase modulation. Amplitude modulation-side bandsmodulation index- square law diode modulator- Demodulation- diode detector. Frequency modulation working of simple frequency modulator- Ratio detection of FM waves- Advantages of frequency modulation.AM and FM radio receivers


Digital Electronics - Microprocessor/Microcontrollers and Interfacing

  • Introduction to number systems, Logic gates OR, AND, NOT, X-OR, NAND, NOR gates - Truth tables – Positive and negative logic – Logic families and their characteristics – RTL, DTL, ECL, TTL and CMOS.– Universal building blocks NAND and NOR gates.
  • Laws of Boolean algebra De Morgan’s Theorems – Boolean identities – Simplification of Boolean expressions– Karnaugh Maps – Sum of products (SOP) and Product of sums (POS).
  • Combinational and Sequential circuits: Multiplexer and De-Multiplexer – Decoder, Half adder, Full adder and Parallel adder circuits. Flip flops – RS, D, JK and JK Master-Slave (working and truth tables) and Semiconductor memories.
  • Introduction to Microcomputer and Microprocessor: Intel 8085 Microprocessor – central processing unit CPU – arithmetic and logic unit ALU – timing and control unit – register organization – address, data and control buses- pin configuration of 8085 and its description.
  • Timing diagramsInstruction cycle, machine cycle, fetch and execute cycles. Instruction set of 8085, instruction and data formats- classification of instructions –addressing modes and interfacing peripherals and applications.
  •  Programmable peripheral interface of 8255, 8279, 8253 and 8251. Introduction to microcontrollers and interfacing: Overview and block diagram of 8051. Architecture of 8051.
  • Program counter and memory organization. Data types and directives, Flag bits and PSW Register, Register banks and Stack; Pin diagram, Port organisation, I/O Programming, Bit manipulation.
  • Interrupts and timer and Addressing modes, instruction set and assembly language programming of 8051. Interfacing with 8051 Micro controller – Seven segments, DAC, ADC, Stepper Motor and LCD Display.

Electronics and Instrumentation

Section A:

  • Units and dimensions - Errors and uncertainties - Standards and calibration. Functional elements of instrument - Sensors and transducers: Thermistor, Thermocouple, RTD, strain Gauge, LVDT, load cell, piezoelectric crystal.
  • Hall probe, photoconductive, photovoltaic and solar cells, photo diode and photo transistor – Cathode ray oscilloscope. Display devices.

Section B:

  • Fundamentals of Optics- Reflection, Refraction, Interference, Diffraction, Scattering and Polarization, Telescopes and Microscopes- Thermoelectricity: Seebec, Peltier and Thomson Effects – Lascrs - Sound - Basic Theory of electricity Magnetism - Modern Physics - Automic Structure, X-Rays, photoelectric effect and radioactivity. Electric charge and Electric Field – Electric potential- current – Ohm’s law – Kirchoff’s laws (voltage and current) – Resistance, capacitance and inductance- RC and LC circuits – LC series and voltmeters.

Section C:

  • Semiconductors- Band theory of solids.
  • Semiconductor devices-Junction diode, Zener diode, transistor, field effect transistor, UJT, Network theorems – superposition.
  • Thevinin, Norton and maximum power transfer.
  • Rectifiers Filters-Power suppliers-Amplifiers-Oscillators-Multivibrators-Operational Amplifiers and their applications.
  • Digital electronics- Number systems- Logic gates –Boolean algebra, Demoran’ theorems- Half adder & Full adder- Flip flops – registers – Counters – Analog to digital and digital to analog converters.
  • Fundamentals of 8085 microprocessor – Machine, Assembly and High Level Languages – Fundamentals of Computers – Organsation of Computer – Algorithm – Flow Chart – Basics of C Language.

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