WBCS Cut Off 2024 OUT(2023 Session): Prelims Cutoff Released, Previous Year Cutoff (Last 3 Years)

West Bengal Civil Service 2024 ( WBCS )

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Rachit Kumar Saxena

Rachit Kumar SaxenaManager-Editorial

Updated on Sep 12, 2024 17:20 IST

The WBCS Cutoff 2024 for the prelims 2023 session was released with the result. The West Bengal Public Service Commission released the WBCS Prelims result 2024 online on its official website - psc.wb.gov.in. The Commission released the roll numbers of 4,960 candidates who qualified for the WBCS main exam 2024 for the 2023 session. The WBCS Main exam 2024 (2023 session) was conducted from August 16 to 20, 2024. 

The WBCS Cutoff is influenced by the number of WBCS vacancies notified for the exam. A higher number of vacancies implies a low cutoff at each recruitment stage of the exam. The candidates need to check their category cutoff of previous years to know the efforts required to clear the exam. The candidates need to compare their marks calculated from the WBCS answer key and compare their marks with the cutoff.  WBCS cutoff is dependent on the difficulty level of the WBCS question paper. The Commission will arrive at the WBCS cutoff after arranging the candidates in the order of merit against the vacancies of the particular category. The Commission conducted the exam in offline mode. The Commission conducted the WBCS prelims exam on December 16, 2023.

Q:   What is the cutoff of WBCS Exam?


WBCS Cutoff 2023 has been released with the result. The West Bengal Public Service Commission selected 4,960 candidates for the WBCS main exam. The Commission will conduct the WBCS main exam 2024 from August 16 to 20. The Commission released the WBCS cutoff for all the categories. The candidates need to compare their marks with their category cutoff.

This year, the WBCS cutoff was dropped further marking that the question paper was difficult to solve.

In case they are not selected even after scoring better marks than their category cutoff, they should immediately report their case to the examination conducting body. The candidates should note that the candidates will be required to score better marks compared to the category cutoff to ensure their chances of getting selected for the exam. The Commission releases the cutoff for each category with the result pdf. The candidates need to score marks equal to or more than their category cutoff to clear the exam.

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Q:   How is the WBCS Cutoff calculated?


WBCS cutoff is calculated in a complex manner. The candidates need to understand that the WBCS cutoff is determined for each category separately. The following are the main factors which are considered int he WBCS Cutoff calculations:

  • Number of Applicants
  • Vacancies
  • Difficulty Level of Question Papers
  • Candidates' Performance in the exam

The West Bengal Public Service Commission (WBPSC) considers these factors, among others, to determine the WBCS cutoff marks for all categories.

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Q:   How WBCS vacancies affect cutoff of the WBCS exam?


The WBCS vacancies affect the WBCS selection process at every stage. The WBCS vacancies play a crucial role in arriving at the WBCS cutoff. In simple words we can say, higher vacancies implies higher candidates to be selected at each stage which consequently result in low cutoff in each stage.

The number of vacancies are inversely proportional to the WBCS cutoff at each stage.

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WBCS Prelims Cutoff 2024 (2023 Session)

The WBCS prelims cutoff 2023 dropped drastically marking that the question paper was difficult. WBCS 2023 prelims cutoff has been released with the results of the candidates. The Commission will release the WBCS 2023 prelims cutoff will depend on the difficulty level of the question paper. The candidates can see below the WBCS 2023 cutoff:

Category Marks
Unreserved 101.25 
Backward Class (A) 101.25 
Backward Class (B)  101.25 
SC 94.50 
ST 76.25 
PH - A 80.25
PH -B 57.00
PH - C 68.00
PH - D 3.75
MSP 77.75

Q:   Is the WBCS cutoff different for different stages exam?


Yes, the WBCS cutoff marks can vary for different stages of the selection process. The cutoff marks are determined separately for each stage of the WBCS exam, including the Preliminary Examination (Prelims), Main Examination (Mains), and Personality Test (Interview). Here's how the WBCS cutoff can differ for different stages of the selection process based on the provided sources:

The candidates should note that the WBCS cutoff vary from category to category too. Each stage of the WBCS selection process has its own cutoff marks, and candidates need to meet the specified cutoff to progress to the next stage. The cutoff marks are determined based on the performance of candidates in each stage and the overall requirements of the recruitment process

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Q:   Is there any normalisation of Marks in the WBCS exam?


No, there is no provision of normalization of marks in the WBCS (West Bengal Civil Services) exam. Normalization is a method used to adjust scores across different shifts of the exam to account for variations in the difficulty level of the question papers. This normalization process ensures fairness in evaluating candidates' performance across different exam sessions. 

The final merit list is based on the marks scored by the candidates in the main (written) and personality test conducted by the WBPSC.

