B.Arch Architecture Colleges in Delhi/NCR
There are 51 colleges offering B.Arch in Delhi/NCR. Among these, split of colleges by ownership is private owned: 36, public / government owned: 8 and public private owned: 1.
Location wise
Major cities across the nation provide a variety of B.Arch. Of all the cities, Maharashtra has the most Top B.Arch colleges in India, based on the number of institutions.
Entrance Exams
NATA is the most popular exam accepted by B.Arch in Delhi/NCR. Refer to the table below showing exams accepted by number of colleges:
Exam Details | Colleges |
NATA | 51 Colleges |
JEE Main | 27 Colleges |
CUET | 5 Colleges |
UPCET BArch | 5 Colleges |
CBSE 12th | 3 Colleges |
UPCET | 1 Colleges |
DASA UG | 1 Colleges |
JAC Delhi | 1 Colleges |
HBSE 12th | 1 Colleges |
There are 51 colleges offering B.Arch in Delhi/NCR. Among these, split of colleges by ownership is private owned: 36, public / government owned: 8 and public private owned: 1.
Location wise
Major cities across the nation provide a variety of B.Arch. Of all the cities, Maharashtra has the most Top B.Arch colleges in India, based on the number of institutions.
Entrance Exams
NATA is the most popular exam accepted by B.Arch in Delhi/NCR. Refer to the table below showing exams accepted by number of colleges:
Exam Details | Colleges |
NATA | 51 Colleges |
JEE Main | 27 Colleges |
CUET | 5 Colleges |
UPCET BArch | 5 Colleges |
CBSE 12th | 3 Colleges |
UPCET | 1 Colleges |
DASA UG | 1 Colleges |
JAC Delhi | 1 Colleges |
HBSE 12th | 1 Colleges |
B.Arch Architecture Colleges in Delhi/NCR
B.Arch Applications open. Apply Now
B.Arch Applications open. Apply Now