Sadhana Education Societys  L S Raheja College
Sadhana Education Societys  L S Raheja College Logo

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) 

  • A NAAC accredited
  • Public-Private Institute
  • Estd. 1980

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Sadhana Education Societys L S Raheja College 


3 years

Course Level

UG Degree

Mode of Course

Full Time

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Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Sadhana Education Societys L S Raheja College 

ParticularsStatistics (2021)
Median SalaryINR 1.93 Lakh
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Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Sadhana Education Societys L S Raheja College 
Entry Requirements

Requirements for 12th gradeUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
Maharashtra HSCUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
CBSE 12thUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
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Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Sadhana Education Societys L S Raheja College 
Students Ratings & Reviews

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Placement Review IconPlacements1
Infrastructure Review IconInfrastructure4
Faculty Review IconFaculty & Course4.5
Crowd Review IconCampus Life4
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Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Batch of 2022
Offered by Sadhana Education Societys L S Raheja College
1Placements5Infrastructure5Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
Absolutely loved the college and the faculty.
Placements: No placements were given for this particular course. However, various other courses do give out very good and nice placement options. However, the faculty often helps students secure a job with their network. There are various career counseling workshops that can help you too.
Infrastructure: The college has all the amenities, such as turf, ground, library, lab, canteen, auditorium, etc. There are no official hostels, but one can find a few PG's and hostels nearby. The food in the canteen is very cheap and affordable, as well as good. Classrooms have projectors but the college doesn't provide Wi-Fi.
Faculty: The faculty are highly experienced in their own subjects. The exams held are moderately difficult and theory-based. The curriculum is very vast in terms of subjects and fields. The course doesn't make a student industry ready but it can help him select one.
Other: Fests, events and competitions are held very frequently. The crowd is decent and talented. In this course, you get to learn about various different subjects and their basics, which will help you clear your mind and choose a field.
Reviewed on 22 May 2024Read More
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Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) - Batch of 2023
Offered by Sadhana Education Societys L S Raheja College
1Placements3Infrastructure4Faculty3Crowd & Campus Life3Value for Money
I'm satisfied with the college.
Placements: Our college doesn't provide any internships or placements. You have to find it on your own. Though the faculty encourages students to find an internship and also keeps circulating any notice of the same, So, one should keep in touch with the faculty for any such internship opportunities.
Infrastructure: The infrastructure of our college is rather modern. The college has been renovated recently, and it feels a lot better than before. The college has a very well-maintained auditorium just at the entrance. The library is decent and spacious. The college doesn't have any hostels of its own.
Faculty: The majority of our faculty are really good. In our college, there are many young faculty members. It's fun and open learning here. If studied thoroughly, the curriculum pretty much covers all the information that you would need to know about the field.
Other: Our college conducts a yearly fest called "Retake" on a very large scale. The fest is conducted by the students of the department. There's an event called 'Raheja Week' in which a lot of competitions and activities are held.
Reviewed on 10 May 2022Read More
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Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Sadhana Education Societys L S Raheja College 

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Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Sadhana Education Societys L S Raheja College 
Contact Information


Relif Road, Juhu Road, Santacruz (West),
Mumbai ( Maharashtra)

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