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Q:   Are the WBCS Prelims marks considered in final WBCS Cutoff?


No, the marks obtained in the WBCS Prelims exam are not considered in the final WBCS cutoff for selection. The WBCS Prelims is a screening test, and candidates need to qualify it to appear for the Mains exam.

The final WBCS selection is based on the combined performance in the Mains exam and Interview round. The marks obtained in the Prelims do not contribute to the final merit list.

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WBCS 2024 Exam Dates & Schedule

Take a look at the table below for the complete schedule of WBCS 2024 exam

DatesUpcoming Exam Dates

Feb '25

WBCS Prelims Exam Date 2024

DatesPast Exam Dates

16 Dec '23

WBPSC WBCS 2023 Prelims Exam Date

How to Check WBCS Cutoff 2024 (2023 Session)

The candidates can check here the WBPSC WBCS cutoff 2023 for the 2022 prelims exam in the manner given below

  • Go to the official website of WBPSC - psc.wb.gov.in/
  • Go to the 'What's New' section on the left-hand of the home page
  • Click on the WBCS 2023 prelims result pdf 
  • Go to the last page of the result pdf
  • Here you can get the category-wise marks of the last selected candidate or the category-cutoff


Q:   What is the total marks in WBCS prelims exam?


The WBCS Prelims exam consists of a single paper called "General Studies" with a total of 200 marks.
The paper is divided into eight sections/topics, each carrying 25 marks:

  • English Composition: 25 marks
  • General Science: 25 marks
  • Current Events of National and International Importance: 25 marks
  • History of India (Ancient, Medieval, Modern): 25 marks
  • Geography of India with special reference to West Bengal: 25 marks
  • Indian Polity and Economy: 25 marks
  • Indian National Movement: 25 marks
  • General Mental Ability: 25 marks

So in summary, the total marks for the WBCS Prelims exam is 200, with each of the 8 sections carrying 25 marks each.

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Q:   How can I check the WBCS Prelims cutoff?


The West Bengal Public Service Commission releases the category-wise WBCS cutoff with the result. The Commission mention the post-wise cutoff with the result. The candidates can check the WBCS cutoff in the following manner:

  • Visit the official WBPSC website at wbpsc.gov.in.
  • Navigate to the "What's New" section on the homepage.
  • Click on the link for WBCS Prelims Cutoff 2023.
  • The category-wise cutoff marks will be displayed on the screen.
  • Save or download the cutoff PDF for future reference
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Q:   What is the significance of WBCS prelims cutoff?


The candidates should note that the WBCS Prelims exam is qualifying only and the marks secured in the prelims exam are not considered/added for the final selection. Irrespective of that, the WBCS prelims is the first stage of exam and it is mandatory to clear the prelims exam in order to appear in the main exam.

The WBCS Prelims cutoff serve as a threshold for the candidates to become eligible for the main exam. The WBPSC releases the WBCS cutoff for each category separately depending on the number of vacancies in each category.

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WBCS Cutoff - Determining Factors

WBCS cutoff depends on multiple factors, but the number of vacancies is the most important factor in determining the cutoff for the exam. Keeping the other factors constant, the number of vacancies is inversely proportional to the WBCS cut-off, which means the higher the number of vacancies, the lower the cut-off will be. WBCS 2022 vacancies were not released with the original notification. WBPSC will issue the WBCS 2022 vacancies in due time. WBCS result will mention all the details about the cutoff as no other official communication is done for the cutoff. 

Q:   Is there any negative marking in WBCS main exam?

Yes, there is a negative marking in the WBCS preliminary and main exams. In the main exam, the quantum of the negative marking is 10% of the marks assigned to the question. In the prelims exam, the negative marking is one by a third. It means that three incorrect questions can eat up the marks secured in the one correct answer and the result of those four questions will be zero. The negative marking makes the exam difficult. Negative marking was introduced to reduce the cases of guesswork in the exam.
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Q:   What is the marking scheme for the WBCS exam, and how are the questions weighted?


The WBCS exam follows a specific marking scheme where each correct answer in the exam is awarded one mark. In the Preliminary Exam, there are 200 multiple-choice questions, each carrying one mark. Additionally, in the Main Exam, there are eight papers with each paper carrying 200 marks, totaling 1600 marks for the entire exam.

The WBCS 2024 notification is expected to release soon by the West Bengal Public Service Commission.

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Q:   What are the three most important determinants for WBCS cutoff?


