NABARD Preparation 2024: Tips, Strategy & Guide

National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development 2024 ( NABARD )

This exam is conducted for courses given below:
Anangsha Patra
Updated on Apr 1, 2024 18:05 IST

By Anangsha Patra, Deputy Manager – Editorial

NABARD Grade A Preparation Tips 2024 contains some tips and strategies to be followed while preparing for NABARD Grade A exam. Students appearing for NABARD Grade A must pull up their socks and start preparing for the exam. It is important to have a well-organised plan to crack the exam. Cracking NABARD Grade A exam becomes easy with the right preparation strategy and study plan. NABARD Grade A preparation includes understanding the exam pattern, syllabus, right study materials and effective study plan. Here are few NABARD Grade A preparation tips that will help you to do well in the exam.

Table of content
  • How to Prepare for NABARD Grade A?
  • NABARD Grade A Selection Process 2022
  • NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern 2022
  • NABARD Grade A syllabus 2022
  • NABARD Grade A Preparation Tips FAQs

How to Prepare for NABARD Grade A?

Given below are few tips and tricks to prepare for NABARD Grade A.

Create a Timetable

NABARD Grade A exam syllabus is vast. Therefore, create a timetable that helps you to cover all the topics.

Find out strong and weak areas

Analyse your strong and weak areas and create timetable accordingly. This will give you a clear idea of how much time to spend on each topic. Allocate separate time for practising and revising.

Tips for English

Cultivate reading and writing habits. More weightage is given to the English section. You should be aware of the proper usage of grammar to solve Essay/Paragraph writing. Reading Comprehension is not about how fast you read a paragraph rather it's about understanding the matter of the passage. Develop reading habits to solve questions from this topic easily. Letter writing tests communication skills, therefore, get well versed in the format of the letter. In Report Writing, candidates need to organize and structure their ideas.

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Tips for Reasoning

To ace this section, you should understand the basics and logic behind each question. Learn the shortcuts for solving questions. The Reasoning Ability section includes Syllogism, Seating Arrangements, Puzzles, Data Sufficiency, etc.

Tips for Quantitative Aptitude

Knowing the formulas is the only weapon for survival for this section. You cannot solve the problems without learning the formulas. Revise the formulas on a regular basis. Learn the shortcut tricks to solve problems. Also, attempt mock tests as much as you can.

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Tips for General Awareness and Computer Aptitude

For the General Awareness section, you should read newspapers and magazines. There is no defined syllabus for General Awareness. You should be aware of the recent topics. Stay updated with events such as banking, finance, and economy. Brush up the basics of computer hardware and software.

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Tips for Economic and Social Issues

Questions in this section are based on government policies, banking, and social issues. Prepare the Economic and Social Issues section to score good marks.


Tips for Agriculture and Rural Development

You need to be aware of the rural development, information about current updates in this sector. Follow the policies government makes for this sector and some statistical data.

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NABARD Grade A Selection Process 2022

The selection process of NABARD Grade A comprises prelims exam, mains exam, and interview. On the basis of the performance of the prelims exam, candidates in the ratio 1:25 are called for the mains exam. On the basis of the NABARD Grade A result for the mains exam, candidates in the ratio 1:3 are called for interview. The final selection is done based on the mains exam and interview. The performance of the prelims exam is not counted for final selection.


NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern 2022

NABARD Grade A exam pattern is divided into prelims, mains and interview. The preliminary exam carries 200 marks. The mains exam is a combination of objective and descriptive type tests. The exam comprises two papers. The interview carries 25 marks. 


NABARD Grade A syllabus 2022

NABARD Grade A syllabus for the preliminary exam comprises Test of Reasoning, Decision Making, English Language, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, Economic & Social Issues (with focus on Rural India), and Agriculture & Rural Development (with focus on Rural India). The syllabus of the mains exam comprises topics such as General English, Economic & Social Issues and Agriculture & Rural Development, and subjects related to disciplines. 

