NABARD Grade B 2021 Exam Pattern: Get Latest Pattern & Marking Scheme Here

National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development 2024 ( NABARD )

This exam is conducted for courses given below:
Anangsha Patra

Anangsha PatraDeputy Manager – Editorial

Updated on Jul 21, 2021 02:46 IST

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development has revised the NABARD Grade B exam pattern 2021. According to the revised exam pattern, one new section-Decision Making has been included in the pattern of the prelims exam. The qualifying sections of the prelims exam are Test of Reasoning, English Language, Computer Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude, Decision Making. The merit sections of the prelims exam are General Awareness, Eco & Soc. Issues (with focus on Rural India), Agriculture & Rural Development with Emphasis on Rural India. Shortlisting of candidates for the mains exam will be based on the marks obtained in the merit sections. The name of Paper-II has been changed to Economic and Social Issues & Agriculture and Rural Development (ESI & ARD).

Paper-II and III of NABARD Grade B mains exam will comprise both descriptive and objective-type tests. Answers in the descriptive paper needs to be typed using keyboard either in English or Hindi in Remington and Inscript keyboards. Six questions will be asked in the descriptive test, out of which candidates need to attempt four questions. Two questions will be for 15 marks and two questions will be for 10 marks. The time allotted to complete the objective section is 30 minutes while it is 90 minutes for the descriptive section. The total marks allotted to the interview are 75 marks.

NABARD Grade B exam pattern highlights the overall structure of the exam such as section-wise weightage given to topics, marking scheme, total marks, duration of the test, and many more. In this article, we have provided the revised NABARD Grade B exam pattern.

NABARD Grade B Exam Pattern 2021: Preliminary Exam

NABARD Grade B exam pattern for prelims exam is such that it is divided into eight sections. The test paper will have a total of 200 objective-type multiple-choice questions. The total marks allotted to the test are 200. The duration of the exam is 120 minutes and there are no sectional timings. The language of the question paper will be in Hindi and English except for test of the English Language. On the basis of the performance in NABARD Grade B exam, candidates in the ratio 1:25 are called for the mains exam. The topic-wise distribution of questions and total marks is given below:

Name of the Test No. of questions Marks

Test of Reasoning



English Language



Computer Knowledge



Quantitative Aptitude



Decision Making



General Awareness



Eco & Soc. Issues (with focus on Rural India)



Agriculture & Rural Development with Emphasis on Rural India






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NABARD Grade B Exam Pattern 2021: Mains Exam

NABARD Grade B mains exam pattern is such that it is divided into three papers-I, II, and III. The analytical and writing skills are assessed through Descriptive Test. Candidates in the ratio 1:3 are called for the Interview based on the marks of the mains exam. The details of each paper are given below.

Paper-I is a descriptive-type paper and comprises questions from General English such as essay writing, comprehension, report writing, paragraph writing & Letter writing. The exam will be conducted online. Candidates need to type the descriptive answers online using keyboard. The paper will have a total of three questions. The total marks allotted to the test are 100. The duration of the test is 90 minutes. 

Paper-II comprises both objective-type and descriptive-type questions from Economic and Social Issues. Candidates need to type the answers using Remington and Inscript keyboards. The total marks allotted to the test are 100 and the duration of the test is 120 minutes. 

Paper-III comprises objective-type and descriptive-type questions from Development Economics, Statistics, Finance, and Management. The descriptive answers need to be typed using Remington and Inscript keyboards. The paper carries 100 marks and the duration of the test is 120 minutes.

The structure of NABARD Grade B exam pattern is given below.