The WBCS prelims exam was conducted on December 16, 2023. The candidates can see below the three main determinants for the WBCS cutoff marks as following:

  • number of applicants,  
  • vacancies available, and 
  • the difficulty level of the exam

These factors play a crucial role in establishing the cutoff marks for the West Bengal Civil Service (WBCS) exam. A higher number of applicants may lead to increased competition and higher cutoff marks, while more vacancies generally result in lower cutoff marks. Additionally, the difficulty level of the questions directly affects the cutoff marks, with a higher difficulty level potentially raising the cutoff mark.

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WBCS Cutoff of Previous Years

The West Bengal Public Service Commission released the WBCS 2022 Prelims Cutoff for all the categories. The candidates can see below the WBCS 2022 cutoff for all the categories as mentioned in the WBCS result notice.

Category WBCS Prelims 2022 Cutoff Mark
Unreserved 130.39
Backward Class (A) 130.39
Backward Class (B)  130.39
SC 124.44
ST 104.37
PH – Suffering from Blindness/Low Vision 107.79
PH (Reserved for SC) - Acid attack victims/Cerebral Palsy/Dwarfism/Leprosy cured/Locomotor disability/Muscular dystrophy 83.45
PH - Hearing Impaired (Deaf & Hard of hearing)  102.15
PH - Autism/Intellectual Disability/Mental illness/Multiple disabilities/Specific learning Disability 18.98
MSP 108.81

The Commission released the WBCS 2022 main exam dates on July 7, 2023. The Commission released the WBCS answer key (final) on August 4, 2022.

The candidates should calculate their score from the official answer key to anticipate their chances of selection. WBCS cutoff is arrived after the exam and the minimum marks are mentioned in the official notification itself. The minimum marks are just like the eligibility of the candidate to get selected. It is a necessary condition for the selection of the candidate. The WBCS cut-off is arrived after the exam is conducted and it is unknown before the exam. If a candidate scores more than the minimum qualifying marks but less than the cutoff, he will not be selected. It is expected that the WBCS 2022 cutoff will be released with the official result pdf. The Commission will also release the number of candidates who cleared the prelims exam under each category. The WBCS prelims cutoff is expected to increase because the prelims paper was moderate in comparison to the previous years. WBCS cutoff decrease with the increase in the number of vacancies in the exam. The WBCS cutoff depends on the difficulty level of the question paper and the number of vacancies notified for the exam. The WBCS exam was conducted on June 19, 2022.  

The candidates can see below the official WBPSC WBCS cutoff of previous years to get the real picture of the exam. 

WBCS Cutoff 2020

The Commission released the WBCS 2020 cutoff for all categories and for each group of services. The Commission released the WBCS cutoff in the result pdf along with the roll number and the names of the candidates. The candidates can see below the category-wise cutoff for all Groups.

WBCS Group A Cutoff 2020 (Main)

The WBCS cutoff for Group A (Executive Service) is given below:

Category Marks
Unreserved 1117.00
Backward Class (A) 1073.67
Backward Class (B)  1082.00
SC 998.00
ST 909.67
SC(LD&CP) 909.33
PH(VH) 950.00
PH(HI) 882.33

The above marks include the total of main (written) and interview total marks of the candidates.

WBCS Group B (Police Service) Cutoff 2020 (Main)

The candidates can see below the WBCS Police Service Cutoff as released by the West Bengal Public Service Commission.

Category Marks
Unreserved 1113.00
Backward Class (A) 1144.67
Backward Class (B)  1075.34
SC 1022.33
ST 946.00

The candidates should note that there is no PwD category candidate selected in the WBCS Group B (Police Service). 

WBCS Cut off 2021 - Prelims

The commission released the cutoff for all the categories along with the result. See below the cutoff as given in the official result pdf.

Category Marks
Unreserved 121.67
Backward Class (A) 121.67
Backward Class (B)  121.67
SC 114.00
ST 94.33
PWD 101.67

The above details are taken from the official result notice.

WBCS Cutoff 2020 - Prelims

WBCS prelims cutoff was released along with the WBCS prelims result. The WBCS cutoff was given at the bottom of the WBCS result PDF. The candidates need to breach the cutoff mark to get promoted for the WBCS main exam. The maximum marks in the WBCS prelims exam are 200 because there is only one question paper of 200 marks. The official WBCS 2020 cutoff is as follows

Sl. No Category Cut off
1 Un-reserved 127.0000
2 Scheduled Caste 113.6667
3 Scheduled Tribe 98.3333
4 Other Backward Classes-A 119.0000
5 Other Backward Classes-B 122.0000
6 Physically Handicapped(PH-LV) 96.6667
7 Physically Handicapped(PH-HI) 90.0000
8 Physically Handicapped(PH-LD&CP) 107.0000

The WBCS cutoff is different from the minimum qualifying marks mentioned in the official WBCS recruitment notification.