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NABARD Grade A Preparation Tips FAQs

Candidates can check below NABARD Grade A preparation FAQs.

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Commonly asked questions

Q:   What is NABARD Grade A eligibility?


NABARD Grade A eligibility is given below.

Age Limit

Name of the PostLower age Limit (in years)Upper Age Limit (in years)

Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ (Rural Development Banking Service)



Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ (Rajbhasha Service)



Assistant Manager in Grade ‘A’ (Protocol & Security Service)



Educational Qualification

Any graduate candidate can apply for the exam.

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Q:   What is NABARD Grade A salary?


The initial basic NABARD Grade A salary is INR 28,150 per month. The pay scale is INR 28,150-1550 (4 years)-34350-1750 (7years) – 46600 - EB-1750 (4 years) - 53600-2000 (1 year)-55600. The first increment offered to candidates is 1550 and it continues for four years. With the basic pay of INR 44,850, an increment of INR 1750 is given for the next seven years and so on. This makes the maximum average basic pay of NABARD Grade A INR 55,600. At present, initial monthly gross emoluments are approximately INR 70,000.

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Q:   What is NABARD Grade A syllabus for Agriculture & Rural Development?


NABARD Grade A syllabus for Agriculture & Rural Development is given below.

Name of SectionTopics asked
  1. Definition, meaning and its branches
  2. Agronomy: Definition, meaning, and scope of agronomy.
  3. Classification of field crops.
  4. Factors affecting crop production
  5. Agro Climatic Zones
  6. Cropping Systems: Definition and types of cropping systems.
  7. Problems of dry land - Seed production, seed processing, seed village
  8. Meteorology: weather parameters, crop-weather advisory
  9. Precision Farming
  10. System of Crop Intensification
  11. Organic farming
Soil and Water Conservation
  1. Major soil types
  2. Soil fertility
  3. Fertilizers
  4. Soil erosion
  5. Soil conservation
  6. Watershed management
Water Resource
  1. Irrigation Management
  2. Types of irrigation
  3. Sources of irrigation
  4. Crop-water requirement
  5. Command area development
  6. Water conservation techniques
  7. Micro-irrigation
  8. Irrigation pumps
  9. Major, medium and minor irrigation.
Farm and Agri Engineering
  1. Farm Machinery and Power
  2. Sources of power on the farm- human, animal, mechanical, electrical, wind, solar and biomass, biofuels
  3. Water harvesting structures
  4. Farm Ponds
  5. Agro-Processing
  6. Controlled and modified storage, perishable food storage, godowns, bins, and grain silos.
Plantation & Horticulture
  1. Definition, meaning, and its branches
  2. Agronomic practices and production technology of various plantation and horticulture crops
  3. Post-harvest management, value, and supply chain management of Plantation and Horticulture crops.
Animal Husbandry
  1. Farm animals and their role in the Indian economy
  2. Animal husbandry methods in India
  3. Common terms pertaining to different species of livestock
  4. Utility classification of breeds of cattle.
  5. Introduction to common feeds and fodders, their classification, and utility.
  6. Introduction to the poultry industry in India (past, present, and future status)
  7. Common terms pertaining to poultry production and management
  8. The concept of mixed farming and its relevance to socio-economic conditions of farmers in India
  9. Complimentary and obligatory nature of livestock and poultry production with that of agricultural farming.
  1. Fisheries resources
  2. Management and exploitation - freshwater, brackish water, and marine
  3. Aquaculture- Inland and marine
  4. Biotechnology
  5. Post-harvest technology
  6. Importance of fisheries in India
  7. Common terms pertaining to fish production.
  1. Basic concepts of Forest and Forestry
  2. Principles of silviculture, forest mensuration, forest management, and forest economics
  3. Concepts of social forestry, agroforestry, joint forest management
  4. Forest policy and legislation in India, India State of Forest Report 2015
  5. Recent developments under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
Agriculture Extensions
  1. Its importance and role, methods of evaluation of extension programs
  2. Role of Krishi Vigyan Kendra's (KVK) in the dissemination of Agricultural technologies.
Ecology and Climate Change
  1. Ecology and its relevance to man, natural resources, sustainable management, and conservation
  2. Causes of climate change, GreenHouse Gases (GHG), major GHG emitting countries, climate analysis
  3. Distinguish between adaptation and mitigation
  4. Climate change impact on agriculture and rural livelihoods
  5. Carbon credit
  6. IPCC, UNFCCC, CoP meetings
  7. Funding mechanisms for climate change projects
  8. Initiatives by Govt of India, NAPCC, SAPCC, INDC.
Present Scenario of Indian Agriculture and Allied activities
  1. Recent trends
  2. Major challenges in agriculture measures to enhance
  3. Viability of agriculture Factors of Production in agriculture
  4. Agricultural Finance and Marketing
  5. Impact of Globalization on Indian Agriculture and issues of Food Security
  6. Concept and Types of Farm Management.
Rural Development
  1. Concept of Rural Area
  2. Structure of the Indian Rural Economy
  3. Importance and role of the rural sector in India
  4. Economic, Social and Demographic Characteristics of the Indian rural economy
  5. Causes of Rural Backwardness.
  6. Rural population in India
  7. Occupational structure
  8. Farmers, Agricultural Laborers, Artisans, Handicrafts, Traders, Forest dwellers/tribes and others in rural India
  9. Trends of change in rural population and rural workforce
  10. Problems and conditions of rural labour
  11. Issues and challenges in Hand-looms
  12. Panchayati Raj Institutions – Functions and Working.
  13. MGNREGA, NRLM – Aajeevika, Rural Drinking water Programmes, Swachh Bharat, Rural Housing, PURA, and other rural development programs.
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Q:   What is NABARD Grade A Mains Syllabus for Economic and Social Issues?


