Jacobian: Overview, Questions, Preparation

Determinant of a Matrix 2021 ( Determinants )

Rachit Kumar Saxena

Rachit Kumar SaxenaManager-Editorial

Updated on Aug 13, 2021 14:11 IST

What is Jacobian?

A matrix is a form of representation of a pair of linear equations. The coefficients of a variable are structured in a box format to form a matrix. For a system of linear equations,
m1x+ n1y =k1 and m2x+ n2y =k2, the matrix representation is:


For a unique solution, the condition is m1n2- m2 n1 ≠0. This equation is represented in the form of a matrix,

Jacobian_2  = M. This matrix is known as the determinant of M.

The determinant of a matrix of partial derivatives is known as the ‘Jacobian’.

Jacobian Method

The method that is used to determine the solutions of a system of linear equations is known as the Jacobian method. It is an iterative algorithm where the diagonal elements of a matrix are assigned an approximate value. Then, the matrix is solved to reach convergence, and this process of matrix diagonalisation is known as the Jacobi transformation.

Consider a matrix M for the ‘n’ system of linear equations.

Then, Mx = N

m11      m12   .............m1n

m22     m23    .............m2n

...      ...          ...         ...

mn1, mn2,   ...          mnn

x= x1, x2 ....xn 

p= p1, p2 ....pn 

Decompose the matrix M into the diagonal component ‘D’ and remainder ‘R’ such that M= D+ R.

m11     0   ...       0 

0         m22 ...     0

...        ....          ....

0          0   ....... mmn


0         m12  ...      m1n  

m22    0      ...       m2n 

...        .....               ....

mn1      mn2  ....... 0

So, the solution for these equations can be denoted as:
x(s+1) = D-1 (b- Rxs),
Where xs is the sth iteration or approximation of s. Also, xs+1 is the (s+1)th iteration of x or the next iteration after xs.

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Weightage of Jacobian in Class 12

The topic ‘Jacobian’ is a part of the chapter ‘Determinants’ in the syllabus of class 12. This topic carries a weightage of around 7-8 marks in the examination. A clear understanding of matrices is essential to solve problems on this topic.

Illustrative Example on Jacobian

1. Using the Jacobian method, find the solution of the system of linear equations:
2x + 5y = 1 and 3x + 2y = 7.
These equations can be written in the form:
Where M=  
(2  5)
(3  2)

X= (x) 
N= (1)
Now, |M|= -11 ≠ 0.So M is a nonsingular matrix and has a unique solution.
M-1 = (1/11) 
(2  5)
(3  2)

X= M-1 . N
X= (1/11) 
(2  5)
(3  2)

Which means, X= (3, 1)
Hence, x= 3 and y= -1.

2. Find the Jacobian for the equations:
p1= (3m+n+1)2, p2= (mn+2m+3n) for m=n=0.
For p1= (3m+n+1)2, p2= (mn+2m+3n),
We know that, m=n=0.
Also, 6(3m+n+1) at m=n=0 is 6
2(3m+n+1) is 2
(n+2+0)= 2
(m+0+3)= 3
So, J(p1,p2)=  (6, 2)
                        (2, 3)
3.Let x (m, n) = m2 – n2 , y (m, n) = 2 mn. Find the Jacobian J (m, n).
Given that, x(m,n)= m2- n2 and y(m,n)= 2mn
So, J(m,n)= 4m2+4n2

4. Solve the following system of equations by matrix method.
3x – 2y + 3z =8, 2x + y – z =1, 4x – 3y + 2z =4.
The system of linear equations can be represented as

3    -2   3
2    1   -1
4   -3    2
X =

So, |M|= 3(2 -3)+ 2(4+ 4)+ 3(-6 -4)= -17 0.
X= M-1.N

-1/17 {-17    =    {1
           -34           2
           -51}         3}
Hence, x= 1, y=2, and z=3.

FAQs on Jacobian

Q: What is a matrix?

A: A matrix is a square representation of a series of numbers or equations to find its solution.

Q: What is a determinant?

A: To every square matrix M= [m ij] of order n, we can associate a number known as the determinant of the square matrix M, where m ij= (i, j) th element of M.

Q: What is a minor and a cofactor?

A: Mij of an element kij is the determinant obtained by deleting its i th row and j th column in which the element m ij lies. Cofactor of m ij , denoted by C ij , is defined by C ij= (-1) i+j M ij.

Q: What are the methods to solve a system of linear equations?

A: To solve a system of linear equations, we use the matrix method and row reduction or the Gaussian method.

Q: What are the applications of matrices and determinants?

A: Matrices and determinants have a wide range of applications in engineering, science, economics, social science, etc.

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