See here: WBCS exam pattern

WBCS Cut off 2019 Group C (Written Exam)

The WPSC released the written exam cutoff for the WBCS Group C Service. The candidates can check here the category-wise cutoff below.

Category Group C
Unreserved 672.3333
Backward Class (A) 647.6667
Backward Class (B)  650.0001
SC 615.0000
ST 565.0000
PH (VC) 496.3333
PH-LDCP 606.3333
SC-PH-LDCP 542.6666

WBCS Cutoff 2019 (Final)

The WBPSC released the final cutoff for the Group A and Group B services. The commission released a category-wise cutoff along with the WBCS Result list. The candidates can check the respective cutoffs for Group A and Group B services. 

Category Group A Group B
Unreserved 1037.8332 1025.6667
Backward Class (A) 1005.6667 1011.3333
Backward Class (B)  983.6666 979.0000
SC 930.3334 934.3334
ST 888.6667 -
PH (VH) 841.0000 -

The WBCS cutoff is different from the minimum qualifying marks mentioned in the official WBCS recruitment notification.

See here: WBCS exam pattern

WBCS cutoff is arrived at after considering the number of vacancies and candidates who score above the minimum qualifying marks. The WBCS cut-off is the minimum marks required to get promoted/selected in the WBCS exam. WBCS cutoff is based on the marks secured by the candidates calculated based on the final WBCS answer key released by the WBPSC. The candidates should calculate their marks from the official revised answer key.

Q:   What was the WBCS 2020 Group A Cutoff for main exam?


The WBCS cutoff for Group A (Executive Service) is given below:

Backward Class (A)1073.67
Backward Class (B) 1082.00
SC (LD&CP)909.33
PH (VH)950.00
PH (HI)882.33
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Q:   What was the WBCS 2020 Group B (Police Service) Cutoff for Main Exam?


The candidates can see below the WBCS Police Service Cutoff as released by the West Bengal Public Service Commission.

Backward Class (A)1144.67
Backward Class (B) 1075.34
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Q:   What was the WBCS 2022 Prelims cutoff?


The candidates can see below the WBCS 2022 Prelims Exam Cutoff for all categories:

CategoryWBCS Prelims 2022 Cutoff Mark
Backward Class (A)130.39
Backward Class (B) 130.39
PH – Suffering from Blindness/Low Vision107.79
PH (Reserved for SC) - Acid attack victims/Cerebral Palsy/Dwarfism/Leprosy cured/Locomotor disability/Muscular dystrophy83.45
PH - Hearing Impaired (Deaf & Hard of hearing) 102.15
PH - Autism/Intellectual Disability/Mental illness/Multiple disabilities/Specific learning Disability18.98
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WBCS Cutoff 2024 FAQs

The candidates can see here important questions related to the WBCS 2024 exam cutoff.

Q:   How negative marking impact the WBCS cutoff?


The WBCS 2023 prelims exam had a negative marking of 1/3, which means that 3 incorrect answers will eat up the marks scored by 1 correct answer. This negative marking system can lead to a higher cutoff as candidates need to be more cautious while answering questions to avoid losing marks due to incorrect answers.

Additionally, the negative marking of 0.25 marks for each incorrect answer implies that each four incorrect answers will result in the loss of one correct answer's marks. This system can significantly affect the cutoff marks as candidates need to balance their speed and accuracy to maximize their scores.

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Q:   Is there any relaxation in the WBCS cutoff for candidates belonging to reserved categories?


No, there is no relaxation in the WBCS cutoff for the reserved categories. The competition lies within the category and the process of arriving at the cutoff is same for all categories. The Commission calculate the WBCS cutoff for each category separately.

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Q:   What is the passing percentage in WBCS exam?


The passing percentage in the WBCS exam is approximately 0.10%. The full marks for the WBCS exam vary based on the category of the candidate and the specific exam cycle. For example, in the WBCS Prelims Exam 2022, the cut-off marks were as follows:

  • General: 130.39 Marks
  • OBC-A: 130.39 Marks
  • OBC-B: 130.39 Marks
  • SC: 124.44 Marks
  • ST: 104.37 Marks
  • PH categories had varying cut-off marks.

The WBCS exam does not have a minimum qualifying mark; instead, the cut-off marks serve as the eligibility criteria for passing the exam. The cut-off marks are determined based on factors like the toughness of the question paper, total number of candidates, category of the candidate, number of vacancies, and average performance of candidates. Candidates who score equal to or higher than the cut-off marks qualify for further stages of the exam.

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Answered a month ago

No., the West Bengal Public Service Commission is expected to release the WBCS 2024 notification soon on the official website. The Commission will also mention the WBCS application dates in the official notification. The WBCS 2024 exam is scheduled to be conducted on December 15, 2024.

Rachit Kumar Saxena

Contributor-Level 10

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