NABARD Grade A Mains syllabus for Economic and Social Issues is given below.

Name of SectionTopics asked
Nature of Indian Economy
  1. Structural and Institutional features
  2. Economic Underdevelopment
  3. Opening up the Indian Economy
  4. Globalization
  5. Economic Reforms in India
  6. Privatization.
InflationTrends in Inflation & their Impact on National Economy and Individual Income.
Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in India
  1. Rural and Urban
  2. Measurement of Poverty
  3. Poverty Alleviation Programmes of the Government
Population Trends
  1. Population Growth and Economic Development
  2. Population Policy in India
  1. Characteristics / Status
  2. Technical and Institutional changes in Indian Agriculture
  3. Agricultural performance
  4. Issues in Food Security in India
  5. Non-Institutional and Institutional Agencies in rural credit
  1. Industrial and Labour Policy
  2. Industrial performance
  3. Regional Imbalance in India's Industrial Development
  4. Public Sector Enterprises
Rural banking and financial institutions in IndiaReforms in the Banking/ Financial sector.
Globalization of Economy
  1. Role of International Funding Institutions
  2. IMF & World Bank
  3. WTO
  4. Regional Economic Cooperation
Social Structure in India
  1. Multiculturalism
  2. Demographic trends
  3. Urbanization and Migration
  4. Gender Issues Joint family system
  5. Social Infrastructure
  6. Education
  7. Health and Environment
  1. Status & System of Education
  2. Socio-Economic Problems associated with Illiteracy
  3. Educational relevance and educational wastage
  4. Educational Policy for India.
Social Justice
  1. Problems of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes
  2. Socio-economic programmes for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and other backward classes.
Positive Discrimination in favour of the underprivileged
  1. Social Movements
  2. Indian Political Systems
  3. Human Development
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Q:   What is NABARD Grade A syllabus?