Paper Grade A Type of Paper No. of Questions Marks Duration Remarks

Paper I

General English

Online descriptive




90 minutes

Descriptive answers to be typed using keyboard



Economic and Social Issues & Agriculture and Rural Development (ESI & ARD)




30 Minutes


Descriptive type

6 questions will be asked, of which candidates will be required to attempt 4 questions (2 of 15 marks each and 2 of 10 marks each)




90 Minutes

Descriptive answers to be typed using keyboard either in English or Hindi (Remington and Inscript keyboards)




120 Minutes


Paper III

Development Economics, Statistics, Finance and Management




30 Minutes


Descriptive type

6 questions will be asked, of which candidates will be required to attempt 4 questions (2 of 15 marks each and 2 of 10 marks each)


90 Minutes

Descriptive Answers to be typed using keyboard either in English or Hindi (Remington and Inscript keyboards)




120 Minutes


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NABARD Grade B Exam Pattern 2021: Interview

The interview is conducted for candidates qualifying the Phase II exam and placed sufficiently high in the order of merit. The total marks allotted to the interview are 75 marks. The final selection and ranking of candidates are based on their performance in mains exam and interview taken together.

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NABARD Grade B Marking Scheme

For every wrong answer, 1/4 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty in Phase I and II. Cutoff marks in Phase I and II are applied in two stages: on scores in individual tests and on total scores.

NABARD Grade B Syllabus 2021

Candidates can check below NABARD recruitment syllabus for the preliminary exam.


  • Puzzles
  • Data sufficiency
  • Input-Output
  • Statement based questions,
  • Inequality
  • Miscellaneous Questions
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English Language

  • Essay
  • Precis writing
  • Comprehension
  • Business/Office Correspondence
  • Sentence Rearrangement

Computer Knowledge 

  • Computer Basics
  • Networking
  • Input/output devices
  • DBMS
  • MS Office
  • History of computer & generations, Shortcuts
  • Internet

General Awareness

  • Current Affairs and Banking and Economy
  • Insurance

Quantitative Aptitude

Read More on NABARD Grade B Syllabus

NABARD Grade B Exam Pattern 2021 FAQs

Q: What is NABARD Grade B exam pattern for prelims exam?

A: NABARD Grade B exam pattern for prelims exam is a objective-type test and comprises questions from Test of Reasoning, English Language, Computer Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude, Decision Making, General Awareness, Eco & Soc. Issues (with focus on Rural India) and Agriculture & Rural Development with Emphasis on Rural India. 

Q: How many questions will be asked in NABARD Grade B prelims exam and what are the total marks?

A: Total 200 questions will be asked in the exam. The test carries total 200 marks.

Q: What is the duration of NABARD Grade B prelims exam?

A: The prelims exam of NABARD Grade B is held for 120 minutes.

Q: Which are the qualifying sections in NABARD Grade B prelims exam?

A: The qualifying sections in NABARD Grade B exam are Test of Reasoning, English Language, Computer Knowledge, Quantitative
Aptitude, Decision Making.

Q: Which are the merit sections in NABARD Grade B prelims exam?

A: The merit sections in NABARD Grade B prelims exam are General Awareness, Eco & Soc. Issues (with focus on Rural India), Agriculture & Rural Development with Emphasis on Rural India. 

Q: How is the shortlisting for the mains exam done in NABARD Grade B?

A: The shortlisting for the mains exam done in NABARD Grade B based on the performance in the merit section in the ratio 1:25.

Q: Is there any negative marking in NABARD Grade B exam?

A: Yes, there are negative marking in NABARD Grade B exam. 1/4 marks is deducted as a penalty for wrong answers.

Q: How many papers are there in the mains exam of NABARD Grade B?

A: The mains exam of NABARD Grade B comprises three papers. Paper-I is General English, Paper-II is Economic and Social Issues and Paper-III is Development Economics, Statistics, Finance and Management. 

Q: Will Paper-II and III of NABARD Grade B mains exam comprise descriptive-type questions?

A: As per the revised exam pattern, Paper-II and III of NABARD Grade B mains exam will carry both objective and descriptive type questions.

Q: How many questions will be asked in the Paper-II and III of NABARD Grade B mains exam?

A: The Paper-I and II of NABARD Grade B mains exam will carry six questions, out of which candidates need to attempt four. Two questions will be for 15 marks and two will be for 10 marks each.  

Q: How to write the answers in Paper-II and III of NABARD Grade B mains exam?

A: Paper-II and III of NABARD Grade B mains exam comprises both objective and descriptive-type tests. The answers in the descriptive tests need to be written using keyboard either in English or Hindi using Remington and Inscript keyboards.

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