NABARD Grade A syllabus for prelims exam is given below:

Name of SectionTopics asked
Reasoning Ability
  1. Puzzles & Seating arrangement
  2. Syllogism
  3. Data sufficiency
  4. Statement based questions (Verbal reasoning)
  5. Inequality
  6. Miscellaneous Questions
  7. Input-Output
  8. Blood relations
  9. Coding-Decoding
Quantitative Aptitude
  1. Data Interpretations
  2. Quadratic Equations
  3. Number Sehonoursries
  4. Simplification/ Approximation
  5. Data Sufficiency
  6. Arithmetic Questions
  7. Quantity Comparisons
  8. Mathematical Inequalities
English Language
  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. Cloze test
  3. Sentence improvement
  4. Spotting the errors
  5. Fill in the blanks
  6. Sentence rearrangement
  7. Para Jumbles
  8. New pattern questions
General Awareness

The questions in this test will be from Current Affairs and Banking and Economy, Insurance. 

In Current Affairs, questions can be asked from recent appointments, awards, and honors, sports, new schemes, national and international news, the latest developments in Science and technology.

Computer KnowledgeThis section covers topics from various topics like Networking, Input-output devices, DBMS, MS Office, Internet, History of computers & generations, Shortcuts.
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Q:   What is NABARD Grade A marking scheme?


The marking scheme of NABARD Grade A is given below:

  • There is a penalty for wrong answers. For every wrong answer, 1/4 marks assigned to that question are deducted as a penalty in both prelims and Mains exams
  • The final selection is done based on the Mains exam and interview
  • Qualifying Sections in prelims exam are Test of Reasoning, English Language, Computer Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude, Decision Making
  • Merit Sections in prelims exam are General Awareness, Eco & Soc. Issues (with focus on Rural India), Agriculture & Rural Development with Emphasis on Rural India
  • Shortlisting of the candidates for the Mains exam is done based on marks scored in the merit section only
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Q:   What is NABARD Grade A exam pattern?


NABARD Grade A exam pattern for RDBS and Rajbhasha comprises eight sections. The duration of the test is 120 minutes and the total marks allotted to the exam are 200. The Mains exam of NABARD Grade A comprises two papers, Paper-I is an objective paper and Paper-II is both objective and descriptive papers. Paper-I will be held for 90 minutes while Paper-II will be held for 120 minutes. Each paper carries 100 marks. The Interview carries a total of 50 marks. The selection of candidates for P&SS post is done based on interview only.



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Q:   What is NABARD Grade A syllabus for Information Technology?


NABARD Grade A Mains syllabus for Information Technology is given below.

Information Technology
  1. Introduction to Software
  2. Data Structure through ‘C’ and ‘PASCAL’
  3. Elements of Systems Analysis and Design
  4. Numerical and Statistical Computing
  5. Data Communication and Networks
  6. Object-Oriented Computer Architecture
  7. Object-Oriented Systems
  8. Computer Fundamentals
  9. File Structure and Programming in COBOL
  10. Database Management Systems
  11. Software Engineering
  12. Accounting and Finance on Computers
  13. Operating Systems
  14. Intelligent Systems
  15. Relational Database
  16. Management Systems
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Q:   How can I change the NABARD exam center.


The prelims exam of NABARD Grade A is conducted at around 160 exam cities while the Mains exam is conducted at around 21 exam cities. The interview is conducted at region-wise NABARD offices. The exam centres selected by candidates cannot be changed under any circumstances.

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Q:   What is the full form of NABARD?


NABARD stands for National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development is the apex development financial institution in India that caters to the needs of the rural population by providing credit for agriculture and other economic activities in rural areas in India. Being one of the popular banks in the country, NABARD recruitment attracts thousands of youths every year who aspire to join the banking sector. The bank engages eligible candidates both on a regular and contractual basis.

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Q:   During my NABARD grade A online form, I filled wrong caste by mistake and now I've qualified the exam. How can I solve this problem?

There must be an option to edit the form if not pleas try to contact the college administrations and tell them that you will fill the correct information at the time of admission as it was only the form for entrance no need to worry But if you have selected any reserved category and you are selected according to that cut-off then do check cut-off for your category & do the needful.
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As of January 3, 2025, the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has not released the admit card for the Grade C examination scheduled for 2024. The most recent admit card issued was for the Office Attendant (Group C) exam, which took place on November 21, 2024.

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